In the interest of time, Square Enix should end its convoluted approach to Final Fantasy 7 Remake after Episode 3.
Future remakes should follow a simpler path to avoid losing veteran fans due to extended development timelines.
A departure from the Remake format could allow future remakes to be more faithful to the classic Final Fantasy games.
As the trend of video game remakes continues, many remakes find themselves failing to deliver. Final Fantasy 7 Remake and its sequels Final Fantasy 7 RebornIt is without a doubt the best example of a video game remake. Although both games take a lot of liberties in some areas to give players a more modern experience. Both games continue to be praised for their effortless ability to breathe new life into what is widely considered the best. Final Fantasy Forever Games Despite the popularity of these games, Square Enix may want to consider other routes for future remakes.
After seeing what Square Enix was able to accomplish, Final Fantasy 7 Remake and Final Fantasy 7 RebornIt would be perfectly understandable for anyone to want more of the same when it comes to other popular games in the game. Final Fantasy The franchise, however, is still controversial over the approach Square Enix is taking with its remake. Final Fantasy 7 It came to an end when the third and final entry of Final Fantasy 7 Remake The trilogy has been released. Especially in the interest of time and to keep the classic cars as faithful as possible. Final Fantasy The game, future remakes, should follow a different path.

Final Fantasy has the perfect blueprint for a spin-off in another Square Enix franchise.
A Final Fantasy spin-off could go in an interesting direction if it used another Square Enix franchise as a blueprint for its premise and mechanics.
How Square Enix Made Final Fantasy 7 Should Be Ended After Part 3
Future Final Fantasy Remakes should take a simpler approach in the interest of time.
First, it was smart for Square Enix to leave. Final Fantasy 7 Remake A background guide for future remakes just for the sake of time. If developers will use the same method in the future. Final Fantasy Remake Many fans of the series may have been long gone by the time their favorite installment was remade, for context. Final Fantasy 7 Remake Launched in 2020 as well. Final Fantasy 7 Reborn Following in 2024 if the same timeline is used for the third entry in Final Fantasy 7 Remake The trilogy won't arrive until 2028 at the earliest.
In the interest of time and to remain as faithful to the classics as possible. Final Fantasy The game, future remakes, should follow a different path.
After that, the first installment of the next Final Fantasy The remake probably won't debut until 2032, with the final installment of the trilogy set to release in 2040. Not only will that be 15 years from now, but it'll also be released in 2019. But we will still see only one more item. Final Fantasy Newly created and because there are many Final Fantasy A game worth a remake Final Fantasy 6– Final Fantasy 8and Final Fantasy 9 – at Final Fantasy 7 Remake These game development approaches would take too long.
Future Final Fantasy Remakes could benefit from more honesty.
Another reason Square Enix might want to consider leaving Final Fantasy 7 Remake The theme behind this is the slight criticism the first two games of the trilogy received for deviating from the original games. For example, both Final Fantasy 7 Remake And the game's sequel has taken notable liberties when it comes to the original game's narrative by changing key plot points. And they also show the original. Final Fantasy 7The characters' characters and their relationships with each other in different lives. This has resulted in a heated debate among fans of the franchise.
If Square Enix were to leave Final Fantasy 7 Remake It might make it easier for the remake to remain faithful to the classic version. Definitely a lot Final Fantasy 7 Newcomers are unlikely to have to put up with the remake much due to its lack of history with the original game, which is something Square Enix definitely had to consider when developing it. Final Fantasy 7 Remake The trilogy, however, has more than enough reason for the next one. Final Fantasy A rebuild (assuming there will be one) to approach development in a way that creates a better presentation of the original experience it was intended to be an overhaul of.