Palm World It's a survival game where a lot of time is spent exploring the open world to gather resources and survive. The main element of the game is catching friends. This will help you in many ways, such as helping you gather resources. Perform tasks at your base and even join in battle with you

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With each new update The game will add a lot of new content, especially new friends. The latest update brings an all-new map with unique challenges, biomes, resources, and friends to conquer. One of the new friends you'll meet is Cryolinx Terra.
Where to find Cryolinx Where can I get Terra?
Cryolinx Terra is Ground type Friends who can be found On Faybreak Island– However, you will need your character to be at least 50 and fully equipped before attempting to reach the island. Because it is a high level area
This was probably one of the first new friends. that you will meet and can be found at The northern edge of the island is near the fast travel point known as Scorched Ashland.– Here you will find several Cryolinx Terra.
- The coordinates are -811, -828.
Cryolinx Terra is often found. Around the edge of the islandIncluding the north, west and east near the beach.
Catching this fellow is better than defeating it. Defeating it will only drop ore.which are easy to find in the open world If you want to catch it Its health is decreasing. and Use the legendary sphereProperly from behind to increase your chances of success.
Once captured, Cryolinx Terra will be a great asset to your base. With Third level: Mining and transportationas well as Second level loggingIdeal for gathering resources, you can Assign it to a rock site, quarry site, or logging site.and will also handle the transfer of the collected products.
Like many of its friends in the game, Cryolinx Terra doesn't have a fixed location. Although the area near the express travel hall is convenient, But the map below highlights orange zones showing all possible locations where you can find this friend.

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Ready for battle? Night Mary is waiting!