During The Game Awards that many people have been waiting for Wizard 4A trailer for the film has hit the big screen, revealing Ciri as the new protagonist. It looks like this is just the first step in the next phase of the series. Because there are rumors about the developer's plans to create a trilogy about the legend of Ciri.
Among the teasers, CD Projekt Red has given its fan base A series of images featuring coins is becoming a topic of debate and causing intense speculation. Sebastian Kalemba, Game Director of Wizard 4 Project released the first image of the coin after announcing that the game has entered full production. since then More and more project developers have been teasing the community with images of these coins. It is not clear what this coin represents. Including the impact on upcoming games. Because most related posts have no context.

Estimating Ciri's age in The Witcher 4
The Witcher 4 clearly takes place after The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, but a few factors make it possible to speculate on Ciri's age.
The coin tends to nod to elements synonymous with The Witcher franchise.
Much of the discourse surrounding the coin's shared image emanates from the detailed runes engraved on it. There is a crescent shape running along the edge of the coin. And in the center of the coin was decorated what looked like a mountain with an entrance beneath it. At the top was the sun, which was partially obscured by the moon. Letting out a dying light across the sky
Although these elements are interesting, But this isn't the first time these elements have appeared. witch Franchise When the official artwork for Gwent came out for the standalone game in 2020, it featured many similar elements (mountains, moons, and cave entrances), with the eclipse being the only exception.
It's also worth noting that Sebastian Kalemba is the art lead for the game Gwent, which may explain some of the similarities. On his X account (formerly Twitter), Sebastian revealed the other side of the coin, which reads: “Days and nights pass and blood remains the same” in Tolkien's runes.
Although it is up for debate what that line refers to. But the monster shown in the trailer reaffirms to Ciri that fate cannot be changed no matter how hard one tries.
The coin may represent an important plot point in Witcher lore.
Among all the speculations The most widespread assumption links the eclipse on the coin with the Curse of the Black Sun. Also known as the black sun. The prophecy of the sorcerer Eltibald describes an eclipse that signals the beginning of the end of humanity. According to him, sixty girls will be born under this black sun. And the curse will transform them into treacherous monsters that will facilitate the return of Lilit, the goddess of the night and the end of the world.
Doubt surrounds the accuracy of the prophecy. Many suggested that the words were just the ravings of a madman, and so the prophecy was eventually called the Mania of Mad Eltibald. However, the writings of the Dauk menhirs, Wozgor's tombstone, and the legends of the aretots lend credence to the words. Eltibald's Prophecy
Each legend describes Lilith and the end of the world controlled by sixty women wearing golden crowns born under the black sun. This is because there is significant overlap between the prophecy and the coin image. So there is a reason like that. Wizard 4Coin references may indicate disclosure.
Another speculation that has caught the attention of the fan base is that the coin is a reference to the upcoming Conjunction of the Spheres. Coins with images of celestial bodies and rocks It can be interpreted as representing an arrangement of closely stacked stone pillars. This is in contrast to the mountain paintings from the previous theory. This catastrophic event takes place 1,500 years before the events of the story, when the kingdoms of the multiverse collided. It will be interesting to see what direction CDPR eventually turns. Because these are several storytelling devices that could create a potential Ciri trilogy.

Wizard 4
The Witcher IV is a single-player open world RPG from CD PROJEKT RED, at the beginning of a new chapter in the saga. Players take on the role of Ciri, a professional monster hunter. and begin your journey through a dark and brutal fantasy world. Powered by Unreal Engine 5, it aims to be the most immersive and ambitious open-world Witcher game to date.