The ultimate sword deals high damage.

With all the weapons available in Monster Hunter NowThere are only a few people like Great Sword– This large chopper can deal massive damage to unsuspecting monsters with every swing, although it can be a rather unwieldy tool due to its size.

in order to have meaning Monster Hunter Now Creating a great sword You will have to slow down the enemy. This is thanks to the updates that have followed since its release. As a result, some monster material fragments now allow you to craft sleep-based weapons, however you'll need the appropriate skills to trigger sleep frequently. So here are all the equipment you need to create the best structure.


Monster Hunter Now: Crafting Hammers for High Damage

Every option for the best hammer in Monster Hunter right now, along with armor and related abilities and skills via Driftstones to craft.

The best Monster Hunter now makes awesome swords

Monster Hunter now creates a mighty sword: The hunter is about to attack with the great sword.

while the best Monster Hunter Now The long sword's structure focuses on poison attacks. The Greatsword works best with a different element: Sleep. You'll need to face one relatively rare monster to fully build this build. But you'll be able to fight more common monsters to buy a lot of equipment.

The full Monster Hunter now makes awesome swords.




ruffle blade

  • Element: Sleep

  • Evade Extender I (Grade 8)


Nightshade Paolumu Hat

  • Rude Awakener I (Level 5)

  • Rude Awakener II (Level 8)

  • Driftstone Channel (Grade 8)


Letter Tzitzi-Ya-Ku

  • sneak attack status (Grade 2)

  • The Great Dodger (Grade 4)

  • Driftstone Channel (Grade 5)


Tzitzi-Ya-Ku Vambraces

  • Status Sneak Attack I (Grade 2)

  • Sneak Attack II Status (Grade 4)

  • Driftstone Channel (Grade 5)


Sitsi-Ya-Ku Coil

  • Escape the extension (Grade 2)

  • Sneak Attack Status (Grade 4)

  • Driftstone Channel (Grade 5)


Nightshade Paulumu Greaves

  • Rude Awakener (Level 5)

  • sneak attack status (6th grade)

  • Driftstone Channel (Grade 5)


There aren't many options for Sleep-focused Great Swords. Monster Hunter NowBut one thing that must go is ruffle blade– This will help you be more useful. Avoid extensions A skill you can use to gain distance after dodging attacks. This isn't one of the key skills you need to build successfully. But it can make defense a lot easier with the Great Sword. You'll need to hunt Somnacanth to get the materials for this weapon.

The monster hunter now makes a great sword: Nightshade Paolumu, which has black fur with red spots and a green ring around it, is about to attack.

Helmets and guards

Most of this build comes from the monster introduced in the first paid event: Nightmare Paolumu. This will give you better weapon parts and skills at your disposal. Including all three levels. A rude awakenerThis increases the damage you deal by 100% for the first hit made against the sleeping monster. Nightmare Paolumu is a bit more common these days. But it can take a while for them to appear for events or as rare eggs in seasons after defeating them in main story missions.

Mail, Gloves and Coil

The rest of the structure is focused primarily on giving you points. sneak attack status A skill that, thanks to Maximization, allows us to increase it to guarantee sleep every time you attack from behind. You will also get the point. Avoid extensionsas well as The great dodger To help avoid attacks, Tzitzi-Ya-Ku is the target for many of these pieces. And luckily, it's much more common with paintball tracking systems.

Best Monster Hunter Now Awesome Sword Drift Slots

Monster Hunter Now Craft a mighty sword: Driftstone smelter combines it with ore and armor to create new equipment.

This build has the slight advantage of having relatively low requirements to unlock all Driftstone slots. Enter five fields. sleep attack Best of all, however, you can use it to increase your dodging abilities. The great dodger and Avoid extensions Or buff the damage you deal to monsters every time you attack them from behind. covert attack

  • sleep attack – Increased weapon sleep accumulation value by 50 at rank 1 and 150 at rank 5. (blue only)
  • covert attack – Increases damage dealt to monsters when attacked from behind by 10% at rank 1 and 30% at rank 5. (only pale)
  • The great dodger – Makes evasion easier Slightly easier at #1 and significantly easier at #5. (blue only)
  • Avoid extensions – Extended dodging distance Very slightly at #1 and massively at #5. (only pale)
Monster Hunter now has front cover tags.


transparent phone


September 14, 2023

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