The strongest spirits in manga, ranked

Important points

  • Mai Kawabanga becomes a guardian spirit to protect Rin after a tragic accident.
  • Earthbound Spirit Crab mates with Turbo Granny to fight before being driven away.
  • Umbrella Boy A yokai that is unstoppable when pushed to fight.

Yukinobu Tatsu's Dundadan tells the story of two teenagers and their friends as they embark on supernatural adventures to protect the people they love and sometimes even the world. This funny and engaging series has many metaphysical themes. Including dangerous spirits with evil intentions towards friendly yokai who are looking for their loved ones. Each spirit presents a new challenge to the Deuteragonists, Momo, and Ogarun, testing their determination and courage. This list ranks the strongest spirits in manga to understand their impact on the series.


Dandadan: the best characters in manga, ranked

Dandadan manga is home to many great characters. But some may definitely be better than others.

8 Mai Kawabangka

Onbusuman-type yokai who become guardian spirits.

  • Debut manga: 123
  • Classification: Guardian Spirit

Mai Kawabanga was once a cheerful and ambitious girl who wanted to be an idol. She became close friends with Rin when their group of friends started training together. However, they fell out due to a misunderstanding. Before Mai realizes Rin's situation and apologizes for the incident. She died in a horrific accident.

After her death, Mai Kawabanga became an Onbusuman type yokai bound to Rin. When Momo and friends Know about her situation They helped cleanse her by transforming Mai into a guardian spirit.

7 Dumped Spirit Crab

Soul bound to the tomb

  • Manga Launch: Chapter 5
  • Classification: Earthbound Spirit

Earthbound Spirit Crab is a spirit that appeared inside a tunnel in Shono City as a result of the murder of several innocent young girls. It took on the shape of a giant freshwater crab and stayed there until Turbo Granny found it. 100 km/h Granny consoled her, and the two forged as one. The Earthbound Spirit Crab became Turbo Granny's guardian and fought. together until Momo and Okarun repulse them with the help of Seiko Ayase.

6 Silky Acrobatics

A troubled mother who becomes heartbroken and lost in spirit.

  • Manga Launch: Chapter 13
  • Classification: Yokai

Silky Acrobat is a yokai that stalks Aira. Shiratori from a young age When the two met for the first time many years ago The spirit was lost and there was a long feeling that she had forgotten something important. Meeting Ira sparks Silky's acrobatic maternal instincts born from her painful human life.


Dandadan: Silky Acrobatics Explained

The tragic story of a Silky Acrobat's dismal life and final redemption is a hallmark of Dandadan's storytelling. What makes it stand out?

When Silky Acrobats Were Just Humans She is experiencing financial problems. As a single mother She wants her daughter to have a comfortable life. Although she did odd jobs, her expenses eventually put her in huge debt. When the creditors lost their patience, they kidnapped her daughter. When separated from the only person who saved her life A Silky Acrobat Takes Her Own Life and Becomes a Yokai

5 Umbrella Boy

Futa, Unji Suma's younger brother.

  • Manga debut: Chapter 153
  • Classification: Yokai

Growing up, Unji Zuma and his family struggled with abject poverty. and will cling to the hope that they will be found. Futa, Unji's younger brother, treasures the rain boots and umbrella his mother gave him and carries them with him wherever he goes. One day it was windy and raining. The umbrella fell out of his hand. and in an attempt to get it back Futa accidentally sank into the river.

Years later, Unji is reunited with his brother. Who is now the yokai known as Umbrella Boy. Unlike most other spirits, Umbrella Boy is known to be very sweet. until pressured to fight After that I couldn't stop.

4 fairy tale cards

A selfish soul trying to free itself.

  • Manga debut: Chapter 148
  • Classification: Yokai

The Mythic Card is a dangerous yokai that was sealed away in Dunmunra in the past. Although the reason for his captivity is unclear. But the evil spirit eventually realized that it needed someone's help to break the seal. The Mythic Cards had created a kingdom within Dunmunra. Anyone who comes into contact with it will be teleported to a mysterious portal to carry out the Yokai's orders.

3 evil eye

An optimistic child turns into a spirit of genocide.

  • Manga Launch: Chapter 28
  • Classification: Yokai

Once upon a time, the Kito family locked up a gaunt and malnourished child. The plan was to offer him as a sacrifice to the Tsuchinoko, despite the dire situation. But the boy still hopes to play with other children. Once in a lifetime Sadly, his dream never came true as he was sacrificed soon after.


Dandadan: Evil Eyes Explained

The Evil Eye is known in many cultures. Especially in the Levant, but what in Dandadan?

After he died The boy turned into a yokai named Evil Eye. He has seen the sacrifice of many children over the years. and developed a deep-rooted hatred for humanity. When he was finally freed, Evil Eye swore vengeance and killed all humans.

2 Grandma Turbo

A notorious yokai who terrorizes humans.

  • Manga debut: Chapter 1
  • Classification: Yokai

Turbo Granny, also known as Granny, who runs at speeds of 100 km/h, is a famous spirit that has gained fame for terrorizing modern-day Japan. She walks around Island countries in East Asia Until she assimilated with an earthy spirit in Shono City, Turbo Granny remained there until she crossed paths with Okarun and Momo, after which her consciousness was trapped in a doll while her powers were sealed within Ken Takakura.

Although the 100km/h Grandma is famous for intimidating people, But she has been known to console the souls of young girls who died tragically. After losing his power She makes a deal with Momo and offers her help in finding Ogarun's missing Kintama.

1 Reiko Kashima

A narcissistic yokai that no one can defeat.

  • Manga Launch: Chapter 74
  • Classification: Yokai

Once upon a time, Reiko Kashima was just an ordinary human who tragically died in a plane bomb attack. Her untimely death cut short her dreams and aspirations of living a peaceful life with her loved ones. after her death She becomes a yokai and begins living in a dilapidated and desolate region in Kamigoe City.

Reiko finally musters power beyond her wildest imagination. and became one of the most terrifying spirits in existence. After Momo defeated her She vowed revenge and began following her, looking for the right opportunity when the Kur tried to invade Earth and began dropping bombs. The horrifying sight triggers memories of Reiko's previous life with anger. She single-handedly destroyed a military-minded alien race. This proves that she is the most powerful Yokai.


Release date
October 3, 2024

Saru Science

Yukinobu Tatsu

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