The Stone of Madness Review

As far as playing Stealth Games, real -time Stone of madness Is a unique art juristic person in the style But honestly with the mechanical players may expect to be found in the category Located in the 18th century Jesus Isitan monastery. Players found themselves both in God's homes and asylum for those who have mental problems. But not everything that looks like and while searching for a way to escape the truth behind the strange structure

Combined with the use of puzzles and mechanisms found in the past horror games with the art style that was inspired by the famous Spanish painter in the 18th century, and modern cartoonists tried to pin down. Stone of madness Not easy Its theme and religious settings are as quickly as the character design and the combination of consciousness, even though some aspects of the game and the story make me feel inaccurate and hungry. More

Developer in Game Kitchen Excel in creating a dark name that is full of religion with the name Metroidvania 2019. profane And sequels of the year 2023 Insult 2 Search for Chee Yo's voice for their vision and fighting style. Players control the characters that are called poetry in these games while in Stone of madnessThey began as Alfredo, a dedicated priest, imprisoned by an enthusiastic investigation to discover what was hidden in his sudden prison.

The Stone of Madness has an unbelievably unbelievable art style.

It is expected that over 15,000 games have been released in 2024, with the more creators throw their hats into the proverbs each year. Argue Stone of madness Failure to do so Its movie scene is polished and smooth. The measurement of the measurement is detailed with realism and its characters are far from the cookie cutter.

These things are not young, and Pippi, which are expected to be found in modern names. Axnes is an old woman who has the feeling that she sees too much, while Edrdo is a middle -aged man who shot by his torture in the wall of asylum. While the players progressed in the end, they found themselves in a five enthusiastic party, which everyone brought the skills to upgrade and fear to the group. The latter is extremely important and where Stone of madness Sparkling due to fear may cause more damage than any prison guards that are hoped to be Disappointed. The interaction between most games between the characters lacks sound. Although this is not a big problem But it may cause some time to spread and paragraphs more remarkable.

Leonora is the only member of the party that can hurt the guards directly. But she is afraid of some things that are common in the monastery as the main light source. If there is a light close to her goal, she can't attack and her consciousness begins to slowly flow out if she is too close to the flame. Amelia pocketing a man who was afraid of Gargoy at the same time, while Alfredo was afraid of the dead body and Edrdo was afraid of darkness. Trying to avoid the fear of the characters at the same time. Stone of madness Going to the next game, sometimes I feel like I get angry with myself.

The stone of madness can cause anxiety.

Play Stone of madness Roguelike uses the turn quickly. The darkest dungeon And named GameCube 2002 Eternal darkness In both hearts, including Phobias and their consciousness in their game As the more annoying details about the monastery began to be brighter, the captured by the guardian seems to be less than the inconvenience and the execution sentence and the increased bets contribute to the anxiety. Due Stone of madness– While running the game for a short time, I have to rest many times to calm my nerves.

The main story of The Stone of Madness takes about 15 hours to complete. But the perfect actors can expect up to 30 hours to play the game.

After the success of gathering all five members of the game, the player can go back to the cell every night to upgrade the ability of each character to talk about strategies and arrange any materials collected during day The game also helps you choose members of the party you want to explore the next day. It is attractive to choose a more violent Leonora and Eduardo that is powerful every time. But they are not always the best options, especially in the game that smuggling is a key. When choosing some actions Stone of madness Showing pictures, not words, and sometimes it takes a little time to decide what the image on the screen tries to explain. In addition, some actions take more time than others, although sometimes this is not too late and the guardians have noticed before you have time to do what you do or run away. The latter may be more features than an error, increasing the challenge of the name, although it is frustrating for those who have the easiest problem.

Stone of madness Not a game for everyone But it is difficult to ask even more smart players. The game that is quite strange and disturbing the art model is still the highest point, and even those who are not familiar with the name of real -time tactical strategies may find the story of the game and set the value that is interesting enough to stick to it. End Despite meticulous control But it is clear that the team behind the game, the hearts and spirits into each frame full of detailed and unbelievable care. Stone of madness There is a way to change the frustration of the players into hopelessness, every step is similar to the truth to increase the adrenaline and the desire to not give up. The monastery is hiding something that is truly horrible, and the only mystery is worth it to delve into the latest Game Kitchen's launch.

Madness Tag page cover

Check on PC


January 28, 2025


Game kitchen

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Unique style of art and settings
  • The unique fear of each character makes the puzzle more challenging.
  • A variety of difficulty levels makes the game access for players at all levels.
  • Control may sometimes be meticulous.
  • Lack of performances with more emotional conversations

Stone of madness Launched January 28, 2025 for PC, PlayStation 5, Switch and Xbox Series x. RANT received the PC code for this inspection.

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