- dragon ball It introduces enormous and terrifying changes that can devastate enemies.
Some notable changes include Super Saiyan Rage, Super Saiyan Rose, and Destroyer Form.
Frieza's third form, Super Perfect Cell and Mutated Fused Zamasu, is one such terrifying transformation.
dragon ball Starting out as an adventure manga before the allure of fierce battles became too much to resist for Akira Toriyama, a smooth transition to anime followed and introduced some of the series' most distinctive elements. to Remarkable change which has become a main series

Dragon Ball Super: Ages, heights, and birthdays of every main character.
The cast of Dragon Ball Super continues to expand following the series' mainstay. Here's what you need to know about the most important characters.
Most of the changes seen in the series are monumental and inspiring. while other parts creating fear among fans These terrible changes It's not a joke. And they can kill any enemy unlucky enough to stand in the way of the one who unlocks their terrifying power.
Super Saiyan Rage
Future Trunks' anger boils over as he transforms into a powerful and vengeful Saiyan.
- First release: “Zamas' Ambition: The Story of 'Project 0 Humans' of Terror” (Chapter 61 of Dragon Ball Super–
After being beaten countless times by Goku Black and Zamasu, Trunks couldn't take it anymore. His anger exploded as he recounted all the pain his malicious partner had done to him. Allowing the Saiyan to unlock new levels of power on his terms.
Watching Trunks' apprentice disappear as he vents this anger and unlocks new transformations is terrifying but epic at the same time. As the series continues The changes are easier to digest, but many fans still remember how terrifying everyone's favorite Saiyan looked when he finally had enough of Zamasu's torment.
Super Saiyan Rose
The evil version of Goku is even more powerful.
- First release: “Rematch with Goku Black! Enter Super Saiyan Rose.” (Episode 56 A Dragon Ball Super–
Seeing Goku Black in the flesh is suitably creepy. But this Saiyan brings something more to the table. Goku's true form looks stunned as his evil clone reveals his newest Super Saiyan form, powered by holy ki.
This allows Goku Black to use his energy scythe and stab enemies with pure ki swords. It's a heartbreaking form that gets in the way of the Saiyan in their first encounter. But Goku and Vegeta retreated to their own timelines and trained to surpass Black Goku's powers.
Destroyer form
The power of the God of Destruction turns humans into terrifying demigods.
- First release: “Commander's Appearance! The Appearance of Top the Destroyer!” (Episode 125 A Dragon Ball Super–
The God of Destruction is an impressive creature. Beerus makes it clear that he is not to be trifled with when he appears. battle of gods– So it's easy to see why Beerus' deadly power is so terrifying.

Dragon Ball: Best Team Battles, Ranked
Viewers have seen many team-ups throughout the Dragon Ball franchise, this is the best of the best.
Toph is the leader of the Pride Troopers, and he shows off his strength well before the Tournament of Power begins. However, what makes this warrior so terrifying is the fact that he can summon the power of a god. Destroy it to unlock a form that makes him one of the strongest characters in the series. Without Vegeta's enhanced Super Saiyan Blue form, He would be easily defeated by this worthy enemy.
Frieza's third form
Tyrant becomes a twisted version of a Xenomorph.
- First release: “Freeza's Second Transformation” (Episode 82 of. Dragon Ball Z–
When Frieza finally decides to join the battle after having enough Z Warriors, they are left speechless by his sheer power. His entire appearance looked terrifying. But his third stage of transformation was especially frightening.
This appearance inherits the iconic Xenomorph from AlienWith Frieza looking more otherworldly than ever. This form didn't last too long before it was eventually replaced by his final transformation. But the tyrant was as terrifying as ever in his third form. As he shows the heroes how deep they really are.
Super Perfect Cell
Cell is back and stronger than ever. Bring fear to the Z warriors.
- First release: “A Hero's Farewell” (Episode 188) Dragon Ball Z–
Gohan flaunts his Super Saiyan 2 form and gives Cell the opening he needs to unleash a Hail Mary attack that will destroy the entire world. However, Goku swoops in at the last second. By sacrificing yourself with instant data transmission techniques to save the world.
However, the Z Warriors were helpless when Perfect Cell reappeared. It seemed stronger and more terrifying than ever before. He wasted no time in killing Trunks and was about to send his father to the afterlife as well. Only Gohan can help Vegeta with his arms. What follows is a beam clash for the ages as Gohan musters all of his strength and takes out Super Perfect Cell, with Vegeta providing crucial assistance to help save the day.
Mutant Zamasu
The hasty fusion had a disastrous effect on Zamasu when he was cut in half by Trunks.
- First release: “maneuver! The Miraculous Power of a Warrior Who Never Gives Up” (Chapter 66 of Dragon Ball Super–
Zamasu was threatening enough as it was. and fusion with Goku Black makes him a seemingly unstoppable foe, however, when Goku explodes the right side of his face during a clash. Something strange happened, which made this villain even more terrifying than before.

8 Dragon Ball Characters Who Can Beat Broly
These Dragon Ball characters can defeat Broly in battle.
Zamasu's incomplete immortality began as he gradually Transformed into a mutated mess that was even more vicious than ever before, even after Future Trunks cut him in two. His evil has taken over the world and would have overwhelmed the heroes had it not been for Future Zeno's timely interruption.
big monkey
This form drives untrained Saiyans crazy.
- First release: “Wish for the Eternal Dragon” (Part 12 of dragon ball–
at Great Monkey Form It's not a joke and is considered the first change in dragon ball– Watching the mild-mannered Goku transform into the beast that killed his grandfather was terrifying to witness in a show that was otherwise lighthearted.
However, the true terror of the Great Ape form is seen when a Saiyan can control himself in this form. Vegeta shows what the Great Ape form can be in the right hands. By crushing Goku's bones. and won a decisive victory at the end of the conflict. If Gohan and Krillin hadn't come to help the protagonist. Goku probably threw up at that moment.
Legendary Super Saiyan
Watching Broly turn into a monster was terrifying.
- First release: Dragon Ball Z: Broly – Legendary Super Saiyan
The first appearance of the legendary Super Saiyan form was a treat for fans. Remembered with fondness to this day. No matter how irrational Broly's motives were before he was taken into custody again. Seeing him transform into an enemy stronger than ever before was a terrifying moment. and followed by a long period of defeat.
This makes it all the more disappointing to see this formidable threat wiped out with a single punch at the end of the film. However, the legendary Super Saiyan form continues to make waves. It is one of the most frightening changes. dragon ball– even in dragon ball Awesome!This form is still quite frightening, even if the threat is only slightly reduced.