The most sad squid game

Hundreds of people died in each season. Squid gameBut these deaths are more sad than others, such as the situation that leads to the characters that compete in the game or the time that leads to their death. Some dramas can draw the hearts of the audience.


The worst squid game player is

Some people do for other squid games, such as players specified here, not suitable for challenges.

The saddest death in Squid game In general, it belongs to the characters that fans like, but there are one or two characters that have dead people. Some people are betrayed by the people who are closest to them, while others put their lives so that others can survive a little longer. As a result, many tear is the result of their passing.


Player 069

Player 069 (squid game 33)


Quite the most sad Squid game Death involves characters that have been heavily developed. But there are great exceptions for this during the first season. The audience never learned the name of the player 069 and they couldn't find him too much. In addition to the fact that he and his wife are competing to try to clear their debt.

Both of them succeeded in the first three games by working together. But it is their decision to do so again in the fourth game that leads to their death. The players 069 won his wife during marble. But in doing so, he lost his intention to live. Consumption by guilt and pain from his loss. The 069 player ended with his own life, so it emphasizes the violent emotions that marble games can have with players.



240 players (squid games 33)

Squid game

Like the wife of the player 069 and many others. 240 players meet her while playing marble. But instead of competing and allergic to Ji-Yeong, choose to sacrifice himself so that SAE-BYOK can survive. Although the death of the back a few episodes later made this sacrifice quite a goal. But didn't make it less sad

The most popular Squid game The characters tend to be developed in many episodes. But the development of all Ji-Yeong's characters can be found in part 1, when GGANBU, her conversation with Sae-Byeok did a lot to explain her personality and almost felt like a confession that was about to die. As a result, when she thanked Sae-Byeok who played with her, it could be difficult to shed tears.


Oh Mal-Soon

Gi-hun's mother


Most of the saddest deaths Squid game It happened at the Titula game. However, there was one or two deaths in the outside world, one of which belongs to the elderly's elderly mother. Her death will occur outside the screen, resulting in more impact.

Mal-Soon uses her fingers to the bones to survive and support the son who always steals money from her, causing her to be heartbroken and worried. Finally, when she was ill due to complications from diabetes, GI-HUN, there was no place to find OH Mal-Soon alone without knowing what had happened to her son.


Kim Jung-Ra

Gi-hun loan shark


In addition to attacking those near him, GI-Hun's gambling caused him to borrow a large amount of money from the shark to borrow Mr. Kim, and finally it was a debt that led to participation in the game. As a loan shark, the audience will lead to the fiction that Kim is scary. But while this may be true to a certain extent, he is still far from redemption.

In Season 2 of Squid gameGi-Hun shows that working with Mr. Kim with the hope of following the broker. In the end, it was successful, even if soon he was captured by the Psychologist DDAKJI and forced to participate in the game of two dangerous players, along with one of his followers. Choi Woo-Seok after panic. And Woo-Seok ended with a loss. But Mr. Kim decided to sacrifice himself by disqualified with the intention of showing that there was something good in him.


Park Jungbe

Player 390 (2024 Squid Games)

Jung-Bae looked at Gi-Hun while the man pointed the gun to his face in the game.

Due to faster rhythms and two episodes that are less than the 2nd season Squid game Does not have a very memorable character as the character leading In one of the best characters, not even the 2nd season due to the first Park Jung-Bae's appearance. In the period of the performance, the Red Light, Green Light, which Jung-Bae shows. Saw that it was one of the GI-HUN's gambling friends


The best character in the 2nd season of the Squid game.

The second season of the game Squid brings interesting characters together and these are the most interesting things to watch on the screen.

This friendship has been surveyed throughout the second season of the performance and shows that it is very basic from drug addiction in many ways. Jung-Bae is the best pilot that is willing to follow GI-Hun. To the end of the world if necessary Sadly, this is how he meets his manufacturer by Jung-Bae, one of the many people who were shot and killed during Ji Han failed.


Kang Sae-Byeok

Player 067 (squid game 33)


Most players in Squid game It is because of their bad life options. But this is not always the case After escaping from North Korea, Sae-Byeok decided to participate in the game so she could safely bring her brother to the border. This technical may be seen as a bad choice for her part. But only a few people argued that it was not a sacrifice

Although Gi-Hun was honored by his promise and helped Sae-byeok's brother, she didn't know whether he would come true with his words or even survived from the last game. This is sad, but the largest GUTSHOT comes at the time of SAE-byeok's death while the audience saw a girl told GI-Hun that she wanted to go home.


Oh Il-nam

Player 001 (squid game 33)

OH IL-NAM (O Yeong-su) on his death in the game Squid Game Season 1

It was true that the old man ended up being one of the bad guys and not really died at the end of GGANBU, but the time the audience was believed to believe that he was heartbroken. Although it was created on the foundation of lies But his bond with GI-Hun is strong on the surface, making him a character that fans like to that point.

The 001 player is a picture of a father that GI-Hun never has and always wants, which makes their decisions collaborating to be a more difficult rocky ball. Then GI-Hun tries to deceive the iL-nam to all the rocks. Of him shows that everyone has a dark side. About himself


Abdul Ali

Player 199 (squid game 33)


If there is no gi-hun, will die at first of Squid game– After saving his giant life, a gentle partner with the protagonist of the series and a few other players, which finally helped them survive in the next game. However, sadly, it is a partner that leads to Ali that paired with singing between marble.

Ali is one of the most kind characters in Squid gameBut his trust in his trust made him a target for Sang-Woo's deception after losing him fairly after changing Ali's rocks to the gravel to help his own skin. The greatest television forever Looking at Ali's face, when he realizes his mistakes, it is enough to destroy the hearts of many viewers. Squid game Characters to the present


Squid game

Release date

2021 – 2024



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