The anime combines route A and B are a strange perspective.
It renovated all five main ends to the anime.
The characters like Grün disappeared with important changes.
In February 2017, the game named Nier: automata Was released and it immediately took the world to the storm From the character, the mood swings to the world, Dystopian to a quick action to different stories to different ending. Players like everything about it, then in 2023, this symbolic game has been Finally modified anime Nier: Automata Ver1.1A

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These are the power of powerful characters in Nier: Automata Ver 1.1A. Ranked with strength and unique fighting ability.
While the general direction of the story is still the same The difference between the game and the anime adjustment From small things, such as the character's personality, more lively, to some important changes, such as changing the fate of the anime characters, there are slightly different differences. So in my heart, this is some. The largest change from Nier: automata Game Nier: Automata Ver1.1A Anime
A&B integration
Saw the story from two perspectives
Nier: automata Is a game that is determined to give a unique gameplay experience to players To do so, the game has different routes which lead to different ends. These are not an alternative by Regardless of what players do in the game, they will experience these different paths and ending to get a complete story. In fact, they think they are more like a script than the separation path or PlayThroughs.
While the route A and B are quite similar. The players will play two routes. This is a different character. The route A comes from the perspective of 2B, while the router B comes from the perspective of 9s, the anime includes both routes. This means that the audience will see the story that is resolved through the views of bothb and 9s at the same time. The anime explores some parts of the story through 2B, some up to 9s and some through both at the same time.
The ending ending
A total of five is one
Nier: automata There are five, the main ending and more than a dozen of rotation. Players will find any rotation cycle through their decisions in the game. But the important thing is that the end A via E. No need to say. It is almost impossible for the anime adjustment to create a five -type ending for one series.
As a result, the anime has improved everything to become the most suitable end of the story for the story. Nier: Automata Ver1.1A In particular, the end of the anime has some elements of Endings C, D and E, although the commands and details of the event are different from the original game.
No fighting with GRUN
There is no time for a little villain.
In the game, there is a enemy called Grun. It is an enormous machine that causes destruction and a lot of life loss. GRUN is inferior to the game, which means that its existence is not as important as an important enemy such as Adam. And Eve

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Nierry Replicant is a Remake that has been waiting for a long time, but the fans of the names and franchises. Overall, there are still questions to answer.
This may be one of the reasons that Kun is not part of the anime at all. The hero has never met GRUN and there is no big fighting either. The audience can see the shadow of Grun in the midst of the 2B and 9s flooded building. Meet the GRUN's enormous body stands still with the same destruction and destroyed.
Reference to the Nier and Drakengard series
Show respect for the previous generation
Nier: automata Is the sequel of the 2010 game called NearWhich in itself is the separator of the file Dragon Fortunately, there is no need to play the previous game because Nier: automata Occurred for thousands of years after the previous model and can stand by yourself. However, the anime set does something special that the game did not do, which includes a delicate reference previously. Near and Dragon set.
There are two outstanding references in the series. The first person was when 9s hacked into the Emil's head, which was stuck in a giant tree. There, he saw many characters from the game called Nier replicant Such as Kainé and Yonah Nier replicant Is a backup name for the original Nier. The second reference was when Adam went crazy and became a scary monster, which resembled a monster from a game called Nier Reincarnation. Which is the sequel of both Near game.
Bright personality
Let the characters show a variety of emotions.
Characters in Nier: automata Tend to be cold and serious When considering the majority of the characters, Androids, this gloomy personality is expected. However, this is not the case with the anime. The character of the character in Nier: Automata Ver1.1A More lively
The audience will see the cold nature of 2B and concern and the playful attitude of 9s but without mercy in the anime. Even a mysterious commander shows a variety of emotions that are not seen in the original game. One of the reasons that the audience saw a more lively personality is because the anime can focus on the interaction and development of the characters, which are different from the game, which needs to be prioritized. game
Pascal Backstory
The Life of the Senient Machine before the story of the game
Pascal is one of the important people in both the game and anime. His role, as a machine with a feeling of developing peaceful personality, is very important to the story of Nier: automata However, while it is true that Pascal is an important character in both the anime and the audience game will see him more in the anime.

Nier Automata Ver1.1A Episode 5: 2B and the discovery of peaceful enemies
After meeting Simone closely, Yorha Androids found himself conflicting with his own ethics again. Does the machine really be their enemies?
Pascal interacts with other characters and even fighting by their side in the anime. Not only that But the anime has also prepared a suitable backstory for his pascal from his time as an unconscious machine, until the time he felt and developed the personality that he created and managed his small village. Enter the life of Pascal.
Backstory of A2
The Life of the Rogue Android before the story of the game
Although A2 is one of the main characters in Nier: Automata, Players have never been given an opportunity to know more about her past, especially about her before the story of the story. It is true that there is a supplementary material that explains her backstory, but not everyone has time or desires to just know those materials to know more about A2.
That's why the anime decided to make A2 as the appropriate backstory. In the end, if the writer is happy to do that for Pascal, it is normal for them to do the same for A2 since the time she had contacted the resistance. Her participation in the mission of Descent Pearl Harbor for the first time that she became a hunter. The Yorha series said everything they had to know about A2's past.
The horrible fate of many characters
The anime has more deaths.
in Nier: Automata, Players interact with many characters. They have also decided the fate of some characters. However, mostly, when they finish their roles in the story, players will not see those characters again until the credit ends. More often, they are still alive and good.
That's not the case at all. Nier: Automata Ver1.1A– Things are more scary and intense in the anime. Which is different from the audience game that many characters lose their lives in the anime In fact, most of the supporting characters such as PASCAL, his village, Lily Jackass and the rest of the resistance, meet their death before the end of the series.
Lily exchanged places with sea anemia.
The fate of these two characters was switched.
Anemone and Lily are both leaders of anti – The difference is that the sea anemone is the leader of the money in the game, while Lilly is the leader of this rebel group in the anime. Both characters are both in the game and anime. But their fate is very different.

Nier Automata Ver1.1A: The cutest aspect of 2B and 9S relationships
Love is in the air this season and even Androids can fall in love with 9s and the attention of 2B is a proof that
In the game, Anemone is the leader of the resistance by Lily acts as one of the members of the Anemone to survive to the end, while Lily lost her life during the descendants of Pearl Harbor's descendants. However, in the anime anime is the leader of the resistance. But she died during the descendants from Pearl Harbor. As a member who survives Lily, it is assumed that the leadership position and responsible for a while, 2B and 9s met her.
Eve died instead of Adam.
The fate of these two characters was also switched.
Adam and his twin brother Eve is the next evolution of the machine style. They are not only But feel But can also learn at Breakneck and have the best fighting capabilities with Yorha Androids. They are an important enemy in both stories.
Both in the game and the anime Adam is the 2B enemy to fight to help 9s. However, this is where the differences began to appear in the 2B game. His In the anime Eve entered the last second to protect his brother. As a result, Eve died and Adam. Adam was consumed by RAGE soon and became an unconscious monster as previously mentioned in this program.
In an interview with Anipex Online Fest, Yoko Taro, one of the game creators said that he intended to give an anime from the game because of the same story. Two times boring for him. However, after a long conversation with the anime team, finally decided that the anime will follow the general story as the game. But there will be many changes here and there so fans can enjoy new things from Nier: automata The program in this show represents those important changes, but fans can find more if they dig deep into the game and anime.