The first chapter, Chapter 1138, one of the greatest theory series


  • Chapter 1138 Reveals Sharberus Cerberus Sword, Debunking, Blackbeard's Cerberus Fruit Theory

  • The ability of the Blackbear to use many devil fruit can be linked to his mysterious and stone power. D. XBEC

  • Disclosure of the champion's sword challenge the theory of fans about the unique power of Blackbear.

As the fans agree, most chapter 1138 of One -piece Is one of the greatest chapters in the history of the franchise This chapter shows one of the greatest legends in a series that not only But in the end, it was clarified about the void. But still talking about the previous time, it is called 'the first world'. This revelation happened earlier, but Chapter 1138 put in the context fully.

Due to the decline of this legend, many fans of One -piece Not too much to pay attention to the champions of the champions and Loki. Chapter 1138 has just shown the end of the conversation. But in doing so, revealing a great ability that is not only But the champions are unbelievably powerful But also prove the oldest and most important theory.


One Piece: Luffy is truly free?

Luffy dreamed of being a pirate king because of the freedom. But is he truly free from all control or is he part of the plan?

Blackbeard has no effect.

One One -piece The oldest theory

Blackbeard's first appearance

One -pieceChapter 223, “I promise not to fight in this city.”

The first appearance of champions

One -pieceChapter 1134, “The Owl Library”

Since his debut, Blackbeard has always been a mystery. The true scope of his power has never been surveyed. But it shows that he is the only one in all settings that can use more than once more than once, because eating 2 demon fruit killed other people who do so. The Marineford Blackbeard war used the power of Gura Gura no Mi from the body of WhiteBeard.

More than a decade later it has never been explained how much he can do. Marco said that his body is quite special. For this reason, the fans began to analyze the Blackbeard and everything about him, boat, pistol, etc., which leads to the popular Blackbear theory of Zoan Inu Inu Inu no Mi, model: Cerberus Devil. Fruit, which gives him the ability to work at home, fruit, demons 3 times at once without death. This is not only But will check with what he can do But also shows that he wants more

But as you know teaching is not normal! His body … strange may be explained!

This theory was the first time in his first appearance in Jaya Arc, in Luffy and Zoro. Both commented on his strange bodies, which referred to him, 'they' instead of 'him'. The Cerberus theory is complete. For many reasons, especially due to his connection with his number 3 and the connection of his heart to the moon and is the opposite of Luffy as the sun. This theory has been around for many years and becoming the most popular person involving him to the point that most fans believe that.

However, Chapter 1138 of the manga seems to throw this theory into the water. At the end of the conversation of Loki and St. Figarland Shamrock after revealing the power of his sword, many people believe that it is unbelievable as the highest weapon that belongs to the leader of the knights of the gods. However, it was stronger than everyone had previously thought.

It was revealed that the champion's sword has a mysterious Cerberus power, making it a large 3 -headed dog and many sword seedlings from the mouth, which he had stabbed Loki without mercy after flying away. As you can see back in the lobby, Funkfreed is possible for non -living objects, especially the sword to 'eat' the demon fruit and get their ability and can be ordered by their boss to Use them

The most possible case here is the Champion. Meet the Zoan Inu Inu no Mi, model: Cerberus Devil Fruit and use it on his sword to give power instead of doing it. This is not only But will make his sword stronger than he had previously thought But also gives him the immunity to the defects of the demon's ability, while there is still a haki of the conqueror at the same level as himself.


One Piece: The connection between Uranus and the sound of everything.

Uranus is an ancient weapon that fans know the least, so there are theories that are linked to the mysterious sound of everything!

So what is the Blackbear?

The secret behind his power

As far as Blackbeard is worried, it will take the fans back to Square 1 in terms of explaining who this man is and why he does what he does. Cerberus's disclosure makes other fans theory about Blackbeard's power. Clearly, it is more likely that people who talk about their relationship with shameful rocks. His Yami No Mi Devil Fruit has the main will or essence of the stone, which makes Black Black as the 'second body' that allows him to cook, fruit, demon 2.

On the other hand, there is something that the Blackbeard of the state is the return of the birth of the second lease in his life, allowing him to meet his goals that he cannot do in his first part in the world. In any case, it will be confirmed that Blackbeard will play one of the most important roles in playing in the game, ending the series.

One -piece Able to stream on crunchyroll

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One -piece

Release date

20 October 1999


Fuji TV


Hiroaki Miyamoto, Konosuke Uda, Junji Shimizu, Satoshi Itō, Munehisa Sakai, Katsumi Tokoro, Yutaka Nakajima, Kenichi O Maeya, Nozomndô ABE, Harume Kosaka, Yasuhiro Tanabe, Yukihiko Nakao, Keisuke Onishi, Junichi Fujise, Hiroyuki Satou

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