The Dragon Ball characters that ended in surprisingly weakness.


  • Energy level in Dragon Higher by the characters that can destroy the planets

  • Some characters such as Babidi, Monaka and Piccolo are shortened in power compared to other ones.

  • The characters like Dabura, Kibito Kai, Raditz and Nappa, despite the potential But is weak and easily lost

The most important number of characters in using the most energy Dragon Close the charts. The humble starting point of the series is left in the dust when the hero and the criminal are so powerful that they can destroy the whole planet without having to hit the eyes.


8 The most terrifying change in Dragon Ball

Changes have the same meaning as Dragon Ball, and while many people have an unbelievably epic, some are scary.

When considering that, it may be strange to see the characters that have legal laws, evil plans, or fight with the Z Warriors regularly, without the power that needs to be related to high bets. Despite all the contracts of these characters They are more easily lost.Which hurts these fans especially



For all powerful wizards, he can hardly control himself in the fight.

BUU choking Babidi

  • Launched: The Wizard's Curse (part 220 from Dragon Ball Z

The dark wizard has issued a law of evil plans to restore Majin Buu. Babidi It seems that the characters that can bend the whole world according to his wish if he wants. In the end, it does not mean that it will dominate Vegeta and increase his power, although Saiyan allows this possession without knowing it.

However, after the conflict with Majin Buu, his “servant” is angry with Babidi's rude and decided to end as a premature partner to see Babidi in a few seconds before he. Will make it clear that this character is nothing more than a vehicle to move the plot forward



Beerus lied Goku about the power of this character to give him motivation.

Monaka in Dragon Ball Super

  • Launched: Starting competition! We all go out to “The planet without name!” (Episode 32 of Dragon Ball Super

When Beerus recommends MonakaThe audience assumed that they were about to see Ku's next challenge, which will force him to be stronger than before, while Monaka did not create a great impression. The fans assumed that he would reveal the scope of In truth, his power, when pushing to push

However, during this period has never been, but Beerus put the expectations of the fans, revealing that Monaka is a weak human being, which is used as an excuse to push Goku and help him to be good at the competition. It was a hilarious time.



Even after the new changes of Piccolo are still behind Saiyans.

Piccolo uses the power of incomplete cells in the form of his Super Namekian after absorbing Kami in Dragon Ball Z (1989-1996).

  • Launched: Lost and Found (Episode 123 of Dragon

Piccolo Is one of the most beloved characters in DragonAppeared as the enemy of the final curve in the original series before slowly turning the new leaf Dragon Ball Z– His bond with Gohan is special because Namekian found a new way to increase his strength and pull his weight in the fight.


Dragon Ball: 8 characters with the most excellent monkey format.

Dragon Ball characters in the form of their great monkeys can easily destroy the whole city by themselves.

However, Piccolo has never been happy with the appropriate victory except his special cannon with Frieza. Even after receiving the orange picolo form, he also played the second Seo to Gohan. Ignore the fans, but they can't help. But was surprised by the lack of victory that Piccolo succeeded in a single fight



Aside from impressive performances with BUU Fusion, this has done a little something else.

Dragon Ball Super Saiyan Gotenks

  • Launched: Gotenks born (episode 251 of Dragon Ball Z

The melting of Goten and Trunks is an exciting time, which shows the promise to unite two powerful fighters to multiply their strength many times. however, Gotenks'The arrogance caused him to not be victorious over Buu, even though he was a criminal many times.

After the flash of these intelligence, Gotenks became a forgotten fusion, which was used in a short time to appear periodically and defeated fluently every time. Hopefully the fans will be treated in The moment that Gotenks shine, even though it seems unlikely.



The monster is fun, fun and hardly challenging.

Demon King Dabura in Dragon Ball Daima

  • Launched: The Wizard's Curse (part 220 from Dragon Ball Z

when Sword It was introduced to Babidi. Fans assumed that Demon King would be a warrior who was capable of fighting. While he was impressive with Gohan, it was clear that Demon King had no place to fight Saiyan in their prime minister.

This leads to a shame that Dabura tries to create power above Majin Buu just to defeat fluently and become cookies. It is one of the most shy and shocking death in the franchise to change Dabura into a joke that fails to live his high potential.


Kibito Kai

The combination of two sacred things does not do anything in a big fight.

Kibito Kai in Dragon Ball Super

  • Launched: Ready to melt? (Episode 267 of Dragon Ball Z

Kibito Kai Is the fusion of Supreme Kai and Kibito, his caretaker This means the power of the Potara fusion. The old chicken fails to talk about that this fusion is permanent. (The truth that has been improved shortly after that Dragon Ball Super


Dragon Ball: 24 powerful words by Goku

Goku from Dragon Ball has many outstanding times in the franchise. This is his most famous saying that inspires fans.

While Supreme Kai does not make a lot of impression on fighting. Fans assumed that Kibito Kai would be able to play a greater role in fighting with BUU. And most useless in the final confrontation



Goku's older brother has nothing as close as his talented brothers.


  • Launched: New threat (part 1 of Dragon Ball Z

Saiyans in Dragon Getting the new height of power to become one of the strongest species in the universe 7 with this context, we cannot help. But must be disappointed with any weakness radius Despite creating a strong first impression

He pushed Ku and Piccolo to their limits, in which the past had to sacrifice themselves to end Raditz's threats and for everyone. However, while the secret to live again and gradually became one of the most powerful Saiyans, his brother was mostly forgotten.



With the height that Saiyans can access the partner of Vegeta

Nappa from Dragon Ball Z Cut

  • Launched: Gohan's Rage (Episode 5 of Dragon Ball Z

Lazy Create a strong first impression. With this powerful Saiyan killed a lot of Z Warriors by themselves and pushing others to their limits. heart

The fact that Goku bends to absorb Nappa's KI attack without being damaged and stands on his head in the most shameful movement in the series. With his partner The only reason that Goku uses Kai-Qen to beat NAPPA is because Saiyan is planning to attack Krillin and Gohan.

  • Dragon-BALL-986.JPG


    Release date



    Minoru Okazaki, Daisuke Nishio


    Akira Toriyama

  • Dragon-bal-Z-999.jpg

    Dragon Ball Z

    Release date



    Daisuke Nishio


    Akira Toriyama, Takao Koyama

  • Dragon Ball Super Poster

    Dragon Ball Super

    Release date

    2015 – 2017


    Tatsuya Nagamine


    Tatsuya Nagamine


    Tatsuya Nagamine, Akira Toriyama

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