The Fate anime series consists of the Holy Grail Wars fought to obtain the ultimate wish-granting device. to assist the mages in this pursuit Heroic spirits called servants are summoned according to legends that existed in the past. Few battles are as straightforward as direct brawls. But the strength of the servants was the deciding factor in who would walk away with this omnipotent Grail.
Fate/Stay Night: All Servants Ranked
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Featuring some of the most powerful servants from the Fate series, such as Iskander, Saber, and Gilgamesh, as well as strangely powerful obstacles to these three kings. You might want to know who are the strongest servants in Fate/Zero. Here are all the servants. Ranked purely based on your own strength!
7 Assassin
Hassan of the Hundred Faces
The only Assassin class slaves that could be summoned in the Fuyuki War were the 19 Aircraft Carriers with the Persian title Old Man of The Mountain or Hassan-i Sabbath among them. Hassan of the Hundred Faces is the 19th and final mount of the name. Like many other assassins, Hundred Faces Hassan is an expert at sneaking around. and collect information rather than direct combat
However, while other Assassin class servants have ways to deal damage, such as Cursed Hand Hassan's Zabanya that breaks the target's heart, Hundred Faces Hassan does not have such an ability. Instead, Assassins can divide themselves into 100 figures makes the servant the best at gathering information. But it's the worst anywhere.
6 Lancer
Lancers belong to The Three Knight Classes, and as such, they were among the strongest melee fighters during the Holy Grail War. Along with Saber and Archer, however, even though he can keep up with Saber, Diarmuid is one of the weakest Lancers we've seen in Fate, even though he isn't very strong. But he makes up for it with a high fighting IQ and wit. Including the potential of his Noble Phantasms.
Gae Dearg's long red spear was a spear that could defeat all magical structures. This gave Lancer a huge advantage over opponents stronger than him. As seen from him rejecting Saber's magical armor and being able to completely nullify Berserker's Noble Phantasm. He also has a shorter yellow spear named Gae Buidhe, a weapon that curses anyone who is wounded and never recovers from said wound.
5 Berserker
Noble Phantasm, Berserker's main character, is the knight of its owner. Able to transform anything he touches into his personal Noble Phantasm, this is limited to anything that could be considered a weapon. In Fate/Zero, we see him use modern machinery such as guns, missiles, and even fighter jets as his weapons.
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Although special abilities are less interesting than other special abilities, But this straightforward skill allows Berserker to track down Gilgamesh's Gate of Babylon by grabbing the weapon he fires. Turn it into his weapon. and reflects incoming attacks. Additionally, even though the crazy enhancement skill often causes the user to lose their dexterity and fighting abilities, Lancelot could move on instinct. It almost completely eliminates the disadvantage.
4 castors
Giles de Rais
During his lifetime, Gilles De Raise was so completely captivated by Jean d'Arc that he became a devout worshiper of God, believing Jean to be a miracle worker of divine origin. He assisted her in many battles during the Crusades. both financially and as a knight. However, when Jean was finally executed for heresy, He began to doubt the existence of God.
Gilles de Res began committing serious crimes such as kidnapping, murder, and child abuse. All this so that God could prove His existence by punishing him. And He can vindicate every life He takes in God's name. However, this judgment never happened, so this fanatical Caster actually existed.
Although considered to be one of the weakest Casters in terms of sheer combat ability, his Noble Phantasm, Prelati's Spell Book, allows him to instantly replenish all mana he uses. This allows him to create an unlimited supply of monsters. and became a threat strong enough that even Saber, Lancer, and Rider could not easily defeat it.
3 Saber
Artoria Pendragon
Based on King Arthur, Artoria is a king among kings. Complete without any defects at all. She is a selfless king who desires only the best for her people. However, it is her own inhumane and compassionate nature that alienates her people. and ultimately led to her betrayal and murder.
The Saber class was said to be the strongest among the seven main classes. Among the various heroes that can be summoned to the said class Artoria is the strongest. She is unrivaled as a swordsman and knight. Made even more frightening by her ability to hide the length and nature of her sword. Not only that She also has the legendary sword Excalibur. that can easily destroy hordes of enemies with a single swing.
2 Rider
The Servant Rider is based on Alexander the Great, King of Conquerors. During his life He created the biggest rule to date. Establishing himself as one of the greatest kings that ever lived. He wishes to rule the entire world and wants to see its end. But his life abandoned him before he could. And his empire collapsed almost immediately after he left this world. As a servant, Iskander is just as outstanding. with his living self And while the Rider class is often too weak to take on the Three Knight class in direct combat, Iskander has no problem fighting Saber, even earning Gilgamesh's utmost respect.
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His chariot, the Gordius Wheel, allows him to use a Noble Phantasm called Via Expugnatio, ramming enemies with sparks of lightning. However, that's just the nature of Iskander's true power. Iskander's true Noble Phantasm is the Ionioi Hetiroi, a Reality Marble. that helped him summon tens of thousands of brave souls to serve in his life. This is Iskander's trump card and is said to be as strong as Gilgamesh's Gate of Babylon.
1 Archer
The King of Heroes' Noble Phantasm, named Gate of Babylon, is the strongest Noble Phantasm of all the servants in Fate, allowing Gilgamesh to summon and rain endless weapons from his arsenal on his enemies. These weapons include Noble Phantasms belonging to other heroic spirits.
Although he normally only uses weapons to send out projectiles, But he can still use Phantasms to their full potential. As seen when he uses Enkidu to control Heracles in Fate/Stay Night, if you anger him, Gilgamesh gains access to Enuma Eilish (EA), a Noble Phantasm that can erase reality. There was no way to prevent it.
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