The best magical items for your adventuring party in DND.


  • Magic items that benefit the entire party are great for players.

  • Items like Bag of Holding and Alchemy Jug have many uses for the party. and no need to adjust

  • Shared items, such as the Carpet of Flying, which can be used by two players at a time. Built for creative combat and role-playing.

Magical items are some of the best rewards you can give your party in Dungeons & Dragons, but sometimes it can feel like one player in the party is getting the most out of the fun. After all, wands, cloaks, and rings fun But only one person can use it.


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That's why it's good to consider giving adventurers magical items that everyone can use. From vehicles to useful trinkets. Magic items that can power up your entire party are a great addition to your campaign. Here are some of the best ones that the whole party can make use of.


alchemical pitcher

Black alchemical pitcher with cork stopper from Dungeons & Dragons.
Alchemical pitcher by Conceptopolis

Item type


Need tuning?

Miraculous item

Not ordinary


This product looks like a simple ceramic pitcher, but it's actually much more than that. By using magic and naming one type of liquid. An alchemical pitcher can produce a certain amount of that material. Even though it may sound ineffective But there are many parties that can do it too.

First, you can do things like basic acids or toxins. This will help with the melee and melee fighters in your party. You can also create things like water or honey. This can be a lifesaver if you're playing a survival-focused campaign.


Kwalish's tools

The Apparatus of Kwalish, a large cylindrical metal submarine from Dungeons & Dragons.
Kwalish's Tools by Conceptopolis

Item type


Need tuning?

Miraculous item



You can fit two medium or smaller creatures in this vehicle. Appearing initially as a small tank, however, the device is a magical vehicle that functions as a combined ship and submarine. Players can use them together to reach unprecedented levels of depth.

In addition to being used in surveys Qualish's tools also have combat stats that you can use. If your party is playing a campaign in the ocean or vast islands. This item might be perfect. Plus it looks amazing.


bag of holding

Brown, teal, and red leather bags with a sewn design on the front of the bag.
Bag of Holding from the basic rules (2014) by Wizards of the Coast.

Item type


Need tuning?

Miraculous item

Not ordinary


This item is a classic. Bags of Holding can hold up to 500 pounds of items, gold, or other materials, but this bag will never weigh more than 5 pounds no matter how much is in it.


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This means that your entire party can use this mobile treasure trove to loot all the treasures they find during their adventures. Just be careful not to overwhelm this list. If you do that The contents will spread to the Astral Plane.


carpet of flight

A magic user flying on a purple magic carpet in Dungeons & Dragons.
Flying Carpet by Conceptopolis

Item type


Need tuning?

Miraculous item

very rare


This magical item can prove incredibly useful in combat and exploration. Depending on the size of the rug, in the 2024 Dungeon Master's Guide this item is available in four sizes. From a maximum of six by nine feet and can carry a weight of 800 pounds, which means If you play your cards right Your whole party will be able to fly off into the sunset on a magic carpet.

Of course, this is incredibly useful for moving over long distances or to unreachable heights. In combat, this allows players to team up and wreak havoc from above. Just hold on tight!


Rod of Resurrection

Silver ingot with red circle in Dungeons & Dragons
Rod of Resurrection by Conceptopolis

Item type


Need tuning?




This was a simple but powerful magic item. True, only one person could use this item. Because adjustment is required. But that doesn't mean it can't help the whole party!

The Staff of Resurrection has five charges. By using a certain amount of charge This item allows you to cast Heal (one charge) or Revive (five charges). The item then gains one spent cost each day in the morning. But please be warned that If you use up the last charge You will be forced to roll a d20 and when charged normally the rod will disappear.


spirit board

A spirit board with various numbers, letters, and crows decorating the edges in Dungeons & Dragons.
Spirit Board by Coupleofkooks

Item type


Need tuning?

Miraculous item

very rare


For any horror campaign, the Spirit Board is a must-have. This wooden board works like our real-life version of a Ouija board. Although sometimes difficult to understand But this board can be useful for parties that lack a sense of direction.

The board has 3 charges and will be recharged at dawn. while touching the board You can cast Augury (for one charge) or Commune (for three charges), having extra divination magic on your side. It can be a big help for the whole party. Especially since this item does not require customization.


Ever Smokey Bottle

Gray smoking bottle with ichor inside in Dungeons & Dragons
Ever Smoky bottle from Conceptopolis

Item type


Need tuning?

Miraculous item

Not ordinary


This scary-looking bottle was constantly emitting a cloud of ash smoke. If you open a bottle There will be a cloud of smoke coming out. causing the surrounding area to be greatly obscured It then expands to a size of 120 feet over time.


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Ever Smoking Bottle It can prove very useful in combat situations. Or you can use this item to help your party on stealth missions. Just make sure you have a way to see through the obscured areas. Otherwise, your party will go blind!


Drift Globe

Blue glowing crystal orb in Dungeons & Dragons
Driftglobe by Conceptopolis

Item type


Need tuning?

Miraculous item

Not ordinary


This simple item makes it easy to cast two spells. As long as you are within 60 feet of the world, you can command objects to emit a glow that is equivalent to the effects of the Light spell or Daylight. This item also floats next to you, which is a nice plus.

It may not seem very special. But if your party doesn't have much Darkvision, Driftglobe is extremely useful. You can also get creative with it. Using the effects of light to target certain types of undead creatures.


Daern's immediate fortress

The outer wall of Greyhawk City is surrounded by ships in the harbor in Dungeons & Dragons.
Greyhawk by Bruce Brenneise

Item type


Need tuning?

Miraculous item

hard to find


Starting with a small statue This item magically transforms into a large adamantine tower. The tower is 20 feet high on one side and 30 feet high. Additionally, the tower is immune to knockout spells and other types of magic. That could allow attackers to get inside.

If your party is in trouble or need to escape a fight, look no further than Daern's Instant Fortress, it might just save your life there. Or you can use it proactively. and turn the inhospitable battle terrain into your own personal playground.


folding boatEssential information about various adventures

Item type


Need tuning?

Miraculous item

hard to find


Folding boats are straightforward but highly effective. This item is a compact wooden box that magically unfolds into a rowboat or keel. Of course, this is very useful if you want to explore small bodies of water.

Boats can also be used as storage. It must be placed in a 12 x 6 x 6 box. The most important element of this item is When you are finished using it You can carry it with you on land because it shrinks!

Dungeons and Dragons series, tabletop game franchise

dungeons and dragons

Original release date



E. Gary Gygax, Dave Arneson

Number of players


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