There was a time when the most popular gameplay loop in most shooters was running around and quickly gunning down as many people as possible. After all, staying still was pretty much a one-way stop to death, so players needed to be mindful of their surroundings and keep moving around so that they didn’t end up turning into a sitting duck for enemies with pinpoint accuracy.

7 Best FPS Games With Dynamic Enemy Encounters
The following critically acclaimed first-person shooter games all feature dynamic enemy encounters.
Several classic games pulled off this gameplay loop with great finesse. After all, cover shooting would take many years to become the norm, so players had to stay on the move so that they could play these games as intended and destroy their enemies. The following classic titles did a brilliant job of incorporating run-and-gun gameplay.
Updated November 28, 2024, by Gerardo Molina: The Run and Gun genre has been around for more than three decades now, which means that many veteran players in their late 20s and early 30s probably remember playing many of these titles when they were first released. Although modern shooting games are great, they simply can’t offer the same feeling that classic Run and Gun games did, as the sense of cooperation and excitement around them was always very satisfying.
Perhaps that feeling has something to do with nostalgia and not objectivity, but even in that case, it’s undeniable that these classic Run and Gun games are masterpieces of their time that still hold up very well.
17 Gunstar Heroes
A Fun Game That’s Focused On Stopping The Forces Of Evil
- Platform(s): Nintendo Switch, PC, Sega Genesis, Linux, Game Gear, PlayStation 3, Nintendo 3DS, Wii, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, macOS, Android, iOS
- Released: September 10, 1993
- Developer(s): Treasure, M2, Sega, Treasure Co., Ltd
- Genre(s): Run and Gun, Shoot ’em up
While Gunstar Heroes wasn’t the most popular Run and Gun of its time, it still presented players with a really fun experience that allowed them to have hours of fun every time they pressed Start. Focusing around a pair of characters known as the Gunstars, players will be tasked with stopping an evil empire from recovering four precious and powerful gems that can change the world as they know it.
This title first started development back in 1991, but a few hiccups along the way that were related to development delayed its release, which is why it didn’t come out until 1993.
16 Shock Troopers
- Platform(s): Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Linux, Neo Geo, PSP, PlayStation 3, Wii, Arcade, macOS
- Released: 1997
- Developer(s): Saurus, Hamster Corporation, SNK, DotEmu, M2
- Genre(s): Run and Gun, Shoot ’em up
When the Bloody Scorpions terrorist group kidnap a scientist and his granddaughter in an effort to gain access to a powerful drug that can turn regular people into superhuman soldiers, a team of international soldiers will be tasked with saving them and retrieving the drug before it falls in the wrong hands.
Similar to the previous title, Shock Troopers was never as popular as titles like Metal Slug or Contra. However, this doesn’t mean that it doesn’t have a devoted fanbase, or that it wasn’t fun to play.
15 Shadow Warrior
A Futuristic Look Of Japan
- Platform(s): PC, macOS, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
- Released: May 13, 1997
- Developer(s): 3D Realms
- Genre(s): Run and Gun, Shoot ’em up
Shadow Warrior is a great title that is still being represented in modern times with its fair share of modern run-and-gun games. The first game was legendary enough to justify it getting so many sequels in the first place.
Shadow Warrior takes a look at the life of Lo Wang and the exploits he gets into. The futuristic setting of Japan makes for a perfect backdrop as players shoot and slice enemies up without a care in the world.
14 Hexen: Beyond Heretic
A Great Title With Non-linear Level Design
Hexen: Beyond Heretic
- Released
- October 30, 1995
Hexen: Beyond Heretic is one of the best run-and-gun games of the 90s. The series certainly deserves more time in the spotlight, especially given how innovative Hexen: Beyond Heretic was for its time.
Not only did the game give a choice between three protagonists, but it also incorporated a non-linear level design as well. The latter was pretty revolutionary given the direct nature of most run-and-gun games at the time and is a major reason why so many people love Hexen: Beyond Heretic.
13 Wolfenstein 3D
The One That Kicked Off A Great Franchise
Wolfenstein 3D is a classic title that needs no introduction. The game was simple and let players use an array of weapons to smash Nazis and their pets into bits.
The game is an enduring classic that many people still remember to this day, with the final boss fight against Hitler being the stuff of legends. It’s great to see games like The New Order carry forward the legacy of this classic series, even if the latest offerings have been pretty disappointing in the eyes of many.
12 Quake
A Timeless Classic From The Mid-90s
Quake is an incredible arena shooter that pretty much everyone is familiar with at this point. The sheer chaos of this game’s multiplayer mode is something fans still look forward to even now.

Best FPS Games With No Zoom For Weapons
Players in the mood for more old-school shooter experiences without aim controls will love what these FPS games have to offer.
The fact that Quake still has dedicated servers and modding support is proof enough of just how legendary this title is. Even now, downloading this game and spending a few hours in multiplayer is infinitely enjoyable to this day.
11 Star Wars: Dark Forces
An Epic Star Wars Run And Gun
The idea of playing a run-and-gun Star Wars game is something that is bound to excite most franchise fans. This title exists in the form of Star Wars: Dark Forces, which was a fan-favorite of many players on PC.
Star Wars: Dark Forces set the foundations for Jedi Knight, which is also a game that many people have a soft spot for. Shooting down stormtroopers, officers, and the like with Kyle Katarn’s range of weapons made for a great time indeed!
10 Doom
Arguably The Most Recognizable Shooter From The 90s
- Platform(s)
- PS4 , Xbox One , Switch , PC , Stadia , PS3 , Xbox 360 , Xbox (Original) , PS1 , Sega Saturn , Super Nintendo Entertainment System , Android , iOS
- Released
- December 10, 1993
It’s only fitting to start off a list talking about legendary run-and-gun titles with Doom, the FPS that started it all. Playing as Doomguy and taking down waves of enemies never gets tiring to this day.
The sheer fanaticism behind Doom is partly why this game became so popular. It was a groundbreaking game that showed gamers just how immersive and exciting first-person shooters could be.
9 Strife
A Decent Title Affected By The Wrong Release Date
- Platform(s): PC, Linux, MS-DOS, macOS, AmigaOS
- Released: May 15, 1996
- Developer(s): Rogue Entertainment
- Genre(s): FPS, Run and Gun
A combination of FPS and RPG gameplay, Strife was a revolutionary title for its time that never really got the popularity it deserved due to its ill-timed release. It’s a shame since Strife had some pretty neat concepts that are pretty revolutionary, given its age.
The game featured a semi-open world of sorts, along with a narrative that was genuinely enthralling. The game’s combat might take a while to get used to, but players who invest in this game will have a great time indeed.
8 Contra
One Of The Best Classic Run And Guns Out There
- Released
- February 20, 1987
It would be impossible to talk about legendary run-and-gun titles without mentioning the brilliance of Contra. It’s an incredible series with brutal difficulty that can frustrate even the most well-seasoned gamer around.

Best FPS Games That Can Keep You Busy For Months
Players who have plenty of time to kill with an enjoyable FPS may want to consider the following games.
Thankfully, after a fair bit of repetition, players will be able to master this game and its challenging encounters as well. It’s this progression that makes Contra such a great title indeed.
Great To Play With Friends
- Released
- April 19, 1996
- Developer(s)
Speaking of 2D run-and-gun games, Metal Slug is another series that deserves a mention. This stylish and tough run-and-gun shooter features a unique art style and gritty combat that players will love after a while.
The difficulty in these games does ramp up over time, but the progression feels more natural and bearable for most players. This makes combat less frustrating, with deaths feeling less like a failure and more like a learning experience — as it should be.
6 Bio Menace
Great Enemy Variety And Level Design
- Platform(s): Windows, macOS, MS-DOS
- Released: August 3, 1993
- Developer(s): Apogee Entertainment, 3D Realms
- Genre(s): Run and Gun
Bio Menace is an extremely underrated title that deserves way more praise for featuring a funky art style and great combat. This, coupled with great enemy variety and decent level design, makes for a great run-and-gun title that players should check out.
Bio Menace isn’t the easiest game around, but players will quickly realize how the game works. As a result, deaths are minimized and fun becomes a key component of why this game is so addictive to play.
5 Earthworm Jim
A Hard, Yet Rewarding Title
Earthworm Jim
- Platform(s)
- Nintendo Game Boy , Nintendo Game Boy Advance , Nintendo DS , PC , PS3 , Sega CD , Sega Game Gear , Master System , Sega Genesis , SNES , Xbox 360
- Released
- December 16, 1994
- Developer
- Shiny Entertainment, Playmates Interactive Entertainment, Gameloft
One of the most charming games on this list, everyone knows about the legendary nature of Earthworm Jim. The game is pretty difficult, but that’s par for the course when it comes to most run-and-gun shooters.
This title remains a beloved classic to this day and has received a much-deserved remaster as well. It’s a shame that the series hasn’t received a new game in decades, but fans can still hope.
4 Ghosts ‘n Goblins
Fun Gameplay And Charming Aesthetics
Ghosts ‘n Goblins
- Platform(s)
- Arcade , Commodore 64 , PC , Nintendo Game Boy Color , Commodore Amiga , Android , iOS
- Released
- July 7, 1985
Another legendary run-and-gun title that received a remaster was Ghosts ‘n Goblins. The idea of the main character only being able to handle two hits sounds absolutely brutal, and Ghosts ‘n Goblins wears this level of difficulty on its sleeve.
Thankfully, the charming aesthetics of the game make these deaths tolerable, although they can definitely venture into the land of frustration at times. However, perseverance is key, and players who get through the levels of Ghosts ‘n Goblins can pat themselves on the back for having great reflexes indeed.
3 Zombies Ate My Neighbors
A Friendly Neighborhood Turns Into A Nightmare
A title that was pretty underrated upon release but has become a cult classic ever since, Zombies Ate My Neighbors is an amazing game that showed the powers of LucasArts at its very peak. The fact that more and more people have tried out this amazing game is a source of great relief for many gamers, who assumed this game had run its course after its poor launch.

7 Best FPS Games With Extensive Modding Support
When a modding community is truly dedicated, they can transform some of the most iconic FPS games in history into brand-new experiences.
The gameplay is simple but quickly ramps up in difficulty over time. It’s a brilliant classic title that fans of the genre should check out if they haven’t already.
2 Duke Nukem 3D
An Amazing Installment In The Franchise
Duke Nukem 3D
- Platform(s)
- Android , iOS , PC , Nintendo 64 , PS1 , PS3 , PS Vita , Sega Genesis , Sega Saturn , PS4 , Xbox One , Switch
- Released
- January 29, 1996
- Developer
- 3D Realms
The Duke Nukem franchise might be dead in the water right now, but there was a time when the franchise was at its very peak. This was mainly due to the massive success of Duke Nukem 3D, which still remains one of the most enjoyable run-and-gun FPS titles around.
The sheer number of insane things that Duke could perform in the game cemented his status as a legendary video game personality. Fans can only hope that this franchise receives another entry, although the release of Duke Nukem Forever might’ve thrown a permanent wrench into these plans.
1 Blood
A Doom Clone That Has Some Great Things Of Its Own
- Platform(s): Windows, DOS, MS-DOS, Classic Mac OS
- Released: May 31, 1997
- Developer(s): Monolith Productions, Nightdive Studios
- Genre(s): FPS, Run and Gun
A Doom clone that was pretty amazing in its own right, Blood is a classic FPS that many other gamers should try out. The title features ample amounts of gore, demons, and unique powers that make it a blast.
Blood might not tread any new ground as an FPS, but its occult themes and scary atmosphere make it a fun title regardless. As is the case with most beloved classic titles, this game has an updated re-release as well, called Blood: Fresh Supply.