The best card used by Joey Wheeler in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Yu-Gi-Oh! The anime has many legendary characters that have stuck with fans throughout the playing card game. One of the biggest is Yugi's best friend and the third greatest fighter in the original anime, Joey Wheeler. Joey is famous for his struggle to pay for his sister's surgery and his reliance on fortune cards.


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As a duelist, Joey is the reflection of a newcomer to the card game. Starting out as Solomon Muto's hot-headed apprentice, Joey quickly becomes one of the best duelists in the series. Despite everything, most of Joey's cards are more unique than they'd be usable in a real TCG. Luckily, he's got some powerful tools at his disposal when he's not rolling dice.


Gearfried the Iron Knight

Cards that can be used

Gearfried, the Iron Knight, Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Art Card

Joey mostly uses Gearfried The Iron Knight as his beatstick. With 1800 attack and 1600 defense, it's perfectly suited for the era it's played in. However, it has other uses that only the most skilled players can use. can

Gearfried The Iron Knight Destroys attached equipment cards. This creates the perfect opening for an exploit that revolves around using Butterfly Dagger Alma over and over with each use to fill up the Royal Magical Library for free draws.



Trap stopper

Jinzo cards and background art in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Joey Wheeler defeats Jinzo during his duel with Esper Roba in Battle City Jinzo is one of the best floodgates in Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG As a one-time tribute, Jinzo enters the field and nullifies all Trap Cards.


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Jinzo stops your opponent from activating any more traps as long as it is on the field. This allows Jinzo to block cards like Bottomless Trap Hole, Mirror Force, or any traps. That couldn't stop Jinzo from being summoned in the first place.



Destroy all monsters.

Raigeki Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Art Card

Joey has used several cost-free board wipes throughout the anime. One of them is Raigeki. This card destroys all of your opponent's monsters without restrictions. It doesn't matter if your opponent is face down or in a defensive position.

When this card is played They will all be destroyed. Unless your opponent refuses. It's a powerful card in Joey's arsenal, just as powerful in the real-life TCG. Its powerful effect earned it a ban on previous ban lists.


Corpse robber

Cards that have never been updated

The corpse thief Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Art Card

One special card found in Joey's deck is Graverobber. This card is unique in that it rarely gets reprinted and the lack of text solves the problem. However, the general idea is that you can take a spell from your opponent's grave and use it. You can get it if you pay 2,000 Life Points.


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When the game isn't slow enough This card can take advantage of common spells your opponent already uses, including Monster Reborn, Change of Heart, Pot of Greed, and anything else that might give you an advantage during your turn.



Flood the field with tokens

Scapegoat Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Art Card

Scapegoat was one of the first few Quick Play spells introduced in the game. It's also a surprisingly good card to include in Joey's lineup. These cute little sheep come together in packs of four and can pack a punch in your field. to protect you from attacks

This card can be used as a Quick Play spell at the end of your opponent's turn to bring a corpse onto the board. during your turn You can tribute them for bigger monsters. This is because you will no longer be locked out of summoning cards.


Endless traps

Keep the board empty.

The Bottomless Trap Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Art Card

In the early stages of Duel Monsters, Bottomless Trap Hole is a real threat. Just try to summon a monster with more than 1500 attacks, this trap will instantly destroy it. Then banish it. This card can do this to multiple monsters as long as they are summoned at the same time.


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This is one of the earlier cards. using the deportation system And it's an easy way to make your opponent lose normal summons that turn. This card has found a home in many decks that like to control the game.


Time Wizard

Lucky card with punch

The Wizard of Time Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Art Card

If you don't have access to Dark Hole, Raigeki, or any of the board clearing cards in the game, Time Wizard might give you a chance to return. Joey often uses this card in the anime to turn Baby Dragon into a Thousand Dragon. In the TCG, this card Can't do this trick But it is often listed as a material for some cards.

Look on the bright side, if you flip the coin correctly. You can destroy all your opponent's monsters by wiping the board clean, however, making the wrong call often means wiping out all your monsters.


Giant Trannade

Defeat the trap and get the card back into your hand.

Giant Trunade card and background art from Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG

Giant Trunade is one of the best spells to clear out the back row. Since it doesn't destroy cards but returns it to the hand, this makes Giant Trunade very useful in duels.


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We can use Giant Trunade to defeat the traps on the opposite side of the field. This forces them to set up the card again and wait for them to go live. This card can return cards from your back row to your hand. So you can play those cards again or get rid of the floodgates so you can play them without any negative effects on you.


early burial

Equip spell with loopholes

Early Burial Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Art Card

Early Burial was such a good card that it was banned, however, that didn't stop Joey from using it in his deck. Early Burial allows you to revive monsters from the graveyard by equipping yourself with an Equip Spell Card.

However, due to a vulnerability in the card message. Early burial therefore allowed the monster to remain on the field after being resurrected. As long as this card is not destroyed. This allows the player to bounce Premature Burial and use it again the same turn.


Fiber jar

A never-ending duel

Yu-Gi-Oh! Fiber Jar TCG Art Card

Joey's deck features one of the most famous Jar cards in Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG History Fiber Jar is a Flip Monster that can reset the entire game if activated correctly, and suddenly the Graveyard is shuffled back into the deck. And each player's hand is reset when each draws five cards.

Fiber Jar was once used to disrupt tournaments, with the Jar's effects being modified multiple times. Essentially, Fiber Jar allows you to start your turn with minimal disruption. So you can easily group up with monsters on the field and enter the game.


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