Ainz ooal sets, enjoying the true happiness of the conflict.
NAOFUMI IWATANI, although unexpected But there is a talent in fighting and tactics using the fight for survival
Hajime Nagumo, Tanya Deggurechaff and others show the trend of fighting violence and conflict.
Some ISEKAI The protagonist may be a hero that is hesitant and insulting the complex situation, which may lead to conflicts. But on the other hand, there is a general Trope in the ISEKAI anime about the protagonist that has been dubbed “Battle Junkies” because their trends will choose to fight anywhere they go.

7 The best anime Shonen with an underdog protagonist, which is up to power.
The characteristics of these Shonen anime are shocked, the protagonist that can be successful than the odds and increased to power.
For fans who like the main characters that can't help But there is a problem in this program. The spotlight is the best anime protagonist who likes to fight. From one of the most famous evil nobles in the history of ISEKAI anime to bookworms that seem to be unable to help. But boasting his strength whenever he can
Ainz ooal (Overlord) set
He uses the true happiness of conflicts.
Among all the main characters of ISEKAI, enjoying the battle of Ainz Oooal (also known as Suzuki Satoru and Momonga), may be all of their crazy fighters. Talented with excellent intelligence, preference of Machiaavellian And the power of use and violation of him is a terrifying rival that enjoys his enemies to struggle with pain.
He went far from his identity in his past. (As a MMORPG player) and fully delve into his role as an evil arcology of humanity. The kingdom of stray and heroes and even playing as a third party (Adventurers known as The Dark Hero) to get his magic perfect and more powerful. If he can enjoy himself during the fight, it is better because he enjoyed every second.
Naofumi Iwatani (The Rising of the Shield Hero)
He should call it a hero.
NAOFUMI is the person that fans expect to enjoy the least battles. But he did and he was truly talented, both as a warrior and a strategist. In reality, he has expertise in directing the military troops that the queen of the kingdom will trust all the army in his elimination if he wants.

The best open channel of the winter anime season, 2025, ranked
Winter in 2025, anime has a truly remarkable opening for viewers to enjoy. But these are the best content of the bunch.
For naofumi, the fighting is not just a way to live. But it is important to survive in a world that disgusted him from the moment he stepped in. And high and high, his fighting skills are just a constant that he can rely on That and the appearance of his faithful Raphtalia, which was also a powerful sword.
Hajime Nagumo (Arifureta: From normal to the strongest world)
No more humans follow him.

Arifureta: From normal to the world's strength
- Release date
2019 – 2023
- Network
- Director
Kazuya Fujishiro, Natsumi Yasue, Takao Kato, Ryo Miyata, Masayuki Iimura, Satomi Nakamura, Taji Kawanishi, Shintaro Itoga, MotoKi Nakanishi
When Hajime Nagumo was betrayed, he never thought that he would make it out of the depths of the maze. But in contrast to his expectations (And of his enemies and betrayed). He made it, and it was thanks to his natural fighting instincts who brought him from victory to victory. Overcoming fear, pain and loss of various parts of the body. Nagumo has certainly reaching the status of the governing.
He has the ability to do scary actions and things that are qualified as war crimes. But he made it for one purpose: beat the distorted god of the ISEKAI and offer him the opportunity to return to Japan. He is also a fighting person in fighting.
Diablo (how can you not call Lord Devil)
He cannot destroy the characters, so he chose the fight all the time.
Now this is a strange case: MMORPG OTAKU with a strange 8th grader and needs to be continuously playing a difficult and fierce “Demon Lord” to avoid his embarrassment in front of women. This made him from one fight to stimulate life in the world in an attempt to look superior.
Another character that is well -known in the terrifying war crimes to overcome his enemies. But he is a kind friend The problem is that he is continuously surrounded by women and he wants to be in the character and that leads to more fighting – the endless circuit of causing problems in other worlds.
Tanya DeggureChaff (Tanta's fairy tale)
All evil in the universe condensed in a small frame.
There is nothing to say about Tanta, but she (he) is an evil person at the time from Tanya. The second eye opens her eyes to the new world and see the possibility of the massacre to deal with the masses and generally become. Leadership MegalomaniaCal She will do with a large smile on her face.

9 DARK DARK anime, Berserk competitors in gravel and Gor
This is the dark fantasy anime that is at the same level as Berserk about gravel and blood.
The true psychopath that lives for the true happiness of pain and release the waves after the conflict of the world. Tanta not only But enjoying the war, she is still alive to bring the war everywhere she goes
Rudeus Greyrat (Mushoku Tensei: Reverend Thailand)
Always try to be the best person. His skills through fighting

Mushoku Tensei: Returning
- Release date
29 March 2022
- Network
Tokyo MX, KBS Kyoto, BS11
- Director
Sayaka Tsuji, Yoshitsugu Kimura, Ayumu Uwano, Yui Kanbe, Takahiro Tamano, Chihiro Kumano, Ouri Yasukawa, Mihiro Yamaguchi, Michiru Itabisashi
Rudeus was a complex and rather divided character at that time. He began to study magic from truly curiosity. But while he practiced his skills and thought he was a good person. For it, he never stopped testing himself with a stronger opponent. Even when he arrived at the College of Magic to increase knowledge about the arts, he created a clear rule over other students by faceing them in the fight.
But while things are often determined in the anime Isekai, there is one point in the lives of the main characters that they have to decide what is the point of fighting. And Silfie dealt with “tame” Rudeus (to a certain extent), which made him and prevent him from becoming a person who is crazy about all fighting. First of all, she did that as her change, when she revealed her true identity. She did that as the first wife of Rudeus, but that does not mean that Rudeus is outside the “dangerous zone”. There are many fights that will arrive at Rudeus, will show his “Battle Junkie” to the fans and the bet will increase when the Greyrat family grows.
CID KAGENOU (Eminence in Shadow)
Like to fight when he pretends to be
Another Edgelord that suffers from the 8th Grader symptoms were sent to a powerful fantasy world that can eliminate the whole country. The worst thing is that he uses this power to just create fun for others and have a great fight without the true purpose. But its true happiness That's what is determined. Distinctive in shadow– ISEKAI sarcastically about men who are aware of the change.
Curious while Cid Kagenou pretends to be a gentle and discouraged mob. But when he wears a shadow coat, he became a evil master who was able to face the most powerful creatures in the world and toys with them as if they were children to learn to walk.
Kuzunoha Makoto (Tsukimichi: Moonlit Fantasy)
Normal bookworms, if only they don't control his hands
At first, Makoto used his magic and arrows to protect himself and others, but when the story went and many enemies tried to cause danger to friends who love and familiar.
As Kuzunoha, the person who lived to get rid of Makoto enemies will do everything and fight to everyone to protect what he thinks is valuable for him. A little little by little. What begins with fighting for survival becoming the second natural for him and he started to enjoy these fights for the highest power. One day, this will lead him to fight and destroy the goddess who called him and his classmates to this strange world.

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