The antagonists of Hogwarts Legacy 2 should take notes from Fantastic Beasts.

Hogwarts Heritage It's a great game that lets players explore Hogwarts and the surrounding area 100 years before the events of Hogwarts. Harry Potter set. Because of how well designed it is. From the combat to the environments, fans are wondering if this title will get a follow-up. While no official announcement has been made yet Hogwarts Heritage The sequel is in development, and as such, perhaps those in charge of development want to focus on creating enemies that will make the sequel more intriguing and intriguing. As for the method of doing it, it must rely on specific qualities. Fantastic beasts The series might be able to help.

With the success gained from Hogwarts HeritageThe game's sequel has become one of Warner Bros.' top priorities. It's likely that Avalanche Software will once again lead development. Considering how well it works in one of the best wizarding games ever, however, the developers may have a tough road ahead. Because the sequel will have to do more if it wants to be better and receive a better response than its predecessor. If there is one thing that can be done to help ensure that, what is it? Fantastic beasts The series does this by connecting the next game's narrative with the story of Harry Potter series. This can easily happen by using the sequel's enemies as bridges. And hopefully this is something that Warner Bros. and Avalanche Software consider.


Hogwarts Legacy 2 may have only one way to prove its first-year protagonist.

Hogwarts Legacy takes on an unexpectedly mature tone. And its sequel will have to change if it follows the rumored narrative path.

How can the enemies of the sequel to Hogwarts Legacy associate themselves with the Harry Potter series?

at Hogwarts Heritage A sequel should do more than improve on what its predecessor did if it wants to be better than both. and connect the enemy to the sequel. Harry Potter A series is probably a way to ensure that. It's best that whoever is recommended can join the events in the books and movies. Who will be? There are a few possibilities:

  • The main enemy may be related to someone in the Ministry of Magic. It shows the events that led to the internal corruption of the magical government. And it involves the familiar names of those they do business with, such as the Malfoy family.
  • It could be Grindelwald himself. Because the timeline can be set during his bickering and struggles with Albus. Dumbledore and other actors In this movie Fantastic beasts set.
  • The Death Eater's ancestor can play as the main villain. The Lestranges were good candidates due to their hatred of Muggles. And some members were especially cruel. Especially the future of Bellatrix Lestrange.

One of the biggest challenges Hogwarts Heritage What the sequel has to overcome is getting more Potterheads interested in playing. And these characters can help. It has the potential to create an interesting storyline that will shape the next game as well, which fans of the series shouldn't miss.

Why do the enemies of this sequel to the Hogwarts legacy need to be connected to the Harry Potter series?

at Hogwarts Heritage The sequel couldn't make the same mistake its predecessor made in having a main villain who had no direct relationship to future characters in Harry Potter series. Having enemies as familiar figures can help make the game more grounded for fans of the wizarding world. Make them want to know what storytelling is all about. And how is that evil connected to the events that occur in the books and movies? With millions Harry Potter Fans around the world, such a move could lead to huge success. This is because it might even entice people who are not familiar with video games to give it a try.

There are many things that people want to see in Hogwarts Heritage Sequels and villains with ties to the established series can be mainstays. Warner Bros and Avalanche Software can do this in a number of ways. And hopefully the studio understands that this is an opportunity that comes with many benefits.

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