star trek It is considered to be the most popular science fiction television series released on the small screen. Depictions of the future show potential dangers. But it is also inspiring for the progress humanity has made. Crime and poverty have been eradicated on earth. and humans came together to form an equal society. What's even more impressive is the technology that other advanced worlds and cultures use. A whole galaxy has been created. Spaceships are a common means of transportation. Instead it is a huge navy in the world's oceans. They sailed through the sea of stars.
The most advanced piece of technology that any civilization can create in star trek The universe is the engine of warp. Warp technology allows spacecraft to travel through space faster than the speed of light. which is a convenient storytelling device Even as fast as light, it would take more than five hours for light from the Sun to travel to Pluto. And those are the celestial bodies in the same system. star trek The characters travel throughout the galaxy. So in order to get there within minutes. They therefore use different warp speeds. Starfleet captains are famous for using the phrase before their commanders begin warp speed.

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What is 'Warp Catchphrase'?
Every mission a Starfleet crew undertakes is in the name of science, diplomacy, or exploration, but not every alien race they encounter shares the same mindset. Whenever a spaceship jumps to warp There was no telling what the crew was waiting for at their destination. It might be an alien race that has just discovered warp technology that is eager to reach the stars. On the other hand, it might be a faction hell-bent on war and galactic domination. deep space nineDomination of. Therefore, it is appropriate for the captain to have something reassuring or inspiring to say Before the helmsman starts warp driving It was like a quick pep talk. To give the crew encouragement for this mission
Choosing a warp poem
until Star Trek: DiscoveryEvery captain makes choosing a catchphrase easy. discovery, When the experimental spaceship USS Discovery takes on Saru as its new captain. The bridge crew anxiously awaited his choice. His first choice was “carry out” which long-time hikers know is one of Captain Kirk's catchphrases. However, it feels uncomfortable when Saru says it. And the team was not satisfied either.
Choosing a warp poem is not an easy task. It has to be inspirational, it has to be catchy, and it can't be something that sparks laughter among the team. Moreover, It's hard to stick to just one phrase. Because it is a guideline to follow according to the situation Sometimes it can be something a little more cheerful. while sometimes it must convey the direness of the situation. Therefore, most captains don't stick to a single catchphrase. Although the show's writers may want to use the same words or phrases to make their job easier,
More importantly Each captain chooses the phrase that best suits their personality.– Someone like Spock wouldn't choose something that was intentionally funny or light, like “Let's get out of here.” He would choose something that was to the point and pragmatic. Which he does in one episode. strange new world — His kind of exact phrase is:
I want the boat to go…now.
Each Captain's Warp Poem
Many captains were also present. star trek Various projects and other people who received the privilege of using perverted poetry Some characters have been portrayed by different actors and in different timelines. It is not an exhaustive list. But here are some of the more memorable ones:
Captain James T. Kirk
There have been slightly different iterations of Kirk on the big and small screens. In the original TV series He usually says something along the lines of “Warp Factor” It's simple and formal. It sounded like something an officer was taught to say in Starfleet Academy on the big screen. None of the phrases stuck to him. Shatner's Kirk changed it up with phrases that included,Proceed.” “Let's see what she's got.” and “That-way-” Chris Pine's Kirk, in JJ Abrams' verse Kelvin, said: “Take us out.” Which isn't the most memorable phrase.
Captain Christopher Pike
both in Kelvin verse and strange new worldCaptain Christopher Pike, despite knowing his fate But it's simple but inspiring. The original iteration of Pike in the original series never had a chance to say his twisted catchphrase. So the audience's first exposure to Pike's phrase comes from Bruce Greenwood's version, where he simply says “Punch it,” which isn't too far off from Anson Mount's phrase. “Hit it.”
Captain Jean-Luc Picard
Like Captain Kirk, Picard speaks a multitude of phrases before launching the USS Enterprise into warp speed. But he has a few favorite words that even non-hikers will remember where they come from. star trek– Picard is probably most famous for “Make it so.” and “engaged.” The former phrase is more common, as Picard often utters after giving orders to his crew.
Captain Janeway
Of all Starfleet captains, Kate Mulgrew's Janeway might command the most authority with her simple phrases, especially when she's not drinking her morning coffee. She's. “Do it” Sounding like an order that needed to be obeyed immediately, Janeway proved to be cunning and resourceful. Always stay ahead of the enemy in the ship's unfamiliar environment. So when she tells them to do something, the crew does it or risks disaster with no hope that the cavalry will show up.
Captain Michael Burnham
Michael Burnham, Spock's adopted sister, didn't start out as a ship captain. Star Trek: DiscoverySo she had no poems to speak of. She worked under a few other captains who did. providing her with inspiration for what would eventually become her perverse poem. Captain Lorca The truly traitorous captain And coming from the mirror universe, it's easy to say that “go!”– It feels appropriate for his character to be serious and to the point, however, revealing his true identity shows that he really doesn't care.
When Michael thought of her phrase She obviously cared a little more. “Let's fly.” It is both an inspiration and a glimpse into her ideal philosophy. It's uplifting and fits her personality perfectly. Plus it fits the storyline. “Red Angel” in which she is also the center.

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