Sparking Zero's first DLC pack, Hero of Justice, has just been made available for non-Season Pass owners.
This was revealed to be priced at $17.99, which many fans didn't think was worth it.
The reason is that the characters are too similar and there is no extra content such as levels and costumes.
Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero's Hero of Justice pack just launched today for those who don't have the Season Pass, and fans aren't impressed by its price.
When Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero was first announced, one of the main things fans questioned was whether the game would include content from the recently released Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero. Sadly, as expected, Beast Gohan and Orange Piccolo are not in the base game. But it was saved for DLC instead.

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The DLC, the Hero of Justice pack, launched for season pass holders earlier this week. and adds Super-Hero forms for Gohan and Piccolo alongside Gammas and Cell Max as the newest characters. Earlier today, the Hero of Justice DLC left early access and was made available for all players as a separate download. This reveals a surprisingly high price.
Sparking Zero's Hero Of Justice Pack costs $17.99 and fans aren't happy.
As noted by Twitter user DBGameNews, the launch of the Hero of Justice DLC pack has revealed its price to be $17.99 for those without a season pass. Seemingly in response to the high price, DBGameNews asked fans if they thought it was worth the price. This resulted in an overwhelming response.
One of the most popular replies in this thread came from Twitter user GamesCage_, who said “Absof*** isn't LMAO brother” and noted the similarities of most of the characters along with the lack of Stage, music and costumes The rest of the responses reflected this, with fans pointing out that it was too expensive for what it was.
Most of the problems with the DLC seem to stem from the lack of content beyond the characters. Because really And it was just them, no matter how great Beast Gohan was. Most people seemed to think it was a shame that no bonus content was included. Because that's what Sparking Zero wanted after launch. And it's something that Xenoverse 2 excels at.
I have the Season Pass for Sparking Zero, so it might not be fair for me to ask, but I think the Hero of Justice DLC has a lot of great additions to the game. It lacks bonus content, though.
The huge response to the price has resulted in fans saying that anyone interested should pick up the Season Pass, which costs $34.99 and basically means one of three DLC packs will be free. Sparking Zero will cost around $53, which is close to the price of the full game.

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