Pokemon Go It offers many activities for users. Each event will give you limited-time bonuses and features, including Spotlight Hours, 60-minute windows that feature specific Pokémon and offer bonuses.

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This is the most common event in Pokemon Go, giving users a Spotlight Hour each week. It showcases different Pokémon in each Pokémon. This guide will be updated weekly to ensure you're up to date on how to get the most out of Pokemon Go Spotlight Hours.
Updated on December 17, 2024 by Christian Pellegrino: The third Pokemon Go Spotlight Hour event in December will feature Slugma and Bergmite, two Pokémon instead of regular Pokémon. Below is everything you need to know about this week's Spotlight Hour. From event information to the best preparation strategies
Spotlight Hour Date and time
Upcoming Spotlight Hour will be held in Tuesday, December 17, 2024, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. local time. This is a relatively short time frame. So please make sure you are prepared and log in on time to take advantage of the bonuses offered.
Pokemon Spotlight Hour
This week's Spotlight Hour will feature Both Slugma and Bergmite–
Slugma and Bergmite each have one additional evolution. Makhargo and Avalakk Respectively, 50 Candy is required to perform one of these evolutions. They are obtained by catching, transferring, or hatching Pokémon from their evolutionary line.
As with all Spotlight Hours, this is a great opportunity to Catch Pokemon with high in-game stats. although The stats of these Pokémon are still random when captured.The sheer number of Pokémon encounters will give you a greater chance of catching a Pokémon with the desired stats.

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Spotlight Hour Bonus
Unique bonuses will accompany each Spotlight Hour throughout its duration. And this week will be no different. For this Spotlight Hour, you'll get Double Candy for catching any Pokemon.
This is because Pokémon spawning has greatly increased during this event period. This is a great opportunity to do just that. Catch multiple PokemonGives you lots of Candy, which is a valuable resource to use. Power up and evolve different Pokémon.
To maximize the candy catching bonus It is best if you are in the area. Filled with lots of PokeStops This will not only increase the number of Pokémon you encounter. But it also allows you to constantly get Poke Balls and other resources.
Spotlight hour spawn rates and shiny prices
The main bonuses of this Spotlight Hour will be Greatly increased spawn rate of featured Pokémon. During this work The spawn rate of these Pokémon can be further increased. Using both PokeStop Lures and Incense
After using incense Try your best. Movement and travel distance
This increases the overall effectiveness of the incense. This allows you to encounter more Pokémon.
If you are lucky you will have the opportunity to meet face to face. Both Slugma and Bergmite's Shiny forms will be available during this Spotlight Hour event.– Using these two items will increase your chances of encountering and catching these rare Pokémon species.
Similar to the community day activities at The increased spawn rate of these Spotlight Hour Pokémon will give you a better chance of finding and catching Shiny Pokémon.So make sure you prepare accordingly when it comes to specific products and locations.
That being said The Shiny rate of these Pokémon will not be increased. For this spotlight hour
This means that encounters with Shiny Pokemon will remain rare and often rare.

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How to Prepare for Spotlight Hour
With such a short time frame It is important to make sure you are prepared for this activity before it begins. With the spawn rate of Pokémon increasing greatly. Make sure you have enough Poke Balls.
You'll want to make sure you have Enough Pokémon storage space before this event starts. This will help you quickly catch featured Pokémon without having to worry about moving others to create space.
By This Spotlight Hour's bonus is double Candy for catching any Pokémon.Having a stockpile of Poke Balls and having enough storage space is extremely important.
You can also Increase your Pokemon storage space by 50 By purchasing a Upgrade your Pokemon storage at In-game store for 200 PokeCoins
Lastly, Slugma is a Fire-type Pokémon and Bergmite is an Ice-type Pokémon. Mega Evolve Pokémon that are Fire or Ice-type. During this spotlight hour This will increase the number of Candies received when catching matching Pokémon throughout this event.
It will also increase your chances of getting it. Candy XLThese are the resources needed to power up your Pokémon to their maximum level.
The higher the Mega Level of Mega Evolution, the more powerful the added Candy Bonus.

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