Skydance has firmly established itself as one of the studio's leading VR game developers. walking dead Games stand out as some of the best VR games out there. And so expectations are pretty high for Skydance's latest VR game. Behemoth– An exciting action-adventure game set in the dark fantasy world of Forsaken Lands. Behemoth It's another great virtual reality game from Skydance and one of the better VR action adventure games.
in BehemothPlayers take on the role of Wren, a hunter from a small village. who found themselves succumbing to the same supernatural decay that had taken over the forsaken land. Ending suffering means killing enormous creatures. The titular giant All this while gathering equipment. Fight human enemies and solve puzzles.
The giant is a big selling point. BehemothAnd they didn't disappoint. The enormous size of these creatures cannot be understated. And fighting them is extremely exciting. Behemoth Featuring some of the best and most memorable boss battles in all of VR gaming through these jaw-dropping creatures. Each battle surpasses the previous one in complexity, challenge, and scale. These battles can look incredible on a flat screen TV or traditional monitor. But seeing these monsters in the context of virtual reality is truly something else.
Behemoth's boss fight is the biggest one yet.
The incredible giant battles are worth the price of admission alone. There are a couple of issues, though, that prevent these encounters from reaching their full potential. There was a lot of climbing. BehemothAnd it usually works exactly as intended. But there are times when climbing doesn't work properly when trying to scale these giant creatures. One impressive giant fight is ruined by the cut in and out audio. This distracts and robs the moment of impact. But even with these hiccups BehemothThe boss fights are something to remember.
There are few monster battles in the game, during which players must fight their way through countless hordes of human enemies armed with swords, axes, shields, and bows. Players can pick up and use any weapon. whatever you encounter during your adventures Combat benefits greatly from the freedom allowed by VR. Players can smash enemy armor with an axe. Stun them with a quick arrow shot at their feet. Then stab them through the head as their guard falls. Having so many weapons at your disposal can seem daunting. But players won't have to worry about fumbling around in their inventory during the heat of battle. The main weapon returns automatically if thrown. And players can still throw their swords and retrieve them manually as before. god of warLeviathan's Ax If they want
early Behemoth This gives the Wrens a special ability that increases their strength enormously in a short period of time. If the battle is too intense Players can summon this skill to cut opponents in half, remove limbs, or even pick them up and toss them. As the game progresses The wren's arsenal also increased. This, in turn, increases the options players have in any combat encounter, ensuring that combat in Behemoth never get old
There were many battles. BehemothBut the game really shines with its puzzle solving. Fans of Zelda– Stylish puzzles will have a great time solving puzzles. BehemothAnd although many of the games may seem simple compared to other console games, But being hands-on with everything will help them feel refreshed. Puzzles help break up confrontations, struggles and confidence. Behemoth Maintains excellent speed from the start of the game until the end credits. There is nothing here that will make players pull their hair out. But there's still enough challenge in the puzzles that players won't get bored either.
My first playthrough of Behemoth took about 10 hours, but I can see it taking another 5 to 10 hours to get to 100%.
The last piece of BehemothIts main gameplay is platforming. Behemoth Equips players with a grappling hook that they can use to swing onto higher ledges. Its momentum is sometimes used to fling Wren long distances in order to fight to the next point and beyond. The Wren's dash, which is usually used for dodging enemy attacks, is also used. Can be used mid-air to dash across gaps. And players can also jump onto walls and edges they are climbing with their hands. Clever twists to the formula are sprinkled throughout. When combined with the upgrades that players will receive from Wren's grappling hook, it will be more useful. make things interesting
Behemoth gives you your money's worth.
Everything in the game is very effective because Behemoth Overstay is welcome, gradually giving players more tools. Then present puzzles and combat encounters that use said tools. When Behemoth If you run out of ideas, the game ends. That doesn't mean Behemoth There isn't a lot of content to travel with. My playthrough took about 10 hours, and I didn't even come close to seeing everything. There are many places that are off the beaten path. There are often more difficult puzzles and platforming challenges that offer useful rewards.
Behemoth There are collectibles for players to find. But the real exciting prizes are the metals that players use to upgrade their weapons. Keep it sincere BehemothVR Immersion Upgrading weapons isn't done by clicking through menus. The player must place the weapon on the anvil. Melt the necessary materials. Then hit the hot weapon with a hammer, like in Skydance's other VR games. Behemoth does a great job of immersing the player by taking full advantage of VR's unique abilities. What would be a mundane task in any other game is instead made engaging and fun.
From a gaming perspective It is difficult to find faults. Behemoth Aside from climbing during big boss battles. The game's two biggest drawbacks are the story, which is dull and predictable. And glitchy graphics are a little too common, most of the time. Behemoth Looks good, but sometimes causes the ball to drop with textures that don't load and have clunky effects.
Behemoth has an Arena mode that is currently in beta testing. But we weren't able to try it out for this review.
It's not perfect but it doesn't stop. Behemoth From being one of the best VR games to date It's an action-packed adventure that will surely appeal to fans of the genre. The Legend of Zelda and god of warWith a good balance of fierce battles Satisfying puzzles and immersive exploration This is the latest must-have VR experience. And it's one of the best virtual reality games to be released all year.

Check in Meta Quest 3
- Exciting and fierce battles
- Fun puzzles that make great use of VR
- Excellently executed from beginning to end.
- Always introduce new mechanics to keep things fresh.
- Some of the best boss battles in games throughout the year.
- Unreliable climbing ruins some of the game's most exciting moments.
- Occasional graphics and sound issues
- The story is too predictable.
Behemoth Available now for PC, PlayStation VR2, and Meta Quest Game Rant received the Meta Quest code for this review.