Saint's campaign gate

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In the previous chapter of Stone of madness The Gate of St. Rome, you met her shadow and discovered her horrible past. After her mother discovered her love, she was imprisoned in a cell with her child until she died.


The Stone of Madness: The Corrupt Hand of the Church – Chapter One Tips

Survival of stones of madness means the use of all the strengths of the characters to escape.

You bid farewell to the shadow by killing a superior mother or bringing her children's toys, and on the other hand, she gives you a symbol. However, the logo is broken, and now you have to have a lot of fire to repair this chapter, start searching for that fire. If you are with the final chapter of the campaign is waiting

How to repair symbols

Your first objective in this chapter is to repair the symbols given to you by Shadow. To do this, you must have a strong light. There are two sources of the fire that you can use: medium heat in the family or a family stove in Refectory. If you choose to use the power in Cutscene cells, it will play when you approach that the power goes out and the inmates are stuck at that

first one, Talk to a doctor Situation To release inmates to use Alfredo's inspection skills Follow the track beside the inmates that are imprisoned. The track will lead you to the north to the first layer of cells that they end near the glass. Interaction with the track to unlock the door that was released in which the inmates were imprisoned.

Alfred is used to switch on the tower of the cells in the stone of madness.

When the inmates went out Press the button again to close the door. Now go to The second floor of the western part of the cell and activated the switch. This will cause a fire that inmates were held earlier.

Finally, press the button to unlock the lighting area. Provide symbols to Eduardo or Agnes. And interact with the fire to complete the purpose and call Cutscene

Or you can use the family stove in the Refectory.

Where can I find a tank of the moonlight?

Your next purpose is to create a distraction for your escape by lit a large apple tree in a large wall area. To do this, you must Bring three moonlight tanks Go to the apple tree You can search for a tank directly or keep sugarcane to produce moonlight.

You can create a moonlight tank at night in your cell by using the skill of the anchane witch pot and the sugarcane that you compile.

Axne, gathering sugarcane, sugar, next to the river in the stone of madness.

If you want to gather sugarcane, you can search. Near the river in the east of Refectory There are two sugar cane here – use antenas to gather them while avoiding nuns and soldiers, Head to the basement door in the big city wall. Down the stairs and find two more sugar near the river.

Across the river there is another sugarcane. But you will have to use Eduardo to put the plank across the water to get there. You can also find sugarcane. In the pharmacist area of ​​cellsEspecially in the Western room with a vase

Alfredo checks the track next to Rives in The Stone of Madness.

One barrel Moonshine is located. In the piano roomAnd another thing is In the kitchen of Refectory If you want to search for one kitchen, use Alfredo inspection skills. Follow the track on the ground floor. This will lead you to cracks in the wall that is hidden.

When you keep all three moonlight tanks at the apple tree, the purpose will be completed.

How to help Alfredo

While trying to light the Alfredo, the current arrest and your current objective is to help him. He was captured in the courtyard of the inmates, which you will see the cut scene when arriving.

first one, Buy money keys from PANECILLO for $ 50.Who is near the north of the cell?

Then go up the stairs and unlock the large wooden door for you. Easy access to MOTHER SUPIRIOR's office

However, instead of receiving the key from Panecilo Starting from the basement door in the antique storage room a good idea In this way, you can access Alfredo without the need to use the key.

When catching Alfredo in the area of ​​the inmates in the stone of madness

In the office outside the office of MOTHER SUPERIOR, you will Find the point where you can tie the rope. Reduced Mi Lia using the rope Introduce her through the hole to go to the Alfredo's location. Use shadows and tanks for your benefit while you are carefully moved Amelia to Alfredo.

The guardian will rise and down on the platform for the period that the Alfredo is held. Hidden behind the tank near the bear trap while the guard dropped. Place the normal time to sleep using chocolate and Devotion of the military too While they are distracted by Alfred Free When Alfredo has been rescued, this objective will be completed.

How to escape the monastery

Your final purpose is to escape the monastery. To do this, all three of your characters must leave the large door in the largest wall, Get rid of when standing at the top of the stairs. Used Leonora, Deal with armed soldiers and another near the metal fence In front of the door – If possible, use agons's Gotiia skills to kill them.

When the patrol officers were taken care of Climbed onto the wall with Leonora And took the military stationed there after Interaction with the switch on the wallBring Leonora and Agnes to the door. Escort Alfredo, who disguised as a priest to the door without being caught by a mother.

Or you can do Arrive at the door through the area you had previously spoke to Shadow. To do this, use Eduardo to destroy the dark plank. Then interact with the inner switch to lift the stick. This will help you guide each character one by one to the door.


The stone of madness from Devs that insults is equal and frustrating.

Try your own example, which is part of the Fest Next Fest.

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