Paired with the true Master of Puck, Faerie Dragon is one of the most terrifying experiences in Dota 2– With a variety of escape tools with a lot of damage from the ability, skilled naughty children can dominate the game from the process of walking to the time when the opponent's opponent was destroyed.

However, Puck is one of the most challenging heroes in Dota 2 To learn only one teacher While creating a hero's item is quite straightforward, naughty children take time, patience and many training. In this creation manual, we will draft the best talent and progress of the program to help you learn the hero correctly.


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Dark Seer can be a difficult hero to learn for beginners. In Dota 2, this guide will teach you and your ability to help you start.

Overview of Dota 2 Puck Hero


Puck is a long -range hero who has a complex score of two stars in Dota 2– The hero starts with a good main statistics. But the strength of the base is low and the extra strength makes it an easy target to kill. However, the incantation for the removal of it compensates for this weakness causes the naughty children to avoid threats and live in a fight.

Standard and maximum ability


How does it work?

Orb illusion

PUCK launches Orb magic floating in the straight path, causing damage to the enemy unit along the route.


Puck Teleports to the target position, causing damage to the enemies in a small AOE pushed them out and closed their sound for a period of time.

Changing phase

The ability in the channel that changes naughty children is an alternative dimension that he cannot target or attack.

Traveling without identity

Can only be used when the Orb flight allows children to move to the world immediately during the flight.

Dream coil

The enemies in AOE and destroy them. If the enemy destroys the leash by moving out, they are shocked and very damaged.

In addition, Patch 7.36, AKA The Crownfall Update, Natural and two aspects for heroes to choose from at the beginning of the game:

  • Natural ability (Puckish): PUCK can restore health and mana anytime that separates attacks or bullets.
  • Facet 1 (Jostling Rift): Reduced intersection can be set to Alt-Cast, pulling the enemy to the center of AOE.
  • Facet 2 (Curveball): Orb illusion became a spell that set a vector target that can bend in all directions. Travel speed and time also increase.

Health and mana that has been rehabilitated by Puckish is higher when you manage to separate the spelling.

Puck has also been upgraded for the ability after buying the AGHANIM SHARD and AGHANIM:

  • AGHANIM's SHARD: The phase upgrades cause children to attack all the enemies within the attack every time they use their ability. In addition, the damage from the magic bonus to the automatic attack of Puck.
  • AGHANIM: Upgrade the highest ability of Puck, Dream Coil. The enemy is arrested by Dream Coil.

AGHANIM's dream coils treat damage to the enemy heroes, even if they destroy the coil.

Best Puck Build in Dota 2

Dota-2-Puck -illusory-Orb-Dream-COIL

There are two ways to play naughty children. Dota 2: As a seizure of physical damage or wheel that rely on his spell While creating both in high MMR brackets, most players tend to like to create a wheel ball. This creation focuses on creating items that allow children to survive in the fight and use his ability to damage the hero of the enemy.

For this manual, we will focus on creating a wheel ball. Due to the full use of the naughty children's ability Puck's greatest strength is his dodge. By creating this, you will play from a distance and use your spells to participate in the fight of the team. You can also be determined to kill the background of the opponent if you find the right chance.

Aspects of ability and ability to order


Most Puck players choose to go with Jostling Rift Facet When playing naughty children It adds a little to the hero's tool set because forfeit Have a low cooldown by yourself. You can use it many times during the chase to prevent the enemy runs away. You can also close automatic casting to push the enemy and destroy the coil.

For his abilities, naughty children tend to focus on increasing twice at the beginning of the walk. The first ability you use for the lane is Orb illusion It helps you harass your opponents from a safe distance and push the waves to crawl under the tower. You can put the value of the united face and Nuker like Lina to dodge her spells. Alternating between changing phases and split scratches and laying your last point when you enter the level 6

For Puck's ability, we recommend the following:

  • Level 10: +40 Damage of ORB illusion
  • Level 15: +60 Damaged
  • Level 20: -3S decreased by Rift Cooldown
  • Level 25: DREAM COIL, Debuff's immune system

Progress of the program


Puck is one of the heroes that do not like to damage, especially when playing as a spell. You will have to work with flexibility items so you can survive in the fight of the team. This is a program that works well with heroes.

Starting list

Since you are playing in the middle, you don't have to focus on Regen as a safe lane of Tabo one fire, angels and four steel branches It should be all you want to keep the final security on the lane without having to die until you get a bottle. You will need a file. Ward observers At the point where Rune went to Gank, trying from the enemy team.


As your first Midlaner's Midlaner is very important. Use your spell to harass the opposite of the lane while the final security to buy yours. bottle– Once you have a bottle, make sure you get the file. water and Prize money runes To ensure that the source of Regen in the LANING

After your bottle bought the file fetish For some statistics Wand For special sustainability and Speed ​​shoes Upgrade the speed boots to Power Tread as soon as you can save enough gold for it.

Main item

The greatest power for the naughty children in the first game is when you manage to buy. Witch blade– This item will increase your bullet speed and also help you attack a special point. (Damage over time) to help kill the enemy's hero on the map. If your other lanes do well, focus on farming until you get the product.

After completing, you can start playing a little more. Rotate to your side lane and help the killing of Offlaner on the next enemy. Dash– This will act as your main tool. Chard of Aghanim Next, add more damage to your light.

Situation list

Dota 2 Is a great Dynamic Moba, which every competition can affect your selection and decision. After picking up your core Im, you will take a moment to consider that you will be more effective during the fight. If the enemy team has too much disabled you to play with Bar Bar– However, with one or two silence The saint of the holyness of EUL Should be enough. You can upgrade to Wind Waker at the end of the game. When you play with a strong originator such as Storm Spirit, it is better to go with Linken's spherical shape To separate the first instance of disabled

In some matchups, you can consider with Aeon Disk if you have a problem of living.

If you want to buy an aggressive product, you have a good option. Upgrade the witch blade to paradise It is a great way to increase your inventory area while adding more damage. AGHANIM It is also a great pickup truck for naughty children to upgrade the dream coil.

You can also go with the Octarine axis to reduce the use of your cooldown, so you can more spells during the fight.

Learning a naughty child must have a good understanding when it will be involved with your spell and when it should be returned. Due to the low healthy pool of the hero and the weakness, the weakness causes the confusion only one time, can easily send you back to the fountain that is easily waiting for the new emerging. However, with the right position, fast response and good magic casting, naughty children can become a threat that cannot be touched. Dota 2Can carry all the teams by themselves

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July 9, 2013

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