Project Robot characters may be cyborgs


  • Fans think Team Ico's new game Project Robot has a cyborg protagonist.

  • They noticed a metal face, legs, and hands that looked like a robot. Including wheels attached to their feet.

Last week, Team Ico announced a brand new game called Project Robot in an exciting but brief teaser reveal. A gigantic machine beheads itself to escape an approaching strange storm.

Looking at the patterns on the main character's clothes, It looks like a follow-up to Shadow of the Colossus and Ico, but here's what's really interesting. That is, they might be cyborgs.


Why do I love the comforting loneliness of Ico and Fumito Ueda's team?

Fumito Ueda and Team ICO are experts on grief in games.

As pointed out by eagle-eyed fans like Reddit user Few-Opportunity-4947 . The protagonist appears to have metal hands and legs, as well as a robotic 'face'. (Some people guess that it's really And it's a helmet.) They also have what look like wheels attached to their feet.

The new game may be based on Fumito Ueda's old concept art.

Others, like Reddit user ralg666, note that the protagonist looks like one of the older character designs. Unused belongings of Fumito Ueda when they were art students. This might shed light on the theory that the new protagonist is a cyborg.

The original design had a more human face. It gives the idea that the head of the 'robot' is actually a mask. They appear to have metal legs and arms. It's very much like a new character.

Ueda said of the design: He called it “inappropriate for an art student” and “could have been more straightforward”, although it was revealed that the developers rejected him because of this. It's possible that he revisited this old design in Project Robot years later. By making things “More straightforward” by making the new protagonist more clearly a cyborg.

Another possible inspiration behind Project Robot is Nausicaä from Valley of the Wind, which was one of Ueda's favorite childhood films. It tells the story of a post-apocalyptic world destroyed by God Warriors, creatures. Giant biomechanics such as cyborgs

Giving credence to this idea is The “Sea of ​​Corruption” in Nausicaä is a poisonous forest that is slowly decaying. suffocation throughout the world It's like the incident we saw the protagonist escape from in the Project Robot trailer.

Perhaps Ueda is exploring the idea of ​​humanity's inner relationship with technology in Team Ico's new game. The cyborg protagonist makes sense.


The less we know about Fumito Ueda's new game, the better.

I have a lot of questions about Fumito Ueda's Project Robot and none of them have any answers.

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