Pokemon Scarlet and Violet will have an outbreak of mass from 6 February to 9.
Outstanding Pokémon is Fletchling, Starly and Pikipek.
Each Pokémon has the opportunity to increase as a sparkling variable.
The outbreak of Starly and Pikipek requires the hidden treasures of the DLC center area.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Announcement of the epidemic events that will occur during the first week of February. The outbreak of this disease will give Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Players have the opportunity to get the scores of Fletchling, Starly and Pikipek and Pokemon. Each bird has more opportunities to meet.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet The host in the game periodically makes players have different ways to increase the crutters in their collection. One of these events is the outbreak of the disease, which saw a group of Pokemon gathered in various places throughout the region. Some of these Pokémon are unique, such as rare marks or increased opportunities for sparkling variables appear in Pokemon Scarlet and the outbreak of the Violet. Recommended to celebrate the reality of snakes. Each snake Pokémon has a chance to sparkle when fighting.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet announced a special distribution activity but has a capture.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet reveal limited distribution events, which will give players only for the Critter for their collection.
Two weeks after that Pokemon Scarlet and VioleNot hosting the attack on Tera Paradox, the trainer will have the opportunity to receive some types of flights from the data of The Mass Flying Events will start on Thursday 6 February at 7:00 pm in the east and ends in. Sunday, February 9 at 6:59 p.m. East Erco Pokemon Scarlet and Violet The trainer will have the only one weekend to catch the Flat Ring Starly and Pikipek as much as they want. Do not know if this big epidemic event will be repeated or not. The outbreak of the Fletchling will appear in the Paldea Flocks Starly region, will be in the land of Kitakami and the Pikipek group will gather all over the Terrarium's Terrarium. Berry Institute
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Flying Mass outbreak (February 2025)
Both Starly and Pikipek must access the hidden treasures of the DLC center area. The level of each disease is different depending on the progress of the story. Pokemon Scarlet and Violet The players are made with hats at the 60 Pokemon level, which are outstanding in the events of Mass Flying. Can be developed twice through the level of Talonflame, Araptor and Toucannon respectively.
In addition, the outbreak of mass is more likely for Starly, Fletchling and Pikipek that will sparkle when found. Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Players can create a flight sandwich to increase the exposure rate of Pokémon flying before entering the epidemic. The creation of a sparkling flavor sandwiches must be used to be salty and spicy and one Prosciutto.
After the epidemic of the disease Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Will host a five -star tera milcery attack for all players to participate at every time that is busy waiting for the Pokemon fans before the Pokemon Day 2025