after pokemon The series eventually passed the 1,000 character threshold as well. Pokemon Scarlet and VioletObviously, the franchise will have to account for the ever-growing Pokedex in future games, while the enormous size of the National Dex has caused problems in the past, such as the “Dexit” controversy in future Gen 8s. pokemon The game was able to mitigate the impact of its large Pokedex by following popular trends in the series. With the increase in regional variants in recent generations. pokemon Gen 10 can rely on this idea to avoid overloading the National Dex with too many all-new monsters.
Since their introduction in Gen 7, regional formats have been a great way to give old monsters new life with new designs and typography to revive player interest in them. Although each generation that introduces regional species has focused primarily on adding new creatures, it is common for regional species to stand out from other monsters in a generation because they It's a great way to tap into nostalgia while still feeling new, for this reason. pokemon Gen 10 can focus more on regional variables. and introducing fewer new monsters This is to preserve the Pokedex area while still creating a new experience for players.

What to expect from Pokemon Legends ZA in 2025
Pokemon Legends: ZA is coming this year. And although official information is still insufficient But it has many expected features and additions.
Pokemon Gen 10 should prioritize regional variants over the newest Mons.
The Pokedex has regional variants in the same list as the original form.
region |
Number of regional variables |
Brand new Pokémon added. |
Alola |
18 |
86 |
Galar |
25 |
89 |
Hisui |
19 |
7 |
Paldia |
3 |
120 |
The main benefit of adding regional variants over new monsters is that the Pokedex treats regional variants as part of the original version of the list. As a result, regional variants do not expand the Pokedex's total size, which helps keep the National Dex's total size close to. 1,000 at most, with the exception of Gen 9. The most recent generation has kept the number of brand new monsters under 100, and doubling the regional variants will help Gen 10 stick to this pattern.
Gen 8 in particular is a good model for the upcoming Gen 10, as it has 25 new regional variants and evolutions in it. Pokemon Sword and Shieldthen add another 19 inches Pokémon Legends: Arceus– Gen 9 strayed from this format by including over 100 brand new monsters with only 3 regional variants: Paldean Wooper, Evolved Clodsire, and Paldean Tauros (although this Mon has three different variants). whatever type) while Pokemon Legend: ZA More regional variants could be added to Gen 9, but it would still be smart for Gen 10 to take the opposite approach. and added a number of regional variants closer to Gen 8 to help reduce the overall size increase of the National Dex.
The regionally diverse game is the perfect middle ground between unique new designs and classic creatures.
while some people pokemon Fans may be disappointed with a generation that has fewer new animals. Having players fully diversified in different regions can give players the best of both worlds. Regional variants have the potential to completely change the way players perceive certain creatures. As can be seen from the transformation benefits such as Alolan Muk and Alolan Ninetales outweigh the original creatures. Giving more forgotten creatures a chance to shine in new form would be a great way to honor the franchise's legacy going into Generation 10.
Later generations have also placed great emphasis on the importance of Mons from the first generation. To appeal to fans nostalgic for the early days of the franchise, giving these creatures new designs through regional editions is a great way to balance the classic feel with a new twist. Gen 3 and Gen Mons 4 was a blind spot for regional generations, so Gen 10 targeting these generations for the new format would be a logical move for Game Freak to help keep the generation fresh without going overboard with a brand new design.