Pokemon Fan Designs Mega Evolution for Dugtrio

g pokemon A fan recently designed a Mega Evolution for Dugtrio. This creation is the newest creation that brings together the iconic creature from pokemon Franchise

Dugtrio is a Ground-type monster that was first introduced in the first generation of pokemon In the game, this creature evolves from a Diglett of level 26 and up. Its official evolution is unknown. However, both Diglett and Dugtrio received regional species in Alola, with Ground/Steel-type forms. In the game, Dugtrio can learn to evolve. Highly powerful ground-type moves such as Mining, Earth Power, Earthquake, and Fissure.


Pokemon Fan Art has Scizor transform into a demon.

A Pokémon fan creator gives the famous Gen 2 Bug/Steel hybrid Scizor a demonic makeover inspired by another popular Japanese franchise.

Now a pokemon A fan named _Conehead_ shared his latest creation with the community: A huge evolution for Dugtrio. This new form stands out when compared to the original Dugtrio, as it looks like one giant Dugtrio mountain. Instead of just one thing When paying attention to art You will be able to see tiny Digletts all over this animal's body. This indicates that this new evolution was not only made of stone. But it's also very high. Fans' works are praised by the community. and received more than 1,000 upvotes within hours.

Mega Dugtrio Pokemon fan art

This isn't the only time fans have come up with alternative designs for popular Gen 1 Pokémon, and some of these fan-produced designs have been incredibly creative at times. For example, last week, a fan Another created pig-inspired versions of Diglett and Dugtrio. In this groundbreaking new design The monsters were called Piglet and the Hog Trio. And it looks like a cute pig with Normal and Normal/Fighting types, respectively.

Another thing worth noting. pokemon Fan art reimagining Dugtrio was shared with the community a few months ago. By imagining it was ice cream. In this unique design, fans imagine the popular creature transformed into three Magnum ice cream bars smiling together.

Last year I was inspired by Pokemon Scarlet and VioletA talented fan invented both past and future Paradox forms for Diglett and Dugtrio, as Diglett became a type of iron ship. Ground/Flying A future version of Paradox that lives inside a giant robot body, Dugtrio is transformed into Mighty Roots, a powerful Ground/Grass-type monster with tentacles that lives in a prehistoric forest. Hopefully, fans Others will come up with amazing fan art featuring some of the world's most popular creatures. pokemon franchise and share new things about these monsters with the community.

pokemon game series


Pokemon is a franchise that needs no introduction. One of the most successful media empires in history, spanning games, television, movies, manga, merchandise, music, and more.

Created by
Satoshi Tajiri

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