Palworld guild chests are more useful than you think.

Palm WorldGuild Chests give players exclusive features that many fans have been craving since the game's launch. This gives them a safe place to store food without fear of it spoiling. Although keeping food safe indefinitely was not the main function of the trunk, some Palm World Players have already received this bonus feature just a few days after the release of Guild Chests in the game.

Palm WorldFeybreak's Feybreak Update was released on December 23, 2024. The update includes a ton of new content. Including new islands to explore, new factions and other NPCs to fight against. and the ability to randomly spawn Pals in a specific region or across. The whole world of the game Among everything else added with the update, Feybreak also introduces Guild Chests, which allow members of in-game guilds to place or delete items contained within. To promote sharing between guild mates.


Palworld update adds hardcore mode

As part of the upcoming Feybreak update, Palworld revealed that it is adding a Hardcore mode for players to try out starting December 23rd.

Although this is not the main function of these newly fabricated containers, But some players have discovered that they can use guild chests even when playing solo. This allows them to be stored. Palm World Food list indefinitely One Reddit user, CommodoreFresh, posted their findings just one day after the update was released. It stated that after placing food in the guild chest. They discovered that the timer leading to the decay of each pile of items had completely stopped. While some fans of the game speculated that the stoppage of the timer was an accidental glitch. This will be fixed in a later update. At least now Players are free to store food in their Guild Chests without fear of it rotting.

Palworld Guild Chests help keep food items from rotting.

The new mechanics provided by Guild Chests help players feel a little more comfortable when playing. Palm World– Even the mechanics of catching cute monsters and using them in battle were compared early on. pokemonThe core gameplay gives the game its roots in the survival genre. Players will have to explore the game's map while dealing with important factors such as body heat. Lest they succumb to the elements. Finding and eating in Palm World It is necessary for the survival of the player character and the readiness of his friends to work and fight. Therefore, having the equipment to store food safely gives a great boost to the player.

Although this discovery has helped many players keep the food in food stores fresh. But it might reduce the benefits of Pals as a group. Palm WorldIce Pals have a special function at the base. It can power a refrigeration unit that significantly slows down the decomposition of food piles. But even without this special utility They can also fight well against their dragon-type friends. And many were able to do other important work at the base, such as digging or gathering wood.

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