One Piece: Marine with the potential of the Admiral

This article has a spoiler from ELBAF ARC of one piece.


  • Koby, Prince Grus, Gion and Chaton. Everyone has the potential of the Admiral.

  • These people are strong, necessary, Haki's ability and the potential to promote future sales for Admiral.

  • With their skills and history as applicants, they may increase to the future Admiral.

When talking about the world of One -pieceFans know that there are some people with very high power. Among these pirates are Yonko and among the Marine Corps, they are generals and navy. Of course, the general consists of three powerful people who have a great ability, which can change the country's face by himself.


One Piece: 23 The strongest Haki users of the conquer

Conqueror's Haki is used by the strongest people in one universe. These users show the most potential.

The general is strong enough to stick to even Yonko, even if they are not as strong as them. Whether they are the most impressive people in One -pieceAnd within the ranking of the new military navy has always appeared in the future of One -pieceThe fans will definitely see the new general, which means that some people can promote this. Even now, among the navy, there are a few people who have the potential of the Admiral.



  • Demon fruit: n/a

  • HAKI: Weapon and observation

The fans already know the incredible potential of Koby. It has been trained from Garp. Koby is already very strong. His power truly woke up in the Egghead curve, which he gave everyone to see what he could truly do.

Nonetheless, Koby is still far from ready -made products and must practice his ability even better. In the future of one piece, the fans will see Koby get a greater power and finally fills his dreams of being the master's master. He will be involved with Luffy in fighting at some point, which is very interesting to see.



Prince Grus from one piece

  • Demon fruit: Gunyo Gunyo no mi

  • HAKI: Weapon and observation

Prince Grus is one of Koby's friendly competitors and fans know that he has the enormous potential as well. He has the power of Gunyo Gunyo no Mi, which is Paramecia's ability that allows him to manage the clay as he wants in many. His power is similar to Doflamingo.

Prince Grus is the master's back of the Marine Corps, and now he has a 500 million berries or five -star. According to Cross Guild's report, he is a comparable person with Koby and at the same time, fans know that Prince Grus is called the future of the navy by Garp with others. Hope he will shine in the future and he may go to the position of Admiral.



Gion Momousagi One Piece

  • Demon fruit: n/a

  • HAKI: Weapon and observation

Gion is inferior to the Admiral in the navy. She definitely has the potential of the Admiral, as she is one of the applicants who have received this position during this time. This means that Gion has more skills than the average Admiral and she has a strong top sleeve.


One Piece: 27 The most winning demon fruit

Devil Fruit users are the strongest people in the world. The ability of these demonic demon is definitely overcome.

By virtue of the position of Admiral, she can access both the weapons and the HAKI observation in the future. Gion may be given the opportunity to show what she truly is, and the fans may see her Haki, whether in the future With vacancies within the Gion General Group to be considered again



Secondary Admiral Chaton smiles from one piece

  • Demon fruit: n/a

  • HAKI: Weapon and observation

Like Gion, Chaton, also known as Tokikage, is the applicant of Admiral at the timeskip period, which means his strength is greater than the average of Admiral. One -piece

Chaton is very powerful because he is inferior to the Admiral who has observed and weapons, which he should use precisely. Whether he has the ability to create a demon fruit or not to see Whether he is very respected and in the future of One -pieceIf there is a vacancy for the Admiral position, he will be considered again. His status continues to confirm that he has the potential of Admiral, otherwise he will not be in any position.



  • Demon fruit: Moku Moku no Mi

  • HAKI: Weapon and observation

Smokers are also one of the famous generals who are famous across the Grand as the White Chase. Fans know that he is a very powerful marine with the power of Moku Moku no Mi. And at the same time, two types of Haki observers and weapons The smokers are very powerful and even if Oda has left the ball in this drama a little, he will get his time to shine soon.

Smokers are one of the strongest officers in the series. Just confirm that if the navy needs a new Admiral, he will definitely do it. Hopefully he will get more shine in the upcoming curves, then claiming the position of Admiral and may be the Navy Admiral later.


One -piece

Release date

20 October 1999


Fuji TV


Hiroaki Miyamoto, Konosuke Uda, Junji Shimizu, Satoshi Itō, Munehisa Sakai, Katsumi Tokoro, Yutaka Nakajima, Kenichi O Maeya, Nozomndô ABE, Harume Kosaka, Yasuhiro Tanabe, Yukihiko Nakao, Keisuke Onishi, Junichi Fujise, Hiroyuki Satou


Jin Tanaka, Akiko Inoue, Junki Takegami, Shinzo Fujita, Shouji Yonemura, Yoshiyuki Suga, ATSUHIRO TOMIOKA, Hirohiko Usaka, Michiru Shimada


  • Position fasteners

    Mayumi Tanaka

    Monkey d. luffy (sound)

  • Position fasteners

    Kazuya Nakai

    Roronoa Zoro (Sound)

  • Position fasteners

    Akemi Okamura

    Nami (Sound)

  • Position fasteners

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