League of Legends boasts an ever-growing roster of over 160 champions, giving players plenty of options to suit their unique playstyles. Unfortunately, a necessary by-product of a roster this large, is that some champions just rub players the wrong way.

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Champions can be hated by the League of Legends community for a multitude of reasons, from annoying laughs to unfair mechanics and a tendency to feed. Worst of all are those champions that possess a combination of these irritating features; in other words the champions responsible for rising blood pressures on both sides of the rift.
Updated December 9, 2024 by Joe Grantham:As League of Legends constantly evolves, new champions are added, old champions are reworked, and sentiments towards the existing roster fluctuate depending on the current balance and meta of the game. New champions in particular can be a constant source of frustration for players, as they are released with overloaded kits to stand out as exciting and new.
While these champions are very fun to play as, game-changing abilities can feel unfair for the enemy, and in the most extreme cases, even allies will hate playing alongside them. The most hated League champs often have annoying personalities and other reasons outside of gameplay that make players wish they never had to see them again.
28 Irelia
Obnoxious Once Ahead & Useless To Allies When Behind
Irelia has always been one of a handful of volatile champions who are simultaneously hated for how strong they can be to face and how useless they can be to a team in other games. When ahead, Irelia can be incredibly obnoxious and steamroll a team, dashing through minions and champions alike. She heals, has a way to block large bursts of damage, and can also be a nuisance in the side lanes.
At the other end of the spectrum, however, an Irelia who is behind is practically useless to her team. Her stun is hard to hit and not exactly game-changing, and to deal damage, she has to commit to the fight and go in, meaning she will die quickly without items and levels.
27 Kayn
Red Kayn Feels Unkillable & Blue Kayn Travels At Lightning Speeds To Assassinate
Kayn is a unique champion given that he has two different forms to choose from part-way through the game. These are typically referred to as Red Kayn and Blue Kayn, with the former being an unkillable bruiser and the latter being a highly mobile assassin. Both can be frustrating for the enemy in their own ways, and the extent of this relies on the current strength of each form.
Fighting a fed Red Kayn for example, can feel like a lost cause as he heals back most of the damage he takes, and if he ever gets dangerously low, he can ult to hide within a target momentarily, before emerging with more HP than he had prior. Blue Kayn on the other hand, is an ADC or other squishy champion’s worst nightmare. He will surge through a wall at lightning speeds before dashing and slashing at his target, and a fed Blue Kayn won’t even need to ult.
26 Singed
Chasing Singed Through His Poison Is Not Advised & His Proxy Farming Can Be Annoying For Both Sides
Some of the least liked champions in League, not only annoy the enemy, but sometimes their allies too. With his unconventional play style of proxy farming deep in enemy territory, Singed often fits into this category. Most enemies don’t know what to do in this situation, nor do Singed’s allies, and they can only hope that the Singed player knows what they are doing and why, rather than them proxy farming because they have seen others do so.
In terms of his actual abilities, Singed becomes even more annoying for the enemy, especially in regard to his Q, which leaves a poison trail behind him. The general rule is to never chase a Singed, as this means walking through the poison, which if Rylai’s has been bought, also means being slowed. Furthermore, enemies with high mobility will often get frustrated by Singed’s ground ability, which prevents them from dashing. In game, Singed is also more annoying and silly compared with the troubled character presented in Arcane.
25 Heimerdinger
Hated For His Annoying Turrets
Heimerdinger is a great champion for beginners, as most of his damage comes from the turrets he places, which will even farm for him. However, these turrets are not so popular with the enemy, especially melee champions who are forced to run into range of them to try and kill Heimerdinger.

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As good Heimerdinger players will have great turret placement, oncoming enemies will often find themselves caught in a triangle of doom, and if Rylai’s has been purchased they will be constantly slowed too. Worst of all is stepping into a bush that Heimerdinger has set up camp in, and any unlucky enough to do this will receive a face-full of rockets on top of all the turrets firing lasers at them. It also doesn’t help that Heimerdinger has a rather annoying personality, mocking his opponents with science puns.
24 Akshan
Hated For Bringing His Teammates Back To Life
Normally in League, if a champion is dead, that’s it until they respawn after a certain amount of time, which increases with champion levels. In the late game, players will be waiting for over 30 seconds, in which time the enemy can take objectives, making kills a tactical goal.
However, Akshan has the unique ability to flip this core concept on its head. This is thanks to the passive part of his W – Going Rogue, which marks enemy champions who kill his teammates. If Akshan then scores a takedown on one of these marked “Scoundrels,” all of his allies killed by this particular champion will instantly respawn at base. Naturally, this is particularly infuriating for the enemy who have just worked hard to remove opponents from the map. Theoretically, a single enemy could score a Quadra Kill on Akshan’s allies, and instantly see all four of them respawn while they have to wait 40 seconds to return after falling to Akshan at the last hurdle.
23 Katarina
Hated For How Much Damage She Deals & For Being A Useless Ally
Katarina has no crowd control or any form of annoying utility, and yet enemies still hate playing against her due to how much damage she can dish out. When Kat gets ahead, she stays ahead, melting foes like butter in the sun. Unless her opponents have easy point-and-click CC, she is almost unstoppable with her mobility, especially in the hands of her mains. Her reset mechanics contribute to this hate massively, as if she gets kills in a fight, certain abilities come off cooldown, and even her ult will be up again soon.
On the other side of the coin, Katarina’s aforementioned lack of utility simultaneously makes her a pain for teammates. This is particularly true when the player controlling her isn’t the most skilled, as they will be practically useless to the team.
22 Briar
Hated By Teammates Who Resent Her Lack Of Control
Briar is the latest champion and Jungler to grace the Rift with her presence, but due to her unique frenzy mechanic that temporarily removes control from the player, teammates are not enjoying their time alongside her. She has a steep learning curve and appears to have released weak, neither of which helps.
If Briar players don’t have their E available to cancel her frenzy, or she hits the wrong target with her ultimate, there is nothing that can be done to stop her from finding an early grave. Alternatively, a fed Briar can be very frustrating to play against.
21 Tryndamere
Hated For His Volatile Early Game & Unkillable Ultimate
Thanks to his passive, Tryndamere has fluctuating critical strike chance even in the early game, meaning early fights are extremely volatile and somewhat luck-based. This can be painful for opposing top laners and his teammates, who often have to watch him quickly lose lane and be useless for the rest of the game.

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Tryndamere is also immensely annoying for enemies once he hits level 6 and gains access to his ultimate, Undying Rage, which makes him unkillable for 5 seconds. During this time, he can easily take down targets and then spin to safety.
20 Zeri
Hated For How Hard She Is To Balance, Especially In Pro Play
While Zeri is extremely fun, providing players with an experience that is usually associated with the best first-person Shooter games, she has proven to be a balancing nightmare, particularly in professional play. Given that her auto attacks are skill shots, professional ADCs can make the most of her, and weeks of LoL esports can quickly turn into repetitive Zeri pentakill montages.
Her electric speed and sometimes durable builds can make her incredibly frustrating to play against, as unlike other hyper-carriers she cannot be caught or killed. When she gets nerfed into the ground due to elite players overperforming on her, regular players hate having her on their team as she is too weak to do anything.
19 Malzahar
Hated For His Suppression Ultimate & Damage Over Time
Malzahar has to be one of the most annoying champions to lane against, and it doesn’t get much better in teamfights. With his E – Malefic Visions, Malzahar can brainlessly push in waves and if an enemy gets too close, this damage over time infliction will mess with their heads too.
On top of this, he also has a silence that stops players from using their spells, and worse than that a point-and-click ultimate that suppresses enemies, rendering them null and void for 2.5 seconds. With two abilities that practically stop you from playing the game, it is easy to see why Malzahar is one of the most hated champions in League of Legends.
18 Seraphine
Hated For How Her Release Played Out
While Seraphine does not possess a particularly annoying kit, it is her mere existence that elicits such enmity from League of Legends players. Seraphine had a controversial release, with many people believing she was created primarily to make money from her K/DA skin.
Furthermore, a similarity to Sona in both theme and gameplay, left players feeling like she brought nothing new to the world of Runeterra. Whereas other champions with disputed debuts have mostly been fixed, Seraphine continues to pose questions.
17 Blitzcrank
Hated For His Hook That Can Instantly Win Fights
Blitzcrank is easily one of the most hated champions by most bot laners for one simple reason – his hook. Rocket Grab is without a doubt one of the strongest basic abilities in League of Legends, as one grab can win the lane or even the game.

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The best Blitzcrank players hold onto their hook for as long as possible in lane, generating pressure from the mere threat of it. This is absolutely horrible for immobile ADCs to play against, particularly for players who are newer to the game. Without their flash-up, a behind ADC with no dashes can almost never walk into range of Blitz.
16 Draven
Hated For His All Or Nothing Playstyle & Toxic Associations
Even if Draven was aware of the hate directed at him, he most likely wouldn’t care, he simply loves himself too much. The ego and toxicity Draven emanates in character, is sufficiently matched by his gameplay which demands the game be played around his success or failure. Much of this stems from Draven’s unique snowballing tool within League of Legends.
In essence, Draven acquires stacks while farming; if he is then able to get a kill he cashes in for huge amounts of gold; on the other hand, if he dies he loses most of the stacks and quickly becomes useless. This feast-or-famine play style leads to one-sided games where at least one Bot Lane isn’t having fun. To make matters worse Draven players are known for giving up and being toxic after failing to get ahead, even though their team might still be in with a chance.
15 Illaoi
Hated For Her Test Of Spirit Ability
Due to her low popularity and pick rate, Illaoi might not be at the tip of players’ tongues when they think about the most hated champions in League of Legends. However, that quickly changes in the rare champion select where she is locked in. The annoyance of playing against her mainly stems from her E-Test of Spirit, which could not be named better.
Illaoi rips the Spirit out of her foe, which she can attack to deal damage to the host by proxy. If she manages to kill the Spirit or the host abandons their soul, her enemy will become a slow-moving Vessel that deadly Tentacles spawn around. While this is far from the strongest ability in the game, it stifles all fun for those unlucky enough to face the Kraken Priestess.
14 Morgana
Hated For Her Seemingly Infinite CC & Black Shield
There aren’t many things the League of Legends community can agree on, but Morgana’s Q – Dark Binding lasting for too long is one of them. Jokes are often made about what you can get done while being rooted, with playing another game being a regular punchline.
In addition to her oppressive Crowd Control, Morgana also has access to a spell shield that spoils the fun of most champions. By banning her, players can dodge all this misery and simultaneously avoid a Morgana on their team who can’t hit a single root and mistime every Black Shield.
13 K’Sante
Hated For Dealing Too Much Damage & Having Lots Of Mobility As A Tank
K’Sante is one of the latest champions in League to test the patience of the player base, with many arguing that he has an overloaded kit. While tanks are hard to kill by nature, and many have great crowd control, K’Sante also has extremely high mobility and the potential for lots of damage.

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In fact, when K’Sante goes All Out with his ultimate, he temporarily turns into a quasi-assassin, removing his target from the fight before removing their life and returning for more blood. Whether players are trapped in his CC chain, pounded into the next life, or simply unable to lock him down, K’Sante has too much raw power.
12 Riven
Hated For Her Volatile Playstyle & Toxic Associations
Unfortunately, some players give a bad name to their main champions within League of Legends, and Riven is a prime victim of this. After witnessing too many Riven players run it down, leave the game, or otherwise engage in general toxic behavior, a negative association is inevitable.
Meanwhile, in the hands of a competent player, Riven can feel unstoppable with all her mobility and complex animation cancels. Champions of such a volatile nature will often warp the game one way or another and as such leave a bad taste in both sets of players’ mouths.
11 Vayne
Hated For Many Players Being Useless On Her
Marksmen in League of Legends tend to receive less hate than other classes, as they are usually on the receiving end of unfair mechanics. Vayne however, has always been one of the few exceptions. With a high skill ceiling thanks to her mobility, and a kit that rewards great positioning and aggression, Vayne has so much potential within a game.
Unfortunately, that potential is often wasted by inept players who end up using her mobility to give the enemy free kills. This is of course unless she is on the enemy team.
10 Zed
Hated By Squishy Champs For Easily One-Shotting Them
Zed has historically been one of the most feared champions and as such has garnered much hatred over the years. Despite not always being strong, his consistently high ban rate shows that League of Legends players just don’t like playing against this shadow assassin.
His ability to one-shot squishy targets and subsequently escape into thin air often leaves players feeling like there is no counterplay. While counterplay certainly exists, players are just fed up with dying to him or watching their teammates fail to utilize his kit.
9 Lulu
Hated For Stopping All Kills & Her Annoying Laugh
Any League of Legends player who’s suffered an entire laning phase listening to Lulu’s laugh would agree that she deserves her high ban rate and any contempt that goes with it. Her whimsical character just rubs extra salt in the wounds of her defeated and exasperated enemies.

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Other than making players turn off their sound, Lulu has plenty of annoying aspects to her gameplay. Any champion that wants to go in, will constantly find themselves repelled by her peel, especially her point-and-click polymorph. If an enemy ever looks like a free kill, think again if Lulu is near.