Monolith's Wonder Woman has one advantage over other DC games.

Announced back in December 2021 during the Game Awards, Monolith's Wonder Woman The game is still nowhere to be seen three years later. But that hasn't deterred many fans' excitement for the upcoming DC project. Developer Monolith has proven that with Middle-earth: Shadow A game that can support an IP with decades of valuable lore and world-building. And it's exciting to imagine how that experience could translate into an IP like Wonder Woman.

Like long-standing DC icons like Batman and Superman, there's plenty of material for Monolith to draw inspiration from from the Wonder Woman games, but unlike the other two flagship heroes, Wonder Woman has a unique advantage. When talking about the villain This is an advantage that makes Monolith an attractive opportunity.


Monolith's Wonder Woman Project Highlights the Need for a Proper Superman Game

Monolith is still hard at work on an adaptation of Wonder Woman, which serves as a bittersweet reminder of the lack of modern Superman games.

Wonder Woman's villain isn't as well-known as other DC heroes.

Batman's Rogues Gallery has become one of the most well-known galleries in the entertainment industry. Thanks to mainstream movies like Christopher Nolan. dark knight Trilogy, Matt Reeves' batmanand Tim's movies Burton before them, villains like The Joker, Riddler, Scarecrow, and Bane were all familiar names. Popular video game series such as injustice and Batman: Arkham It has also gone a long way in cementing lesser-known Batman villains in the public consciousness, such as Deadshot and Red Hood.

Superman gets the same treatment for his rogues' gallery, with Doomsday, General Zod, and Lex Luthor all making frequent appearances over the past few decades in various mainstream Superman media, such as live-action. starring Christopher Reeve, Zack Snyder's films iron man and Batman V Supermanand latest Superman & Lois

from comparison Wonder Woman's rogues' gallery is much more obscure, although Ares appears in 2017. Wonder WomanIt was only a few minutes in the end. And then Cheetah and Max Lord both appeared. Wonder Woman 1984That film's poor reception kept those villains from entering the mainstream. Moreover, There are also countless Wonder Woman villains who have never appeared in DC media, such as Circe, Giganta, and Doctor Psycho.

Because the villains in Batman are extremely popular. Most modern adaptations of the Caped Crusader feel the need to go out of their way to deliver a different version of the iconic enemy. Often changing origins, visual design, and motivation, Monolith's Wonder Woman doesn't necessarily have the same length as its own villain. Since they're all still unknowns, this allows Monolith to rely on the source material a bit more. and presents cartoon-accurate versions of these villains.

But Monolith is also free to do the opposite. A frequent criticism of modern versions of Batman's rogues' gallery is that the villains have changed too much from the most famous comics. And because of this, it feels unreliable. Monolith's Wonder Woman is in the rare and fortunate position to avoid these potential criticisms as well. Because fewer fans are likely to cause an uproar if Monolith decides to change the origin or design of a villain.



Founding date
October 25, 1994

Head office
Kirkland, Washington, United States

Parent company
Monolith Productions

known for

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