Legendary Rumiko Takahashi introduces new manga from the creator of Beelzebub.


  • Rumiko Takahashi recommends the manga “Cosmos” by Ryuhei Tamura.

  • Takahashi's advice may have helped boost the series' popularity.

  • “Cosmos” follows high school students at an alien insurance company.

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Rumiko Takahashicreator Ranma 1/2 Inuyashaand many other series. Recently recommended manga by Ryuhei Tamura (Creator. Beelzebub– Legendary manga with other famous writers such as Hiromu Arakawa (Fullmetal Alchemist), Tite Kubo (bleach) and Kazuhiro Fujita (Ushio to Tora) which has told readers to check out this manga.

Recommendations can have a positive effect on the popularity of a series. Since Rumiko Takahashi is highly respected, some fans will likely give the show a try. For example, Frieren recently recommended the manga and soon after. A reprint was announced.


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Many of Rumiko Takahashi's series are getting reboots. What will happen next?

Anyway, Takahashi said readers should check. universe leave. Her message is available in obi Volume 5 — A obi Stuck on the manga cover The previous volume had comments from Arakawa, Kubo, and Fujita. Takahashi will probably send a message on social media about the series soon when volumes drop on January 17, 2025.

Rumiko's message about the universe

follow Natalie cartoon The message appears in obi It's like this:

It is a story about daily life in a surreal world. It's true, cool, and interesting all at the same time.

Tamura herself dropped some illustrations to celebrate the upcoming volume:

What is the location of the universe?

Cosmos is Ryuhei Tamura's latest work and is currently in print. Sunday Gene-Xwhich has been a monthly magazine since 2023, has been compiled into 5 volumes so far. It has not yet been published in the United States, but VIZ Media has announced the acquisition of the license. And the first volume should be released this year.

Set in COSMOS, an insurance company that specializes in aliens, the story follows Kaede Mizumori, a high school student who one day meets the mysterious Rin Homura.

Since the manga is still in volume 5, it may be nominated for the Taisho Award, one of the most prestigious manga awards in Japan.

While Tamura is the most well known Beelzebub (Don't misunderstand this for Mr. Beelzebub) Other series he wrote include: Police boil over dolphins Hungry Marie and the Pyramid no Himitsu

universe It is licensed in the US by VIZ Media and the first volume should be released this year.

Source: X (formerly Twitter), Comic Natalie



Release date

9 January 2011


Ryuhei Tamura

MyAnimeList Score


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