Mortal Kombat 1 There is no travel after the launch, even though the two Kombat pack has added a great new fighter to the list of names. Mortal Kombat 1Duration after the launch of Scrotransaction Scandal Microtransaction There are overwhelming seasonal content and expanding the story that lacks clear, but Mortal Kombat 1 Just added something that can breathe a new life into the community.
Add beside Conan. Mortal Kombat 1 Now it is the house of the head of “Secret” fighting with pink ninja named Floyd. This secret confront was unlocked by doing 10 of 37 possible challenges, all of which are random for each player. When finished 10, the players' challenges will end suddenly. The screen will be broken and they will be passed to the field from MK1The first example of Floyd is waiting for them. This hidden boss's battle is really completed. Mortal Kombat 1And is the evidence that Injustice Can fully embrace

Mortal Kombat 1: Floyd's movement is definitely not his.
The latest added of the ninja series in the form of Mortal Kombat 1, but he doesn't have to be the original as he saw.
Injustice 3 should embrace Pink Floyd fighting that is a secret of Mortal Kombat.
Injustice 3 can use confrontation to refer to ElseWorlds characters.
Injustice Be able to use Mortal Kombat 1Floyd Fight hidden as a water jump board to refer to the wealth of Elseworlds that may not have the opportunity to appear as a full fighter in the franchise. For example, a symbolic Elseworlds variable such as Gotham by GaslightBatman Red son Superman Wonder Woman: AmazoniaSteampunk Wonder Woman and Judgers'Wild West-Themeed Justice League
These Elseworlds heroes may be hidden. Injustice Like Floyd, who wants players to challenge the specific challenges to unlock the fight against each leader. These challenges may be themes around each story of Elseworlds, such as Gotham by Gaslight Batman, which has been unlocked by defeating all the fighters who wield a knife as a Batman reference to the plot of Jack Jack. cartoon
The battle of these hidden ElseWorlds should bring players to a unique stage, inspired by cartoon data sources. For example, the stage of Red Son Superman can take players to Moscow, Soviet or exaggerated stage of Batman, able to take players to the future Neo-Gotham of the future.
at Injustice The series has already been copied with the second game that uses it as a backdrop for Towers Challenge, including the secret fight with ElseWorlds variables.
The secret in the confrontation in injustice. 3 will feel the reward.
Aside from the satisfaction that comes from the discovery of hidden Easter eggs or references InjusticeThe confrontation with the boss of Elseworlds, the hypothesis should reward players by unlocking in many games, as well as Mortal Kombat 1Floyd Fight search and beat Floyd in Mortal Kombat 1 Reward the players with a legendary pink stage stage for scorpions and sub-backgrounds and a few Kombat Kard backgrounds.
Beat the Elseworlds supervisor in Injustice Players should be unlocked in many similar skins, including skins according to the character Elseworlds, unique stage and other cosmetics that are inspired by the hero or villain. In an unlikely event Mortal Kombat 11The unlocking movement has occurred again. InjusticeIt will be neat to let the characters unlock the attacks inspired by these Elseworlds species, such as giving the flash to use Six-Shooter, such as in Judgers– –

- Released
19 September 2023
M for adults 17+ due to blood and blood, violent violence, strong language
- Publisher
Warner Bros.