How to write and license songs in The Sims 4

The freedom to explore life is offered to players is nowhere more evident than in The Sims 4, and a career as a singer in The Sims 4 is a dream for many stars. Of course, real life might be more difficult. But The Sims 4's singing career is just as easy. and finding freedom to become a famous star


The Sims 4 Famous: Everything You Need to Know About Fame

Darling, wake up, it's time to be famous.

Even though there is no official singing career in The Sims 4, you can easily make money as a singer and make a fortune doing so. If you need help becoming a famous singer in The Sims 4, follow the tips on our list.

Updated on January 14, 2025 by Jacqueline Zalace: There is no career path for singers in The Sims 4, but that doesn't mean you can't be one! We've updated this list with a few additional tips to help you on your singing journey. We've also added some mods that add a singing career to the game.


Characteristics to choose for your singing Sims

Female Sims in the Create Simcast menu Shows qualities that will help her with Sims 4 Singing Career-1

When creating your Sim in the Create Sim menu or select specific characteristics for newborns You may already have a singing career in mind. Has good qualities There are many to choose from that can help you along the way, such as creative ideas for inspiration. Self-confidence in the face of rejection arises. or music lovers to get the most out of their musical exposure.

Avoid creating Sims. Perfectionist if possible. Because Perfectionists It takes longer to complete a creation. Composing the song takes some time. You can start with Singing skill level 8, so don't make it harder on yourself.


Started singing early.

Sims and toddlers play with tents in The Sims 4 for a career as a singer.

If you have a child who has the potential to sing from the start. Start imaginative skills as soon as possible. There are also creative ambitions for toddler sims. and creative desires for child Sims as well. It will guide you through the process of becoming a true child prodigy.

Let your little one spend time drawing, reading, and creating creative ideas. with stuffed animals and their friends. Moreover, if they look silly They will acquire imaginative skills faster.


Classical training in college

SIM enrolled in university Check out the different university options for Sims 4. Singer Career Tips to Advance to a Fine Arts Degree.

One of the new things Added to Discovery University's arrival in 2019, Sims who attend one of Britechester's two prestigious universities will begin their post-graduation careers several levels above their high school classmates. For Entertainer, Level 6 for Normal and Level 7 for Featured.

The University of Britechester offers both regular and part-time fine arts courses. And you may receive a scholarship starting at Level 3 in singing, piano, guitar or a number of other musical skills. The scholarship will only increase in value as your skills increase. So start working before applying.


Learn many tools

Sim outside the house with guitar, talking to other Sims in Sims 4, singing career-1

Singing along doesn't seem like a useful trick to becoming a famous singer in The Sims 4, but Sims who learn to play an instrument can later form their own backing band. Starting at level 3 of piano or guitar skills. Your Sims can play along to their own songs.


The Sims 4: Cheats You Must Try

With just a few button presses You can completely transform the lives of your Sims and watch them move wildly.

Practice as often as you can to quickly level up these skills to earn bonuses much faster. And if you can't wait to become a musical genius? There are also cheats to help you get a little faster.


Sing anywhere Especially when taking a shower

Sims are taking a shower in The Sims 4, with the option to sing in the shower to further their singing career. The Sims 4 ts4-1

Other than in your car (This isn't an option in The Sims 4, but it might be one day.) What better place to practice singing than in the shower? No matter what your skill level. You can click on the shower while your Sim is in it and have them sing.

This is a great way to gain first level singing skills in The Sims 4, as you can't use the microphone until you reach level one. We all have to start somewhere, right? Taking a superstar shower?


Become a karaoke legend

Two Sims sing a karaoke duet to improve their singing skills for The Sims 4. Singing Career Singing Career-1

When the main purpose of the activity is singing Unsurprisingly, such activities will help you learn to sing better in The Sims 4. With the City Living expansion pack, we have access to a karaoke machine. (Among many other fun additions) you'll find karaoke bars in San Myshuno, which also has a lively nightlife scene.

Adults and children can participate. And make it a fun evening with friends and family too. If you are a little richer You can purchase a karaoke machine from purchase mode to place in your home. And you can practice driving the belt from the comfort of your home.


Get inspired to be great.

Sim Sing at the Bar to improve your singing skills in Sims 4 Singer Career-1

Skills always come more naturally when you are actively developing them. And with inspired emotions in The Sims 4, creativity has never been easier. Sims with creative ambitions are naturally inspired throughout the day. And Music Sims is no exception.

If your Sim is struggling to find a natural muse You can get them inspired by having them drink Yerba Mate tea from the Tea Magic Personal Brewer (available if you have Jungle Adventure installed) by showing them inspired art. or even by arranging the appropriate lighting in the room.

Other ways to get inspired

  • Bathing mindfully

  • Pay close attention to the appearance of natural light.

  • Stay in a room with inspirational decorations.

  • Including paintings that have an inspirational aura.

  • Browse artwork (on computer)

  • Use the futuristic cube


Write a song

Sim playing acoustic guitar and compose songs for Sims 4's singing career

​​​​​​When you reach the eighth level of the singing skill. You'll eventually be able to make the leap from covers to crooners when you start writing your own songs. In doing this You will need a microphone. Unless you also choose to go down the musical instrument route. And interacting with a guitar or piano helps too.


The Sims 4: 10 skills you want your Sims to have

Character skills are essential to progressing in The Sims 4. You'll want your Sims to have these skills.

Not only can you compose your own songs. But you can also show it to others. Whenever you choose to sing You will have the option to sing the songs you want. Choose your own to bend the pipe and your bravery.


License your music for cash

A Sim sends something in the mail to license a song for her Sims 4 singing career. How to license a song?

You can't be a chart topper without actually charting, right? With practice writing your own songs at level eight of the Singing skill in The Sims 4, you're ready to start licensing at level nine.

You can do this from your inbox. Then sit back and watch royalties accumulate throughout the in-game week after. You will not receive royalties after that week. So please keep writing songs and licensing them to keep the money coming in.


Commit – Success doesn't happen overnight.

Celebrity Sims pose at fan meetings and greetings as part of their singing careers in The Sims 4. How to become a successful singer?

Although the process of becoming the superstar singer you want to be can take a long time. But keep in mind that The Sims 4 is meant to imitate real life in some way – it's not often that you can show up in Hollywood and land right away. lucrative record deal

Build your passion for singing into a professional career will take some time. And you may need a way to support yourself in the meantime. Don't forget those little people as you become the big kids of Valley Del Sol!


Mods to increase your singing career

Sims looking at singing careers in The Sims 4
Singer career mod by kiarasims4mods

As mentioned above There is no Singer profession in the base game or any DLC for The Sims 4, although this is somewhat unusual given that this ability is available. But you cannot be hired as a singer. Luckily, there are a number of mods out there that will help you get the full singing experience. Below, you can check out some of the mods that add the singing profession to the game.

Mod name



Singer's career


This mod increases a singer's career starting with Sing-A-Gram Novice.

To use this mod You need to have both City Living and Get Famous.

Singer (active) Occupation


This mod increases a singer's career starting with Singing Gig Novice.

To use this mod, you must have City Living, Get To Work, and Get Famous.

road to fame


This mod adds several jobs. Including modeling, acting, singing, street dancing. and simstagram

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