How to use the repair skill in Qud Cave

There are many skills for you to learn. Kut Cave– By a lot, we mean more than you can handle. Many of these skills must be learned by spending skill points, but with Tinkering you can learn them from NPCs in the world.


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In this guide, we'll take a look at everything you should know about the Tinkering skill in Caves of Qud, including how you can learn the basic skill for the first time. Like what Tinkering is all about? And what can you do with this skill?

How to learn repair skills

Players stood in the Grit Gate to take photos as a highlight.

There are two main ways to learn the Tinkering skill, which you can see below.



Unlocked from the 'Skills' menu.

100 SP

Ask Barathrumite to teach repair during the water ritual.

100 Fame with the Barathrumites

When you learn, you will be able to Use SP with other sub-skills. Related to Tinkering At this point You won't be able to invent anything. But you'll have a little more success investigating the artifacts you find.

All repair skills

Players looking for learnable repair skills

If you want to progress in the Tinkering skill, you'll need to unlock its sub-skills: Found under the Tinkering drop-down menu in the 'Skills' menu. Below you will find each skill and its benefits.




Unlock requirements

Gadget Inspector

You have more success investigating artifacts.

You can now deploy the wiring.

0 SP

This is automatically unlocked when you learn Tinkering.


You can dismantle parts and artifacts to get Bits.

100 SP

15 intelligence

reverse engineer

When you take something apart, you have a 25% chance of learning how to build it.

100 SP

25 intelligence

Unlocked, disassembled

Garbage collector

When you walk past the garbage You will pick up scraps from time to time.

when destroying robots You will harvest more scraps.

100 SP

15 intelligence


You can repair broken things with Bits.

100 SP

17 intelligence

Place the turret

You can deploy missile weapons as stationary turrets.

100 SP

17 intelligence

plant a bomb/detonate a bomb

You can use grenades as mines or bombs.

50 sp

17 intelligence

Tinker I

You can create low-level plans.

This comes with one free plan.

You can also charge power cells and capacitors instantly.

100 SP

19 intelligence

Tinker II

You can create an intermediate plan.

This comes with one free plan.

200 SP

My tinker is unlocked.

23 intelligence

Tinker III

You can create high-level plans.

This comes with one free plan.

300 SP

Tinker II Unlocked

29 intelligence

As you can see, you will need to do this first. Unlock Tinker I if you really want to start building things. For this reason, we recommend saving your SP to unlock this skill.

How to get the plan

The plan is called data disk In the game too, this is the actual item where the diagram is stored.

There are a few ways to learn the roadmap. First of all, Reverse Engineer Skill You may learn the diagram when disassembling something. We cannot guarantee this. But it is a good way to learn passively. without having to actively search for data disks

Another way to get a tree is to buy or loot it. Distributors around the world may Sell ​​Data Disk for you to learn Below you can check out some of the sellers.






gravel door


gravel door

Yala Hajj


homeless person

This is the type of vendor that appears in randomly generated villages.


Stiltgrounds (this seller has its own tent)

During the bathing ceremony Legendary Barathrumite They can also teach you a plan. By talking with Q girl In Grit Gate We learned the formula for Leyline Puppeteers.

What are Schematic Tiers?

The entire map is divided into three levels. There are many maps in the game. So the list is quite long. But when you learn a new diagram You will be able to see the Tinker level you want. For example, After unlocking the diagram for Leyline Puppeteers and clicking on it. A box then pops up saying we need Tinker III in order to build it.

When you receive a new diagram Be sure to look at it in the 'Repairs' tab of the menu if you have too many plans to keep track of. You can sort them at the top of this screen.

How to create a plan

The player is looking at a leyline puppeteer diagram.

You can get Bits by Dismantling artefacts and scraps

Plan Bits required to create With the following bit types in Caves of Qud

Bit type


Scrap electrical system


Crystal Shard


scrap metal


electronic scrap


Phasic electrical system


Flawless Crystal


pure alloy


Prince Electronics


Nano materials




AI microcontroller




Each material has an assigned letter/number along with a color. Let's continue with our Leyline Puppeteers example. This has Bit price of D2358 So in order to craft this You will need the following:

  • electronic scrap
  • Flawless Crystal
  • Prince Electronics
  • Nano materials
  • Metacrystal

Each diagram has the materials listed as follows. No need to memorize letters/numbers. This is shown to the right of the map legend.

You can use the diagram. Craft weapons, armor, items (such as nozzles and recoil), and mods.


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