How to receive many weapons and alternating in the middle of the fight.

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Your weapons are your most valuable assets. The lost castle 2– Strong people can take you through adventures with the least problems, while the weak or not possible will spell your words by first or second fight. But if you don't have to choose just one? If you can keep your current weapons and get better statistics from other categories, you can do it.

I took a moment to realize that The lost castle 2 For you to carry a secondary weapon In a short time, this discovery made my adventure feel much easier – until I learned a difficult way for having two weapons, not a guaranteed life assistant. Nonetheless, if you are a newbie like me and want to experiment with the two weapons settings, it covers everything you need. Prepare many weapons


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How to install two weapons

The weapons strap for two weapons in Lost Castle 2

To install more than one weapon The lost castle 2You have to unlock the file. Hunter strap equipment– Once installed, this item will help your characters carry and switch between two different weapons according to your settings.

If you are not sure which Hunter's device to buy, it is the first item on the left in the final row – Hunter's Gear #7.

How to change weapons in the middle of fighting

Install two guns in the lost castle 2

Switch type



Change to attack:

LT + X

H + J

Change into skills


H + i

There are two different techniques for changing to your secondary weapons in The lost castle 2: Change to attack and change into weapons skills. With the past, you made basic attacks at the same time when you alternate. After turning into skills, it allows you to proceed with your second weapon while you install it.

The best weapon

Choosing a lost Castle 2 weapon

There are different methods in creating two class of classes in The lost castle 2– However, what you want to consider is working together between weapons.

For example, having two long -term weapons say that the curve of the counting and the Sikhilan is not an ideal strategy because both come with similar advantages and disadvantages. However, high contrast companions, such as double swords and bows, may have more advantages because it will help you alternate between two class in different fighting situations.

DUOS, the best weapon to try

  • One weapon and gun

  • Two hands and double blades

  • Silacolor and Turbolanser

  • One -hand employee and weapon

Are there two weapons worth it?

Serena is a character in Lost Castle 2 next to the weapon from the game.

The weapon strap uses your hunter and that is a heavy price to pay for additional weapons. If you create your character correctly The lost castle 2Most of the secondary weapons do not have a destination. You will want to use this slot for utilities or technology items such as HP Fort or HP bottles.

The dedication of hunters to the secondary weapon is reasonable in one situation. If your team doesn't have a player, experts and you want to compensate for their lack of work. You can choose their specialty as your secondary weapon to support the team. For example, if you need a killist in the fight of the boss, you can choose a double blade as a secondary landscape to change to this class when necessary.



25 July 2024


Studio Hunter


Studio Hunter

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