How to play Nobunaga in Strinova

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Most agents in Strinova Has some ability to find enemies. Slow down their movement. or push it straight in and get 2-3 options. These agents are quite easy to understand as the gameplay is similar to other games. with the same game mode


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Nobunaga is one of the few characters that doesn't have much going on in terms of these playstyles. And the main focus of his outfit is buffing himself while exposing enemies from time to time. This makes his play a little unusual.

Nobunaga's abilities explained

Strinova Nobunaga Loadout in the pre-game lobby.

Like the other Super Strings in Strinova, Nobunaga also has the following set of three abilities:

Guardian Eye

When using this skill You can direct your line of sight towards the ground within a certain radius. Within this radius, Nobunaga had Higher fire rate, weapon usage, and armor regeneration.– You can deploy up to two eyes on the map.

If you stand in an area where both eyes are covered The bonus received from them will increase.

blinding shock

When in ADS mode, you will see your shot charged on the gun's crosshair. When fully charged, press the button. The enemy made them lose sight of their sights for a moment.

Pulse exceeds

This is the only information ability that Nobunaga has by default. And basically it is Reveals enemies in radius when used.

Load the best Nobunaga

Strinova Nobunaga String Energy Network Screen

Nobunaga's main weapon is DMR, which means it has Single shot mode with high ranged damage.And you can even automate it with upgrades. However, if you don't have a godly target, This gun may fail in close combat. To prevent this, you can use the Stinger as your secondary weapon.

Finally, grenades and Tattletales are tactical items for your build. The first can be used to take out enemies hiding in corners. while the latter could complement Nobunaga's site defense play style. Lets you know if enemies are coming from other routes. that you or your teammates aren't watching

If you use his Second Awakening ability You can do it. Also use smoke grenades as a tactical item. to get free down payment

When it comes to in-game upgrades The ability to awaken both Nobunaga's powers is great. Eye of Justice gives your team even more. Information about enemy positions, while Warp Link lets you play aggressively.– If you use the first one You can smoke out of your eye radius when an enemy is being pushed.

This will be revealed to you if they enter, but they won't see anything. Aside from that Here are some key upgrades to make Nobunaga worthwhile:

  • Basic damage for the core

  • Headshot damage for critical hits

  • Armor regeneration rate for Guardian Eye

  • Heavy armor

Tips for playing Nobunaga

Strinova Nobunaga uses Guardian Eye on the ground.

Here are a few tips to help you. Familiar with Nobunaga's abilities and general gameplay:

  • Nobunaga is a character in a land that requires a lot of patience. You cannot invade enemy territory because you will probably lose the battle there. Instead, It is important to understand which site the enemy is going to. and camped there

  • You can recognize Nobunaga's guardian eyes when you look at them directly in their aura. This Put them on cooldown. before you can put it down again

  • The location of your Guardian Eye should change depending on the awakening ability you use. For data, you need to place it at the starting point. On the other hand, for teleport, you need to Need one Guardian Eye for aggressive play and another for safe return.


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