How to play Commander Edgar Markov decks in Magic: The Gathering

Edgar Markov was one of them. Magic: The Gathering's The most infamous commander It is the incredibly powerful Commander Mardu (Red/White/Black). which focuses on vampires If you want to build the best vampire deck, Edgar Markov is the commander you want to run.


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In most cases Vampires can be red, white, or black, leaving it to Edgar. Markov plays all the best vampire and vampire support cards. Eminence is one of the most powerful mechanics in all of magic, and Edgar Markov has one of the most unique effects. So much so that you can play the vampire cards you found in the big trash can and still have a great deck.

Deck list

MTG Bartolome del Presidio card with background art.

Commander: Edgar Markov

Bartolome del Presidio

blood artist

Bloodline Keeper // Lord of the Bloodline

charming vampire

Champion of Twilight

charming conqueror

Clavileno, the first to receive the blessing

Sincere Vampire

cruel celebrant

Drana, Deliverer of Malakir

Elenda Twilight Rose

Falkenrath Noble

Pioneer of the Legion

The talented Atherborn

A pampered nobleman

Knight of the Ebon Army

Lieutenant Legion

Malakir Bloodwich

Markov Baron

Dark Ritual Master

Night Hawk Garbage Collector

Patron of veins

Heir of Rakis

seeker of holy places

Stromkirk Captain

Twilight Prophet

Evil Vampire of the Moon

vampire society

Vin Ripper

Vengeful Blood Witch

Viscera Seer

Welcoming the Vampire

Defamation Act


Gifts from real estate

Olivia's Wrath

Treaty of the Snake

toxic flood

Conquer the Horde

And they will never know fear.

The suffering of not doing

Boros' Charm

Chaos Warp

corruption offense

Serious dispute

Generous gift

The path to exile

sword to plow

Encourage to feed

village ritual

Arcane brand

Ashnod's Altar

Family flag

Coat of arms

Eldrazi Monument

Flevar Stone

patchwork banner

Skull Clamp

Sol Ring

Talisman of Judgment

Talisman of Hierarchy

Talisman of Mercy

Vanqusiher's Banner

vibration impact

shared hate

Forge Battlefield

Loch Twain Castle

Kolios Cave

Clifftop Retreat

Command Tower

Dragonskull Summit

Exotic Orchard

Fatid Health

Graven Cairns

Haunted Ridge

Isolated Church

Minas Tirith

x2 mountain

Wandering Outpost

path of ancestors

x4 plains

Quiet courtyard

Smoldering swamp

Sulfur spring

Sundown Pass

x6 swamp

contaminated field

unclaimed territory

Voldaren Estate

Windbrisk Heights

Deck list Contains 32 creatures, 7 spells, 11 temporalities, 13 artifacts, and 2 enchantments. and 34 land– Because this deck is heavily focused on creatures. They thus make up the majority of the deck. with the rest of the permanent deck supporting vampire creature types.


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key card

Edgar Markov

MTG Edgar Markov cards with background art.

Edgar Markov Become a fleet commander (and one of the best commanders of all time) whether on the battlefield or in the command zone. Edgar Markov now creates a 1/1 vampire token every time he casts a vampire.– This allows your battlefield to grow exponentially quickly and become widely known in the early game.

This is because the predominance will occur in the command zone. So you don't have to rush to cast it. You'll be able to collect a lot of vampires quickly without needing to cast Edgar. It's often better to wait to cast Edgar until you're ready to aim for victory in the late game.

On the battlefield, Edgar Markov can do it. Increases all vampire stats.It triggers when attacking. As long as Edgar Markov fights, all vampires become +1/+1 larger. Edgar has haste. So you can immediately take advantage of the second effect.

Malakir Bloodwich

MTG Malakir Bloodwitch card with background art.

Malakir Bloodwich It's the best way to get yourself back into the game while hurting everyone else in the game, then. Enter the battlefield All opponents lose life equal to the number of vampires you control. And you will get that much life force.

Malakir Bloodwitch's strengths are: All lives are lost from your opponent's stack.– So if you have 5 vampires, each opponent will lose 5 lives and you will gain 15 lives total. With an Edgar Markov deck, you could become a public enemy. Immediately, Malakir Bloodwitch is therefore essential to staying in the game and canceling out the loss of life as you begin to shape the battlefield.

A pampered nobleman

MTG Indulgent Aristocrat card with background art.

Cards that distribute +1/+1 counters to all your vampires are the main way to turn your simple tokens into a major threat. A pampered nobleman It's one of those ways. Give each vampire +1/+1 counter for two mana and a creature sacrifice.

The strength of an indulgent nobleman comes from The effect is not triggered only once per turn.– As long as you have creatures to sacrifice and mana to pay. You can keep pumping your vampires, since Edgar Markov creates lots of Vampire tokens, you'll have plenty of creatures to sacrifice to the Indulgent Aristocrat.

charming vampire

MTG Captivating Vampire card with background art.

charming vampire It is one of the best vampire support cards. It will Add a little stat to them all. It is a constant ability but also It lets you steal creatures your opponent controls by tapping five vampires.– There are no restrictions on the type of creature and you. Take permanent control of a stolen creature.

You can use the cute vampire as a final step before your turn begins. By tapping your vampire to steal as many creatures as possible. Because they stop tapping as soon as you actually start your turn.

With Edgar Markov you have a giant battlefield filled with creatures. This Allow Captivating Vampire to tap your vampire token to steal your opponent's best creature.– Effects can be used as many as you want and This can be done at instantaneous speed.You can pick up a key card between your opponent's turns to cut off a combo.

coat of arms

MTG Coat of Arms card with background art.

Coat of arms It's the easiest way to increase the stats of all your creatures. Each vampire gains +1/+1 for every other vampire.– So if you have four vampires They are buffed with +3/+3 (as they do not count themselves as stat boosters).

you Want your creatures to have the highest stats possible. Since your battlefield is likely the biggest battlefield in your game, Coat of Arms is the perfect way to give those creatures a boost without having to do anything extra. It's not like other status-boosting effects.


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How to play the deck

MTG Olivia's Wrath card with background art.

Commander Edgar Markov's deck is It's all about flooding the battlefield with vampire tokens and defeating your opponents.– you Want to create a token quickly? and deals damage before your opponent even has a chance to defend. Thanks to the outstanding This is something easy to do. With your low mana vampire

The rooftop is Focus on fighting hard. So you want to increase the stats of all your vampires. Edgar Markov Do that when attacking. Drana, Deliverer of Malakir Gives +1/+1 counters to all attacking creatures when it deals battle damage, and Rakish's heir Grants all vampires an ability that when they deal damage in battle. They get +1+/+1 counters.

Artifacts are excellent stat boosters and are more difficult to defeat than creatures. Conqueror's flag, coat of arms, and Family flag These are all artifacts that will greatly increase your vampire's power.

at The main win condition of the deck is winning through combat. You will be able to create a large number of vampire tokens. Thanks to Edgar's outstanding abilities. which is reinforced with other permanents, has a lot of pulling power in the deck. Makes it easier to access your keycard faster. With such speed you can create vampires. You can reach victory relatively quickly just by casting the vampire spell.

at The biggest downside to the deck is that you'll be instantly attacked.– When the commander is outstanding You will be immediately ahead of your opponent. In a few turns Opponents will look for ways to take you out of the game, and if they don't, you'll run away with the game.


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