There are countless sparkling outfits to create and style. Infinity NikkiAnd the game's main features have kept the player community glued to it since its launch in December 2024. However, in order for each sketch to come to life, It is up to you to travel across the regions of Miraland and find all kinds of modern materials. Some of these materials can be found in various places during your adventure. while other materials They can be more difficult to find and require certain conditions.
One item in Infinity Nikki that falls into that category is the Stellar Fruit, as you won't find it anywhere in Wishfields if you want to get this shiny fruit. You have to be at the right place at the right time.

Infinity Nikki: How to get the Starlight outfit
If you want to shine like a star with this outfit in Infinity Nikki, you'll need to complete the Star Kiss mission first.
How to get Stellar Fruit in Infinity Nikki
star fruit It is a semi-rare craft material in Infinity Nikki that can only be found in one area of the game – forest of wishes– To find and collect Stellar Fruit, you will need to progress far enough in the main story to unlock access to the Wishing Woods, which starts in Chapter 6 After ending activities with the Pieceys in the Abandoned Zone. Once you enter the Wishing Woods and help Timis unblock the main path to the Wish Inspection Center, you can begin your search for Stellar Fruit from there.
However, while in Wishing Woods, you will have to wait for nighttime as well. Stellar Fruit only appears at night. In a unique appearance Chronos Tree– During the day, this fruit appears as a Sol Fruit, which means Sun Fruit. However, at night, it transforms into a blue Star Fruit.
Instead of standing and waiting for the night Remember that you can go to Pear-Pal and use the . 'Run, Pear-pal.' Feature to jump forward in time as far as you want. Move the ticker to 10:00 PM (first hour of the night) and press 'Confirm' and you should be set. To make things even easier, you can find trees with Sol Fruit hanging in them during the day. Use your Pear-Pal to pass the time. You will then have a Stellar Fruit in front of you ready to collect.
When you find a Chronos Tree, you can either jump yourself to reach the fruit or get close to the trunk and 'push' the tree to the ground. Each tree will have up to 3 x Stellar Fruit for you to collect Sometimes some trees may have extra fruit lying on the ground nearby, but you'll have to be quick to pick them up as the beetles will try to carry them back to their nests. Make sure to pick up the fruit they drag first. Then use the Bug Catch ability set to collect the bugs yourself.
Also, when you first receive this fruit. Remember that you can use your map to track down other Stellar Fruit locations in the area once you're within a reasonable distance.
In doing so Pull up your map and select the 'Collections' button in the lower left corner. This will show you all the items you can track. Scroll down through the plant categories until you find Stellar Fruit near the bottom and select it. Then press 'Follow' and your map will automatically show the nearest available source of Stellar Fruit. Additionally, when you upgrade your Collection Insight You're tall enough. You will also be able to collect Stellar Fruit Essence.
If you haven't unlocked Accurate Tracking for Stellar Fruit yet, the map above can help you locate all known Stellar Fruit nodes in Desire Forest.
Or you can buy Stellar Fruit from Infinity NikkiIn the in-game shop via the 'Resonance' tab, you can purchase up to 5 Stellar Fruits per month, but this requires Surging Ebb as currency, which is only earned by purchasing duplicate 5-star clothing items. Due to the extreme difficulty of obtaining Surging Ebb, it is not a recommended option. But it's an option if you really want it.
While you search for Stellar Fruit in Infinity NikkiDon't forget to collect other rare items like the Pink Ribbon Eel. This is because those items are only available for a limited time during the game's Meteor Season (V.1.1).