How to get and use skill scrolls

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Wizards can use various skills. To fight enemies and curses Infinite Jujutsu Most of them can be unlocked in the skill menu. But some of them can only be found and learned with the help of certain items, so in this guide we will tell you how to get and use Skill Scrolls. Infinite Jujutsu

In addition to the 2025 Winter Event, skill scrolls were also used in this event. Robox Experience. They give players access to special skills that will help them diversify their builds.


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Advance skills in Jujutsu Infinite

Most items Including various scrolls They can be obtained from treasure chests. However, skill scrolls are different. Because it can only be obtained for a limited time and in only one way. especially Players can purchase Skill Scrolls. Infinite Jujutsu By visiting the black market

The NPC you need is pretty easy to miss if you don't know where to look. He is located opposite the Curse Market NPC in the Zen Forest. All of his goods can be exchanged for a single currency, namely Candy Canes. This NPC can grant the player 3 different Skill Scrolls. Infinite Jujutsu Price: 50 Candy Canes each.

It's important to note that Candy Canes only drop during battles with Santa Boss. You'll need to deal at least 3% of your total damage to him to get Candy Canes after defeating him. But you'll need to deal more damage to get Boss Chests, which can drop the candy you need.


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Advance skills in Jujutsu Infinite

As for their use, Skill Scrolls are no different from other items. Infinite Jujutsu– You need to find the Scroll in your inventory, select it, then click on the use button. After that, your character will receive new skills.

At the time of writing, there are only 3 Skill Scrolls available. Infinite Jujutsu– Each gives you useful abilities for both PvE and PvP battles. Additionally, one skill greatly increases your mobility:

  • Summon the scrolling skill. – You stomp on the floor. Create a green circle. while in circle Your character will regain health.
  • Ice Healing Skill Roll – You create a sled that allows you to move around the map at high speed.
  • Build a snowman Move skills – You summon a snow ally for a short period of time to attack enemies within range.
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1 September 2006


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