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Riding and Riding Skill Value
This is in stark contrast to retail. World of Warcraft– World of Warcraft Classic Focus more on getting to the highest level. While there's plenty of end-game content for those who struggle to reach level 60, the effort it takes to get there is just as important. The quest will take you throughout Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms. And even though there's a flight point, there's still a lot of travel to be done. Because some of the zones you pass through later are very large. Getting a vehicle is therefore just as important. The adventure continues until level 60, but getting a mount is not easy. World of Warcraft ClassicAnd this is how you can get it.
Tips for World Of Warcraft Classic that you should know
World of Warcraft Classic is back, so here's everything you need to know before starting your adventure.
How to get a vehicle
Every competition in World of Warcraft Classic There are special vehicles that can be purchased. The first thing you'll need to do is reach level 40, as this is the earliest point where you can get a mount. However, reaching level 40 is only one of the requirements to get a mount. You will need to learn the appropriate riding skills to ride that type of mount. For example, if your character is an orc. You will need to learn the wolf riding skill before you can use the wolf mount. Here are the riding trainers and places to sell mounts for each faction and race.
Horde seller
riding skills |
Vendor location |
zone |
Riding a wolf (orc) |
Valley of Honor Orgrimmar |
Watch Rotar |
Kodo Riding (Tauren) |
Bloodhoof Village |
Mulgore |
Riding a raptor (troll) |
Zenjin Village |
Watch Rotar |
Riding an undead horse (forsaken) |
brilliant |
Trisfall Glades |
Affiliate sellers
riding skills |
Vendor location |
zone |
horse riding (person) |
Eastvale Lumber Camp |
Elwynn Forest |
Ram riding (dwarf) |
Amber Still Ranch |
Dan Morogh |
Ride a machine (gnome) |
Karanos |
Dan Morogh |
Riding a Tiger (Night Elf) |
Cenarion Enclave, Darnassus |
Teldrassil |
Riding and Riding Skill Value
Please note that you can only purchase the riding skills of your race. If you want to learn other horse riding skills. in your group You must first be exalted by them. Riding skills cost 20 gold coins regardless of race and faction. Moreover, a level 40 Epic mount costs 80 gold and a faster level 60 Epic mount costs 1000 gold, so at level 40 you will need 100 gold to ride the first mount with skills in riding it It's not like retail. World of WarcraftGold is much more difficult to get into. World of Warcraft Classic And while it's not too difficult to get 100 gold, getting 1000 gold takes a lot of effort and time.
You can receive a 10% discount on your race riding skills and mounts by honoring your race.