How to find Feybreak Island in Palworld

Feybreak is a large island in Palm World Where you can meet many friends. The journey is not easy especially if you are a newbie in the game. You have to pass through the scorching heat of Mount Obsidian to make it all the way to the coast. The sea may seem easier to cross. But once you enter Ferybreak, there are many more challenges awaiting you.


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It is a challenging area with high level companions and strong alpha bosses. Therefore, some preparation in advance becomes necessary. If you think you can ride your Jetdragon here You will be shot by missiles trying to take off in the sky. Exploring on land is much more difficult in Feybreak, but also more involved. And you can enjoy the scenery during your adventure.

How to find Faybrak Island

The location of the scorched Ashland in Feybreak is shown in Palworld.

The game doesn't advise you exactly where Feybreak Island is, so you might have trouble finding it. Especially if you haven't fully explored your map yet, you will find it. Directly southwest of the volcanic area.– If you are standing at Beachside, coordinates -562,-750You can still see the island slightly through the mist.

Coordinates for Scorched Ashland is at -710,-890.Where are you? Make your list

How to reach Feybreak Island

The location of the fishing spot is displayed in Palworld.

Getting to Feybreak Island will be much more difficult if you haven't thoroughly gone through the Mount Obsidian area. First you need to Teleport to the Fisherman Point waypoint.which is located at South coast on the beach– You can reach this area after some painstaking effort. Breaking through the volcano

You must have a heat shield and be at least level 50 before attempting to cross Mount Obsidian.

From the fishing spot, you have to Travel straight ahead until you reach Feybreak.– You can cross water with anything. Pal Water Mountain– We recommend using Jormuntide and Azurobe

You can fly there. However, you should Try using Jetdragon only. As you really need speed You are not allowed to ride Flying Mounts on this island. If you're slow, you'll be shot down.

Players are exploring Feybreak on Fenglope in Palworld.

You'll meet high-level friends in Feybreak as well. Your level should be around 54-57. To defeat the enemies here more easily You should too. Craft some Ultimate Spheres. This is because low-level spheres cannot capture friends on the island. We recommend it as well. Creating Plasteel Armor And use it until you get Hexolite to craft better equipment.

you Unable to ride Flying Mounts in FeybreakSo make sure you have fast friends who can take you on a ride on the ground. We recommend receiving Fenglope or Univolt as they are the fastest ground vehicles. in the game


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