How to deal with wisdom and act secretly

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Hand of Wisdom and Action Furtive Wraps are some of the most expensive and valuable unique items. Path of Exile 2It can be a game changer for many different models when it occupies the glove box. Hand of wisdom and action HoWAs, as they are colloquially known, are as rare as they are desirable. And finding it is not an easy question to ask.

Players looking for an end-game partner for mapping or bossing will want to know where to find a suitable HoWA partner. Here's how.


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How to get Hand of Wisdom and Action Furtive Wraps in PoE 2

Hand of Wisdom and Action Furtive Wraps in PoE 2

Hand of wisdom and action

It's a unique gauntlet that can be dropped by defeating Xesht, We That Are One, the ultimate Breach boss late in the game. Xesht can be found within the Twisted Domain, which can be accessed through Realmgate on Atlas using a Breachstone.

You can get HoWA at Path of Exile 2 Official trading website Although this can be very expensive. Because even the worst HoWA can play on many levels.

How to get Breachstone in PoE 2

Path of Exile 2 Breaches Breach Circle Guide

There are two ways to get a Bracestone

in Poe 2

  • Total 300
    disobey the burr

    Breach Splinters can be obtained by farming Breach map nodes in the Atlas. Poe 2– They're fairly common drops, but getting 300 requires clearing dozens of violations. When received Just place them in one pile to create a Breachstone.

  • Using Currency Exchange: You can buy Breach Splinters and Breachstones through the in-game currency exchange by talking to Alva and placing an order for a reasonable price. Breachstone odds are around 50-60.
    noble orb

    But there may be fluctuations depending on market conditions.

The perfect roll for Hand of Wisdom and Action. Poe 2 at least Attack Speed ​​4% per 25 masteryLightning Damage 1-12 per 10 Intelligence and Two rune sockets– This result can be achieved only when Val Orb

Use with HoWA

Can you use the Orb of Chance to get your hands on wisdom and action?

PoE 2 Chance Orb Chaos Trialmaster Orb of Chance

No, you can't.– Hand of Wisdom and Action is a limited drop from Xesht, We That Are One and is not part of the regular loot table, unlike Astramentis. Headhunter

or Polzirkeln

– which means you can't use Globe of Opportunity

on White Furtive Wraps to try your luck at getting it.

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