How to Complete the Baby Boomer Challenge

another BitLife The challenge is here. This time it's the baby boomer challenge. It started on January 18th and will continue. four days

In the Baby Boomer Challenge, your character will travel the world and have many children. Here's how you can complete it.


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How to Complete Baby Boomer on Bitlife

baby boomer bitlife

Here are the steps that fans Must be taken:

  • Born a girl in New York

  • Become a nurse

  • There are more than 5 babies in New York.

  • There are more than 5 babies in Argentina.

  • There are more than 5 babies in Italy.

How to be born as a woman in New York

How to be born in New York BitLife?

to start things off BitLife Players must create a new character. Go to the main menu and start a new life with a female character. Select the United States as your character's country. And New York is my hometown.

When you get older Stay away from crime as it will help you become a nurse and move to another country to get ahead. Also, try to keep your intelligence high. Because it will help in becoming a nurse.

How to become a nurse in Bitlife?

First, you need to earn a post-secondary nursing degree. Trying to find a scholarship Or you can take out a student loan or ask your parents for money. Keeping your smart stats high will help you win scholarships.

After that, apply to a 2-year nursing school. Make sure you have enough money for tuition if you don't get a scholarship. When you graduate You will need to go to the Full-time section in the 'Careers' menu and apply for the 'Associate Nurse' position.

How to Have a Baby in New York, Argentina, and Italy

How to migrate bitlife

Now it's time to travel and have children. You are now in New York. Therefore, it is a good idea to start having children early. Your characters must have 15 in total, so try to have children before they become nurses to advance.

You have to have a lot of children. golden nipple This feature is really useful. You are allowed to have twins or triplets, but not free. You will need to use the connect option in the activity menu. And make sure you don't use any protection.

After having five children in New York Should you move to Argentina and Italy via Migration options in the 'Activity' section– If you can't find these countries Restart the app.

Bitizens also need a lot of money to support their children. and travel Marrying a rich person can help. When you have five children in both countries The challenge is completed.

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September 30, 2018


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