How is Sanji's dream connected to Sun Godnika's?

This article contains spoilers from One Piece's Elbaf Arc.


  • The world of One Piece was destroyed twice: during the Void Century and by ancient weapons.

  • Sanji's dream of finding All Blue is connected to the sun god Nika and the theme of liberation.

  • Sanji's goal of reaching All Blue is intertwined with Nika's mission for the free world and the destruction of the Red Line.

at one piece This world is truly incredible. And one world is full of mysteries to the brim. Fans know that this world holds many exciting secrets, such as those related to the Void Century and many more. With each passing chapter, fans will get closer to Revealing the world's deepest and darkest secrets. And the final legend of the story does a great job in that regard, giving fans an exciting story about the Void Century and Sun God Nika.


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Nika in particular is very important in the Elbaf arc, as expected, as they worship this deity and have done so for many years. Nika, the Liberation Warrior. It is directly related to Luffy. But he's not the only character that Nika can get attached to. There was another person that Nika could share a resemblance with, and that person was none other than Sanji. Chef of the Straw Hat Pirates

The destruction of both worlds

Enjoy Boy and Amet

  • The world of One Piece has been destroyed twice.

  • Joy Boy appears during the second destruction.

Considering how far the story has come. It is not surprising to anyone in this world. one piece Having been destroyed twice before, The Void Century is the most recent destruction. one piece Rule the world, and in this era, a person named Joy Boy was born in a lush and fertile kingdom. As fans know, this kingdom is an ancient kingdom. powerful empire prosperous and the most scientific advancements that have been made in a long time In fact The empire has become so advanced that even Egghead, which can be considered the most advanced place in the current timeline, is actually a relic of the past and a poor imitation of science from 900 years ago. Of course, a great war broke out. In which an alliance of 20 kings gathered together and fought against the ancient empire and destroyed them in the 100 Year War. This war was very great and its impact on the world was also great. During this 100 Year War, The world sank

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Sea levels rose a total of 200 meters and most of the world's countries were completely flooded. Whatever shreds of land remain are what fans today know as the Grand Line's many islands. This is the last known destruction of the world, overseen by the Sun God Nika in the form of Joy Boy.

According to our ancient message, Harley, the world has already been destroyed twice.

Before that, the world was destroyed once. This destruction occurred during the era of the original Nika, which fans know originates from Elabaf Giant Nika, whose tales remain popular among some to this day, fought in a huge war until the entire world was swallowed. disappeared and completely changed It is not known whether Nika is the god of liberation or the god of destruction. But what is known is that Nika is always overseeing big changes. Which is why powerful people often fear his descent into this world.

Sanji's dream of a blue and free world.

Sanji wants to find the sea that has everything.

Sanji frees Germa 66 from Big Mom's ambush.

As fans know, Sanji has an exciting dream of finding the All Blue. The All Blue is a gigantic ocean that is considered to have a mythical nature. Water poured down from the four blues. All marine animals that exist can be found here. It is known to be a paradise for all chefs. Sanji intends to find All Blue. And this is what big dreams are comparable to. one piece On its own, while All Blue may seem small on the surface, fans know it has a huge impact. Especially after the sinking of the world. Long ago, the use of ancient weapons caused the world to sink. Before that, the world had a huge amount of land, of which only a small fraction is now left.

Hey, do you know All Blue? It's a magical sea with all kinds of fish! – Sanji

However, before then it is possible that the Red Line will be created. Probably by the first enemy that the real Sun God Nika fought. Red lines are not a normal occurrence at all. This land was created by the World Government during the war with Joyboy. Or by the enemy that Sun God Nika fought before Joyboy arrived? Obviously, the birth of this gigantic continent is what separated the seas. It is considered the end of All Blue.


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Nika, who fought a very powerful enemy centuries ago. Likely wanting to preserve All Blue, in the same way Joy Boy is undoubtedly against the collapse of the world. and will do our best to prevent that. All Blue is directly linked to freedom. Because creating All Blue requires breaking the red line. and therefore The World Government, which sits at the top, derives its power from it. In many ways, what Sanji dreams of doing is part of Joyboy's dream. and possibly the original sun god Nika as well.

Will Luffy and Sanji's dreams be connected?

Sanji and Luffy's goals are always connected.

Sanji's dream is to find the All Blue, and fans already know that. However, this ocean is not easy to find. In fact, while there are hits and pieces about Void Century and one piece On the surface, All Blue is a mystery that currently no one knows anything about. But Sanji will truly find out at the end of One Piece. But in order to do so, He must make the dream of the Sun God Nika come true. Luffy, Joyboy, Nika, and Sanji all intend to do the same thing. And it's all tied to the same core idea. That is liberation. Sanji isn't particularly vying for the world's freedom. Even though he did it for everyone's freedom. He cares about All Blue and wants to see the sea. Likewise, Luffy, Joyboy, and Nica probably don't care about All Blue. But they care about a free world where everyone is connected. and navigating to different parts It's not difficult. But these two concepts are intertwined. Sanji wants All Blue. And Nika is the liberator of the world. Only by breaking the red line can both goals be achieved. The world was able to be truly freed, while All Blue was finally able to create. Because of this, Sanji's goals were always directly connected to Nika's. Which makes it doubly special.

One Piece is available on Viz Media. Fans can read the series officially and for free on the Shonen Jump and Manga Plus apps. The release date for the next chapter of One Piece, One Piece 1136, is set for the 19th. January 2025

One Piece-1999.jpg

Release date

October 20, 1999


Eiichiro Oda

Number of episodes


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