- Hogwarts Heritage Test your ability to solve puzzles. casting magic and players' combat abilities in four Keeper Trials in this open-world action RPG.
Each Keeper Trial has different enemies and builds towards the final boss fight. Includes challenging puzzles and tests of abilities such as stealth.
Some Keeper Trials are more memorable than others. With special features like difficulty, Harry Potter references and memorable designs.
Hogwarts Heritage Test players' puzzle-solving, spell-casting, and combat abilities in four Keeper Trials set in the main story of this open-world action RPG. Keeper Trials are tests set by the game's mysterious Keepers, who Play to learn more about it. Hogwarts HeritageThe unfolding story of Their roles become clearer as players learn more about their unique abilities in using ancient magic. This helps the game's combat feel unique.

Hogwarts Legacy: 6 hardest missions
These Hogwarts Legacy missions will cause problems for some players.
Each Keeper Trial tests the player's abilities in different ways. Including different types of enemies Even though there are differences But each trial tends to build up to the final boss fight. They include some of Hogwarts HeritageThe ultimate puzzle, which may leave some players scratching their heads. Players will also face tricky tests of their abilities such as stealth. Even though there were only four Keeper trials, Hogwarts HeritageSome are undoubtedly better and more memorable.
Updated on January 14, 2025 by Gemma Johnson: Hogwarts Legacy includes a series of Keeper Trials that test witches and wizards' skills in spellcasting, combat, beast taming, and more, determined by each mysterious Keeper. Hogwarts Legacy Trials Challenge different players Whether it's requiring specific spells to beat a boss fight or perfecting mechanics like stealth. Some players trying to progress through the main story may also be suspicious. How many trials are there in Hogwarts Legacy? And how do they even begin? Although there are only a handful of Keeper Trials in Hogwarts Legacy, and fans of the game will no doubt have their own preferences. But there are some who stand out above the rest. On things like design, lore, and difficulty. This entry updates the current entry with additional information about each Keeper Trial in Hogwarts Legacy.
Keeper Trial 1: The Trial of Percival Rackam
A worthwhile experimental taster, if not the most difficult.
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It is accessed by completing the main quest called 'Complete the Keeper Trial'. |
A complex puzzle platform involving portals. But it's straightforward. The Pensieve Protector boss fight is quite challenging. |
The first trial was set by Percival Rackham, the first Keeper player to encounter it, although it was early in the game. But some of Platform and portal puzzles in The Trial of Percival Rackham are challenging and testing the player's knowledge about spells such as Accio Troubleshooting them, however, is mostly pretty straightforward. In addition to puzzles, players also have to fight. Pensieve protector and Pensieve SentinelsThis is a statue-like enemy similar to the Guardian statue seen in the game's opening mission.

Hogwarts Legacy: Ultimate Abilities
Gaining special abilities in Hogwarts Legacy can unlock some useful abilities. But building some special abilities is better than others.
At the end of Percival Rackham's trial, players encounter a monstrous entity. Pensieve Guardian This may at first seem like a tricky boss fight at first, however, once players know how to master the necessary spells. They can learn how to destroy. Hogwarts Heritageof Pensieve Guardian Orb and win the battle quickly. Using the correct spell to match the color of each orb will allow the player to destroy them before they can deal any serious damage. and causing the enemy to turn the tide. When the trial ends Players will watch a cutscene through the memories of Percival Rackam in the Pensieve.
Overall, Percival Rackham's Keeper Experiment is a great introductory challenge. With a formidable boss fight at the end setting the tone for the second trial, however, it's understandably not the most memorable test of skill and certainly one of the more challenging ones. The easiest of Hogwarts Heritageexperiment ofIt is placed in the lowest position in the list. Of course, this makes sense considering its role as a preliminary experiment.
Keeper Trial 2: The Trial of Charles Rookwood
Portal gates and annoying Pensieve enemies abound.
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Interact with Charles Rookwood's painting at Rookwood Castle after completing 'Back on the Path'. |
The design is similar to the first trial. Higher difficulty with challenging portal puzzles and fighting Pensieve enemies in tight spaces, the final Pensieve Guardian boss. |
Hogwarts HeritageThe second experiment of Charles Rookwood– Some of Charles' puzzles are much more challenging compared to the first trial. And there's more to it than that, too. Tricky portal door and platform puzzle That can be confusing at times. For example, there are tricky sequences where players have to rotate archways to change colors and move objects using specific spells, for example. Wingardium Leviosa–

Hogwarts Legacy: Charles Rookwood's Complete Trials Guide
Like the first trial, The Trials of Charles Rookwood is full of tricky puzzles and difficult enemies in Hogwarts Legacy.
There are also more challenging battles. Pensieve protector Along the way, which is some Hogwarts HeritageThe Hardest Non-Boss Enemies The battles against the Pensieve Protectors and Guardians in Rookwood's Trial feel more intense than the first Trial. The combat difficulty bar also tilts upwards, with certain enemy types becoming invisible. As always, players will see another cutscene at the end through the Pensieve, but this time in the memories of Charles Rookwood.
That said The Trial of Charles Rookwood It is similar to Percival Racham's in some ways, with many repetitions of the mechanics. This can make some players feel a little repetitive. However, the overall difficulty level is slightly more difficult. Some players may be relieved that the remaining two challenges are separate from this experimental format. The third and fourth trials will have many different features.
Keeper Trial 4: San Bakar's Trial
Tame and ride the mighty Graphorn, Lord of the Coast.
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on the mission line To 'Prepare Your Owl', return to the Map Room after defeating the main quest 'Lodgok's Loyalty'. Afterwards, head to Cragcroft Shore Floo Flame to meet Professor Fig. |
A unique and challenging battle for control of Graphorn followed by a thrilling ride across the land. A player-chosen moment where the player chooses where to kneel or attack Graphorn. One of the shortest trials. |
The fourth and final Keeper trial was a thrilling ride and narrowly missed the top spot. Hogwarts HeritageThe best experiment of San Bakar Keeper Trial Lead players into fast-paced boss battles with the power of Krapon called Lord of the ShoreOne of the Hogwarts HeritageThe strongest animal of It's a rather difficult battle. And players must use all their skills to reach the top.

Hogwarts Legacy: The best spell collection
The right composition of the spell loadout in Hogwarts Legacy will allow players to deal massive damage with ease.
Players will have to fight the Graphorn to control it. and decided to kneel or attack it. Either way The player will unlock Grafon Mountain And is making an exciting return trip using one of them. Hogwarts HeritageThe best mount to travel the land It can be considered one of the most exciting moments of the game. As players overcome the fierce obstacles of the Dark Wizards Unfortunately, the trial ended too soon, however it still marks a break from the similar format of the first two trials.
Keeper Trial 3: The Trial of Niamh Fitzgerald
Fantastic nod to the Deathly Hallows and iconic black and white design.
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Talk to Niamh's portrait in the Headmaster's office in the mission 'Stop Ranrok and Rookwood' after completing the main story mission 'The Polyjuice Plot'. |
Testing stealth against patrolling AI, including a giant Death Figure. Long arena battles against many enemies using the Elder Wand make for the toughest tests yet. |
In many ways, The Third Keeper Trial stands out above the rest. Hogwarts Heritage Interesting trial Harry Potterof The Hallows of Death, which many gamblers probably remember from Harry Potter books and movies It features a creative and stunning monochrome visual style, as if the player has just stepped into the story page.
In addition, the art form used in Niamh's trial Fitzgerald reminiscent of moving pictures The story of three brothers Stories told in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1, Originally told in The Tales of Beedle the Bard, who had a cloak of invisibility. Elder's Wand and Resurrection Stone In an adventure similar to the story Players must find three items to complete the experiment: Mysterious cloak– Mysterious wandand Mysterious stone– The use of the mysterious magic wand is also a highlight. It gives a feeling of true power and mastery of craftsmanship.

Hogwarts Legacy: 6 Awesome Side Missions You Shouldn't Skip
These side missions are some of the best non-main story adventures that Hogwarts Legacy has to offer.
When considering all of this Hogwarts Heritage Niamh Fitzgerald's Experiment balances the most diverse gameplay with a strong visual style. Make it stand out above all else. Players must use careful stealth to hide from the shadows of creepy and dangerous creatures with clever timing. Not to mention the looming presence of death. There are also many satisfying battles such as Hogwarts HeritageThe hardest test of– Harry PotterThe Elder's wand is incredibly overpowered and fun to use in intense battle scenes with Death's minions battling waves of enemies. This resulted in a challenging but satisfying conclusion.

- Released
February 10, 2023
- OpenCritic Ratings