Genshin Impact may change the rarity of Ian Zhan.


  • Ian Zhan could be a 5-star Electro character in Genshin Impact version 5.4.

  • Miruko, a reliable leaker, claims that Ianzan's rarity has changed. But that information is already two months old.

  • However, Iansan's iconic position suggests that she might be a 4-star character, not a 5-star, so fans should take this leak for granted.

Latest leak from Genshin Impact The community claims that Iansan may be a 5-star character in version 5.4, although Natlan has suggested a character that fans may not like. Already liked by many, but Iansan is also well known. Genshin Impact player since the 2020 Travail trailer. Her composition was confirmed to be Electro during Natlan's Ignition teaser, but Iansan's rarity has been a hotly debated issue among fans and leakers. Especially in versions prior to 5.3.

The current information that players have about Ian San. Genshin Impact Well, she's set to be released sometime during version 5.4. This patch is expected to introduce a new zone for Natlan, and as such, Iansan will need to provide it. Genshin Impact Players have the ability to explore that is replicated. Tatankasaurus from Collective of Plenty Version 5.4 will add Mizuki, a 5-star Anemo character from Inazuma, to the playable cast. While all signs point to Iansan being a 4-star character for version 5.4, there may be a chance that Genshin Impact change direction


Genshin Impact Leak Reveals Electro Saurian's Abilities

The latest Genshin Impact leak reveals its exploration abilities. Tatankasaurus This appears to have been released in version 5.4.

According to Miruko, Ian Zhan would be a 5-star Electro character in terms of believability. Miruko is known for being the leaker who shared Capitano's sword model as well as songs from version 5.0, while Miruko has proven to have early access to upcoming content. Genshin Impact Content This is probably one of the boldest claims made in the past few patch cycles. According to Miruko, the data is two months old. This means that the developers may change their minds about Iansan's rarity after Archon Quest in version 5.1.

Genshin Impact: Iansan might be a 5 star character.

However, this leak should be taken with a grain of salt for two reasons. Ianzan's symbol is used in Pilgrim's Chronicle along with Ororon and Kachina. which are two other 4-star characters in Natlan. If she is a 5-star character in Genshin ImpactHer symbol is instead saved for the Tribal Chronicle. As such, the logical assumption offered by the game is that Iansan is a 4-star of the Plenty clan, while Varesa is a 5-star of the tribe.

In addition, upcoming items Genshin Impact The character places Iansan alongside Varesa, who isn't expected to debut until 5.5. With Kachina followed by Xilonen and Ororon followed by Citlali, there seems to be a pattern of releasing 4-star Natlan tribe characters before 5-star. This is probably because 5-star characters have an upgraded version of their tribe's exploration ability. Fortunately, players won't have to wait long. Genshin Impact to confirm Ian San's rarity As her drip marketing is expected to begin soon, version 5.4 is scheduled for release on February 12, 2025.

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