Explains the straw hat power-up in Elbaf.

This article contains spoilers from One Piece's Elbaf arc.


  • Luffy strengthens Haki and Gear 5 in El Buff.

  • Zoro must improve his strength and other Haki forms.

  • Sanji's increase in power is related to his scientific growth.

After many years of waiting The Straw Hat Pirates have finally arrived in Elbeuf, and fans can't wait to see what exciting events unfold as the story continues. As always, the Straw Hat Pirates will play a key role. this By revealing great mysteries about world government. and take part in incredibly exciting battles.


One Piece: Oda's next bounty reveal is set to be huge.

Oda is set to reveal a huge new bounty in One Piece, all of which will take place in the Elbaf arc.

Naturally, since this is the last saga of one pieceThe Straw Hat Pirates will become stronger and stronger. As the story progresses in Elbaf, and to be expected it will be as they face the powerful threats that arise next. Each member of the team will grow in their own way here, and fans can't wait to see what superpowers they'll gain after the arc's conclusion.

Strengthening the power of the three monsters

  • Luffy needs to improve his overall performance.

  • Zoro lacks strength with Enma.

  • Sanji must bring out his best.

The Monster Trio will definitely be under the spotlight in the Elbaf arc. one pieceEspecially when it comes to the fighting aspect, fans expect them to fight powerful foes throughout the Elbaf arc and as they fight and take part in exciting battles. They will most definitely improve their overall skills. As for Luffy, fans know exactly what the next challenge will be. Luffy has gained the power of Gear 5, and he has unlocked all types of Haki. There's no denying that Luffy is already on a very high level, however, if there's one thing that One Piece's Egghead arc made clear, That is, Luffy needs more power if he wants to take down the super-powered Five Elders, or worse, Imu. Joyboy gives Luffy the answer to what he needs to defeat the Elders, and that is level Haki. higher When Luffy learns how to use Conqueror's Haki on the same level as Joyboy. He is unstoppable. And progress towards that begins in Elbaf. This was likely when he fought the great Holy Knight. Luffy also needs to improve his use of Gear 5 and be able to use it longer in this form.

When you're dead You're just bones anyway. Hit loud as your heart beats! – Luffy

As far as Zoro goes, fans know that he has to improve in many areas, even though Zoro had a great performance with Enma. But he was nowhere near the level of an Admiral or a Yonko. If he wanted to defeat Mihawk He must become stronger. and the challenges posed by Elbaf, such as the Holy Knights or even Loki. It would push him to the next level. First, Zoro had to make sure that he wouldn't die after using the Hell King after a few minutes. He also had to upgrade his Conqueror's Haki. Since it's still quite difficult right now, Zoro will also need to improve his other Haki styles and may need to increase his strength by pushing himself beyond his limits. This can only be done by facing very powerful enemies.

Meanwhile, Sanji is as impressive as ever in Final Saga. one pieceAnd fans can't wait to see him take it to the next level. For Sanji, the next big power boost will definitely involve growing up in science. which Oda himself said was not yet complete. Moreover, developing Haki and awakening powers such as Conqueror's Haki would also be very good.

Strengthening the power of the weak trio

Nami, Chopper, and Usopp will have exciting roles in Elbaf.

While the three monsters of the Straw Hat Pirates have always been at the center of One Piece's most exciting power-ups, the weak trio have never had much to do, but Elbaf has to lead the trio in a direction that different If the Straw Hat Pirates had to compete with other emperors and surpass them to become the Pirate King team. Every member must be very strong. This made the three weak groups have high expectations.

As far as the chopper goes, fans can't expect much. Since he hasn't had many big fights in One Piece, Chopper recently gained a special power that allows him to fight for 30 minutes in Monster Point, and that will likely remain his best power for a while.


One Piece: Oda Prepares Elbaf's First Big Battle

Elbaf's first big battle takes place with Oda. Here's what to expect in One Piece.

On the other hand, Nami needs big support. She's weak now. Even though she had just recently gained access to the power of Zeus. Oda has emphasized many times that Nami's full Zeus power is not an invincible weapon like many people think. Because of this, Nami needs to strengthen herself with powers like Haki due to Elbaf's deep connection. With the God of Thunder Thor, Nami may gain more power along those lines in the future of the arc.

Luffy will never rest until he becomes the Pirate King! – Nami

Meanwhile, Usopp has a most exciting future ahead of him. Usopp had always wanted to come to Elbeuf and believed that this was where he could achieve his dream of becoming a proud warrior. There is no doubt that Usopp is still far from achieving his dreams. And this can change for the better. Usopp can acquire Haki weapons in this section. And if luck is on his side He was able to gain Conqueror's Haki as well. It all depends on where Oda wants the story to go. His weapon, Kuro Kabuto, could also see some major upgrades in the story's saga.

Increases the power of the remaining Straw Hats.

Other Straw Hats may not have received significant reinforcements.

Brooke fights with Big Mom and asks to see her panties.

The remaining members of the Straw Hat Pirates will grow up in Elbaf's arc. one piece as well, but their growth may not be as pronounced as the growth of the other six. For example, Robin has access to Haki, but for Jinbe, there may not be a clear power increase since he already has a lot of power. Franky can increase his scientific powers by working with Vegapunk or including the Adam Tree in his arsenal.

Franky uses his left weapon.

In the end, Brook may or may not get exciting powers. Oda will keep him as is. Or he could connect Brook's powers to Elbeuf's underworld. which seems reasonable and reinforced Brook's demon powers there. There is potential for the majority of the Straw Hat crew to grow stronger in this part of the story, and fans can't wait to see what comes next in this main storyline that continues to surprise all readers and beyond. Anticipation

One Piece is available on Viz Media. Fans can read the series officially and for free on the Shonen Jump and Manga Plus apps. The release date for the next chapter of One Piece, One Piece 1136, is set for the 19th. January 2025

One Piece-1999.jpg

Release date

October 20, 1999


Eiichiro Oda

Number of episodes


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