Explaining the edited content of Breath of the Wild


  • Many areas, objects, and graphics were cut from Breath of the Wild, but bugs can still be found.

  • Unused graphics, text, and music, such as alternate Master Sword images and abandoned in-game text, were discovered.

  • Dozens of items, from the broken Master Sword to more than 200 unused items, were originally planned for the game. But the final cut was never made.

While the video game is in development Features Many are often designed and then later removed for one reason or another. Whether it's downsizing the game or just to reflect a change in the game's direction. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild It's one of those games that has suffered massive cuts or has been released as a full version with some content still intact but not all of it used. Luckily, Breath of the Forest It ended up being an incredible experience in the end. Even going so far as to win the Game of the Year award.

Considering its large size Zelda: Breath of the Wild That is, it is understandable why the development process cannot be completed without injury. Games like this usually start with a much larger scope. Ultimately, though, it's still an incredibly large experience. Breath of the ForestCut and unused content includes many areas and objects, graphics, items, text, music, and other oddities, the purpose of which remains largely unknown.


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Everything from Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Never before have so many areas and objects been used in Breath of the Wild.

Sometimes certain elements of a game just don't need to be cut. Instead, it found its way into the final version but was never implemented. Such as the case of certain objects and areas in Breath of the Forestwhere all players can also find out if they can glitch through the map or not. For beginners Beyond the confines of the interior of the Deku Tree in Korok Forest, there are unused flowers inside what appears to be a partially modeled room. There are things beyond the map's boundaries that can be found. Breath of the ForestThe Test of Strength shrine has a giant chamber beneath its floor.

At the top of Hyrule Castle in Breath of the Forest It is another hidden area. This one is locked behind a door that is never opened during the game. The pit that Grandmaster Kohka fell into during Link's battle with him at the Yiga Clan's hideout also has a fully modeled and textured floor below. Breath of the ForestThe Champion's Ballad's second DLC pack features many unused rooms and content outside the confines of the Major Test of Strength shrine, including a giant empty chamber beneath the floor. Two large areas filled with water near the start and end, the shrine zone, and another accessible underground space.

Sometimes certain elements of a game just don't need to be cut. Instead, it found its way into the final version but was never implemented.

Moreover, it seemed that Mount Akat had entered. Breath of the Forest It may once have been an area that players could visit. Because mountains are not only perfectly simulated; But there are also plateaus and various areas to explore. Also in the back This also applies to the cliffs west of Rito Village, which have been modeled in a way that allows the player to explore them. Normally, an area like this would have an invisible wall to block it. But for some reason Players can then access this wall.

Some graphics are not used in Breath of the Wild.

There are also several graphics that are not used. Breath of the ForestThis can be found in the game's internal files. The first image is of Link posing in front of Zelda at the Great Plateau outside the Shrine of Resurrection. The image appears to be pulled from Link's memories and shows Link wearing the Hero of the Wild outfit, although the outfit is It is slightly different from how it appeared in the final game.

Speaking of Zelda's memories, the two thumbnails showing the Master Sword were not applied to the Memories tab in the Adventure Log.

Meanwhile, players can complete the Hyrule Compendium by taking pictures of themselves. Breath of the ForestThey were also able to purchase some from Symin in the Hateno Tech Lab, however, many of the original images that Symin planned to sell were unused. Each image features a Chuchus, a fish, a mushroom, an Epona, an iron chest, a Korok, and a sentinel.

Dozens of items were cut from Breath of the Wild before release.

among Breath of the ForestThere are dozens of cuts of content as well. Broken Master's Sword As seen in Link's memories in Breath of the ForestIt was apparently once a wearable weapon capable of dealing as much damage as the entire Master Sword, although it made no sound when pulled from Link's sheath. As well, several cooking recipes have been removed, such as stir-fried mixed mushrooms, decoction, strong decoction, Thai rice, and salmon rice.

Additionally, even though Brightcap Mushrooms appear Tears of the KingdomThey don't enter Breath of the Forest– However, they were originally designed to appear Breath of the ForestThis means that it existed for approximately several years before its release. Tears of the Kingdom– Finally more than 200 items were created for Breath of the Forest But it was removed before release. This includes cooking ingredients, minerals, fruits, plants, and mushrooms.


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Text and music were also removed from Breath of the Wild.

curious to see inside Breath of the ForestThe music file is the soundtrack for the employee rolls. Sky SwordBut in the end I stopped using it for some reason. There are also some unused passages, with “The Master Sword has returned to the forest” being one of them. It is possible that the Master Sword may have been dropped at one time. But it will respawn later in the Korok forest. It looks like a demo will also be created. Breath of the Forest At one point Because I've never used the message. “In this demo version You cannot progress beyond this.” Additionally, originally, if players attempted to purchase additional Heart Containers or Stamina Vessel when Link was at max level, They will receive a message saying “You are already overflowing with vitality and strength. Continuing to increase your power could destroy you.”

There were also countless conversations from the shopkeeper that had never been translated before. Breath of the ForestEnglish version of

Miscellaneous content and other oddities were cut from the game.

Last but not least is Miscellaneous Oddities and Other Content. that was cut out Breath of the Forest Before the launch, first of all there are those three chests. Breath of the ForestSheikah's Sheikah Sensor+ is detectable in game, but cannot be found. These chests include the one in Hateno Village which rewards purple rupees. A chest in Aris Beach which gives an Opal reward. and a third chest in Lake Rassla, which awards the Royal Shield. Interestingly, a lone Shock Arrow sits above an invisible barrier in the sky above the Southern Oasis, and there's another One-Hit Obliterator that keeps falling. Due to proximity to Vah Ruta

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