EX Cards Not Worth the Risk


  • Pokemon TCG Pocket reintroduces EX cards with huge risks and minimal rewards.

  • Important EX cards like Gyarados, Mewtwo, and Arcanine have too much movement. This makes those cards ineffective.

  • Legendary Pokémon Moltres & Zapdos also disappoint with inefficient moves that aren't worth the risk of using them.

fans of Pokemon trading card game There were some exciting months after Game Freak's release. Pokemon TCG PocketA new mobile app that lets players collect and battle exclusive Pokémon. Deck of Cards There are hundreds of cards to collect. But few are as rare and powerful as EX cards, despite their price.


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Unlike normal cards, when Pokemon EX cards are knocked out of battle, Your opponent will receive two points instead of one. which means Although the use of EX cards can be incredibly rewarding for patient and strategic players, But there is a huge risk at the same time. These eight cards can be an incredible fortune for those who succeed. But for fighters They aren't worth the trouble of losing them.


Gyarados EX

Cruel Pokemon

Gyarados-EX Card





Evolutionary information

Stage 1 (Evolves from Magikarp)

maternal grandmother

Whirlpool Rampage (140)

Gyarados is already a difficult Pokémon to pull off in the TCG, as it takes up space on the bench for players. (Or forbidden from having active slots) with poor little Magikarp. The risks are even greater when you look at Gyarados' sole move: Rampaging Whirlpool, which deals up to 140 damage using four energies. But there's a caveat that makes it not worth the trouble.

Whenever using Rampaging Whirlpool, every player must remove one energy. all Pokemon in the active spot or on the bench This can be a useful way to catch your opponent off guard. But they could see it coming from a mile away once the Gyrados was drawn. This EX card was too much to ask for. Unless you're willing to be patient and give your Gyarados extra energy.


Exec Cutter EX

coconut pokemon

Full Exeggcutor-EX card





Evolutionary information

Stage 1 (evolves from Exeggcute)

maternal grandmother

Tropical Swing (40 – 80)

It's a bit of a downer when Exeggcutor EX isn't as good as its non-EX form, which has useful psychic attacks. which can deal an additional 20 damage for each extra power placed on the card. Exeggcutor EX may have a slight increase in HP. But its only move, Tropical Swing, only deals a maximum of 80 damage, which is its base psychic damage.

With Tropical Swing, players must flip a coin to see if the attack deals 40 damage or 80 points. It might come in handy for those rare finishing calls. But it doesn't make sense to put Exeggcutor EX in your deck when there are much better grass prints on EX cards like Venusaur EX, which can confuse or poison your opponent. And can heal allies once per turn.


Mewtwo EX

genetic pokemon

Mewtwo-EX Card





Evolutionary information


maternal grandmother

Psychic Sphere (50), Psydrive (150)

It might come as a shock that a Pokémon as revered as Mewtwo isn't happy with its EX cards. Mewtwo EX has rare bonuses from two moves: the low-cost Psychic Sphere and the high-cost Psydrive, but Psydrive is rather Annoying in operation for four energy The player will deal 150 damage, but will have to discard two psychic energy from their Pokémon.


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which means Unless the player keeps Mewtwo EX with Energies on the bench. It would take at least one more round before the Psydrive was ready to use again. In that time, opponents (especially high-powered ones) could easily dispatch Mewtwo, while the Psychic Sphere dealt less damage. 100 damage The only advantage is that Mewtwo EX has a relatively low retreat cost, costing only 2 energy.


Arcanine EX

Legendary Pokemon

Full Arcanine-EX Card





Evolutionary information

Stage 1 (Evolve from Growlithe)

maternal grandmother

Hellfire (120)

Arcanine EX comes with the side effect of one move that fans of pokemon Video games will be familiar with: Recoil damage For three power levels, Arcanine's Inferno Onrush deals 120 Fire-type damage, but it deals 20 damage back to Arcanine as well. This may not seem like much for a Pokémon with 150 HP, but that's on top of any damage. that Arcanine may receive from an opponent during a given turn

in competition pokemon Meta, 20 recoil damage isn't a bad thing. Arcanine (like its Hisuian form) is typically used to compete with Flare Blitz, which deals recoil damage equal to 33% of the target's lost HP. However, in the game the meta is very different. Pokemon TCG PocketTaking an extra 20 damage every turn is a huge risk that players want to avoid.


Miu X

new species of pokemon

Full Mew-X Art Card





Evolutionary information


maternal grandmother

​​​​​​​​Psyshot (20), Genome Hacking (varies)

Like its sibling Pokemon Mewtwo, Mew EX was a huge disappointment for competitive TCG players. The cheapest move is Psyshot, which deals 20 damage per energy. But another move, Genome Hacking, requires three Energy to copy an attack from one of your opponent's active Pokémon. This may sound sweet, but it completely depends on the opponent.

In some cases, players who draw Mew EX may be able to use attacks that cost their opponent 4 or more Energy for 3, but this will depend on many assumptions about the Pokémon they are using. It can be a strong strategy for an opponent to thwart Mew EX's plans by retreating and sending out a worthless Pokémon that can still deal 20 damage from Psyshot.


Zapdos EX

electric pokemon

Full Zapdos-EX card





Evolutionary information


maternal grandmother

Peck (20) Hurricane Thunder (50 – 200)

Like Mew EX, Zapdos EX comes with a disappointing single energy move Peck. This only deals 20 damage. On the other hand, Zapdos EX's other move, Thundering Hurricane, might seem overpowered with a 200 damage max, but that's only when the player flips a coin. four times and got heads all four times If it's tails all four times, Zapdos EX will do it. do not have anything throughout the turn


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The 200 damage move is obviously incredibly useful. Pokemon TCG PocketSince it can wipe out most Pokemon from the board in a single turn, however, it is very rare for players to experience that. Unless they're incredibly lucky with a coin flip, most of the time, they'll be lucky if it deals 50 damage, which isn't much for a legendary Pokémon like Zapdos.


Moltres EX

fire pokemon

Full Moltres-EX card





Evolutionary information


maternal grandmother

Hell Dance, Heat Explosion (70)

Zapdos EX isn't the only member of the legendary trio to have a disappointing EX card. Pokemon TCG Pocket– Moltres EX has only one damaging attack, Heat Blast, which deals 70 damage over 3 energy levels, which is already terrible. However, it has an additional non-damaging move, Inferno Dance, which uses one energy

With Inferno Dance, players must flip three coins. for each head Players can equip any Pokémon on their side with Fire-type energy. This can be a useful way to add other, better Fire-type Pokémon cards to the game, but for Moltres, it's definitely not the most useful when the maximum damage output is 90 against Pokémon it's sensitive to. Fire type movement.


Charizard EX

fire pokemon

Full Charizard-EX card





Evolutionary information

Stage 2 (Evolve from Charmeleon)

maternal grandmother

Slash (60), Crimson Storm (200)

Put all your biases aside, because yes, Charizard EX isn't worth the risk of using. Pokemon TCG Pocket– At first glance, it might seem like a great EX card with two attacks, however, its cheapest attack, Slash, deals only 60 damage using three energy types. Which is already asking a lot of players. And that's not even counting Crimson Storm's high risk and high reward.

Crimson Storm requires four energy to deal 200 damage without a coin flip or other warning. However, after using this move The player must discard two Fire-type Energy. For players who haven't stockpiled Fire-type energy onto Charizard EX, this means that not only will they not be able to use Crimson Storm for at least one turn, but also Slash, which is incredibly deadly.

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